آخر تحديث :Sun-06 Oct 2024-10:49AM
جامعة عدن

أستاذ / عبد الوهاب موسى صالح

تاريخ ومحل الميلاد

1959 /الضالع

تاريخ التعيين


الدرجة العلمية الحالية


تاريخ الحصول على الدكتوراه

2010م كلية الطب/جامعة ليفربول - بريطانيا

التخصص العام

طـب أطفال

التخصص الدقيق

امراض الدم في الاطفال

تلفون المنزل والموبايل


البريد الالكتروني









Personal Details

Dr. Abdul-Wahab Mosa Saleh (Al-Saqladi)

20 Omer Al-Mukhtar, next to Al-Wahda Teaching Hospital,

Sheikh-Othman, Aden, Republic of Yemen

P.O. Box 6032 Khormaksar, Aden

Mobile: 967-711948268

e-mail: asaqladi@yahoo.com



2003- 2010

PhD, University of Liverpool, School of Tropical Medicine, UK

Title: Sickle Cell Disease in Yemeni Children: Clinical, Biochemical and Genetic Aspects.



MSc in Pediatrics. Aden University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (Excellent grade)

Dissertation project: Dysentery in Children



MBBS, Bachelor in Medicine and General Surgery, Aden University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (Excellent grade)


Research interest



Main interest in child health, growth and development, nutritional disorders, pediatric hematology and pediatric gastroenterology 

Teaching activities



Demonstrator in Pediatrics


Instructor, clinical lecturer and graduate examiner in pediatrics, Aden University


Assistant professor in pediatrics, University of Aden



Work Experience



Ministry of Public Health, general practitioner in Khormaksar Polyclinic and Pediatric Hospital



Residency in Pediatric department, Al-sadaka Teaching Hospital, Aden



Pediatric specialist in Al-Wahda Teaching Hospital



Consultant pediatrician Al-Wahda Teaching Hospital, Aden and Ibn-Khaldon Hospital, Lahj Governorate



- Utility of plasma transferrin receptor, ferritin and inflammatory markers in children with sickle cell disease. Pediatrics and International Child Health 2012; 1 (1):27-34



- Growth in Children and Adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease in Yemen. Annals of Tropical Pediatrics 2010; 30  (4):287-298




- Beta globin G cluster haplotypes in Yemeni children with sickle cell disease, Acta Hematologica 2010; 123 (3):182-185




- Frequency of the MTHFR C667T polymorphism in Yemeni children with sickle cell disease. Hemoglobin 2010; 34 (1):67-77




- Severity of Sickle Cell Disease in Yemeni Children. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2009; 55(3):208-209



- Growth and Nutritional Status of Children with Homozygous Sickle Cell Disease. Annals of Tropical Pediatrics 2008; 2 (3):165-189




- Clinical profile of Sickle Cell Disease in Yemeni Children. Annals of Tropical Pediatrics 2007; 27(4):253-259




-    - Socioeconomic Factors in Relation to Infant Feeding and Diarrheal disease. International Symposium “Behavioral Sciences and Millennium Challenges in Developing countries, Aden, 7-9 March 2000. Mental Health Journal 2000; 20:32 (Abstract)



- Bloody diarrhea changing pattern of admission, clinical presentation and deaths during five years (1992-1996), the 30th Congress of Arab Medical Union 15-17 July 1997, Sanaa



- Serious Complications Among Children Admitted During Shigella dysentery sero type-1 (Shiga) outbreak. Emirate Medical Journal 1995;13:134-151



- Birth weight of 3000 infants born in Al-sadaqa Teaching Hospital, 13th scientific session, 12-13 May 1992, Faculty of Medicine, University of Aden



- Main causes of admission and death among neonates admitted to Al-sadaqa Teaching Hospital, 13th scientific session, 12-13 May 1992, Faculty of Medicine, University of Aden



Conferences and other participations

- Innovations and dilemmas surrounding screening for sickle cell anemia, 18th December 2008, Academic Medical center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands



- Research in Progress, Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 19th December 2007, London. UK







- Child Health in Yemen, presented at 15th May 2006, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Department, Emma Kinderziekenhuis, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands



- Fourth International Conference on Homocysteine Metabolism; June 29 - July 3, 2003, Basel, Switzerland



- Postgraduate Researchers in Science Medicine Conference, 28th June 2007, University of Chester, Chester, UK


- Participation in the 30th Congress of Arab Medical Union 15-17 July 1997, Sanaa, Yemen


- The Founding Congress of the Yemen Section of the International College of Surgeons and Scientific Meeting Faculty of Medicine Aden University, 26 March 1996, Aden





- Course in Statistic and Computer Skills at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine ( March – May 2003), Liverpool, UK 



- Course in Scientific Research Methodology at Liverpool

School of Tropical Medicine (15-30 March 2002), Liverpool,




- Second Yemen Course on Problem-Based Pharmacotherapy Teaching for University Teachers: 1-4 November 1999 Aden, Yemen 



- First Yemen Course on Problem-Based Pharmacotherapy Teaching 17-20 October 1998 Sana’a, Yemen 



IT Skills

Working efficiently with Microsoft word, excel, power point, SPSS (statistical analysis software) and Endnote reference manager. Internet browsing, with competent Medline data base searching.