آخر تحديث :الأحد-06 أكتوبر 2024-10:49ص
جامعة عدن

خالد عبدالله زين السقاف | Khaled Abdulla Zain Al-Sakkaf


Name:Khaled Abdulla Zain Al-Sakkaf
Professor, Community Medicine and Public Health
Place of birth:Lahej, Yemen
Marital Status:Married, Father of one child
Postal Address:Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Aden. P.O. Box 6336- Khur Maksar, Aden, Yemen.
Telephone:Home: 967 2 363945/4        
Mobile/work: 967 711554207, 967 777382229

2005-2009    Dr Ph, Public Health
    National University of Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia

1998-2000       Master Degree, Public Health (Epidemiology) 
        High Institute of Public Health, Alexandria, Egypt.

1982-1989            Medical Degree, M.B.CH.B
        Faculty of Medicine, University of Aden, Yemen.

Work experience
2021 to date    Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Aden.
2020 to date    Member of COVID-19 Vaccine Taskforce, MoPHP
2020 to date    Member of Technical Advisory Committee on COVID-19, MoPHP
2021 - 2022    National Consultant on COVAX, WHO.
2021 to date    Coordinator of " Public Health Master Program", Yemeni Council for Medical Specialization
2020 - 2021    Vice Dean, Academic Affairs, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Aden
2020 - 2021    National Consultant on COVID-19 NDVP, WHO.
2020 - 2021    National Consultant on COVID-19, WHO.
2019 - 2020    Vice Dean, Clinical Practice and Community Affairs, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Aden
2014 - 2019    Head, Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Aden
2012 to date    Consultant, Amin Nasher Higher Institutes of Health Sciences, Aden
2009 - 2021    Coordinator of Health Administration Professional Master Degree, Yemeni Council of Medical Specialization
2007 to date    Epidemiologist, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Aden
2001-2009            Vice Dean for Institutes’ Branches, Dr. Amin Nasher Higher Institute of Health Sciences, Aden
1993 - 2001            Lecturer, Department of Community Health, Amin Nasher Higher Institute of Health Sciences, Aden
1994 - 1998    Academic Vice Dean, Amin Nasher Higher Institute of Health Sciences, Aden
1989 - 1994    Urology Department, Al-Gamhouria Teaching Hospital, Khormaksar, Aden

Scientific Participations:
-    Workshop on the "preparation of 5-Years plan for the Ministry of Public Health", Sana'a, December 1995.
-    Symposium on the "launching of Aden cancer registry", Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden, November 1996.
-    International conference on "a safe food for better nutrition", Alexandria, Egypt, 21-23 April 1998.
-    3rd seminar on "women, food and health", Alexandria, Egypt, 22-23 February 1999.
-    4th seminar on "women, food and health, we are what we eat", Alexandria, Egypt, 17 November 1999.
-    2nd National Conference on "cancer diseases in Yemen, causes, prevention and control" Taiz, 15-17 May 2001.
-     Facilitator of the "training course of teachers", Dr. Amin Nasher Higher Institute of Health Sciences, Aden, 2-13 June 2001.
-    The first scientific symposium of Al-Gamhouria Teaching Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden, 22-24 September 2001.
-    The “second Yemeni Italian medical conference”. Mukalla, 4-7 November 2001.
-    The “Scientific and Medical events: Canada-Yemen; towards establishing the National Program of Oncology in Yemen”. Aden, 18-21 January 2002.
-    The “INCLEN global meeting XVIII: equity, efficiency and quality in health care”. Sharm El-Sheik, Egypt, 10-13 February 2002.
-    The “Scientific meeting 2002 of Gynaecology and Obstetrics”. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden,5-7 March 2002.
-    The “Science Conference-2002”. Yemeni Scientific Research Foundation, Taiz, 11-13 October2002.
-    The “third Yemeni Italian Medical Conference”. Aden, 15-16 January 2003.
-    The “Science conference-2003”. Yemeni Scientific Research Foundation, Seyoun, 11-13 October2003.
-    The “6th IEA Eastern Mediterranean Regional Scientific Meeting”. Ahwaz-Iran, Ahwaz University of Medical Sciences, 8-11 December 2003.
-    The “Science Conference-2004”. Yemeni Scientific Research Foundation, Sana’a, 11-13 October2004.
-    The “4th UICC conference for cancer organizations”. Dublin, Ireland, 17-19 November, 2004.
-    The “5th UICC conference for cancer organizations”. Washington, DC, USA, 8-12 July, 2006.
-    The "1st annual USA-Qatari international cancer conference". Doha, Qatar,28 April-1 May, 2007.
-    The "Pan Arab breast cancer symposium", Amman, Jordan, 28-30 June, 2007.
-    Workshop on “PACT: Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy: imPACT mission Yemen”. Sana’a, 2-4 July, 2007.
-    The “13th National Conference on Medical Sciences”. Kota Bahru, Malaysia, 22-23 May 2008.
-    The "6th Yemeni cardiac conference and the 2nd symposium on rheumatic fever", Aden, Yemen, 8 – 9 October, 2008.
-    The "1st Middle East and North Africa regional breast cancer advocacy conference", Amman, Jordan, 31 October – 2 November, 2008.
-    The “4th Gulf Oncology Cancer on Head and Neck Cancer”; Sana’a, Yemen, 16 – 18 February, 2009.
-    The “2nd Haematology – Oncology Conference”; Aden, Yemen, 10 -11 March, 2009.
-    The “2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender in Science and Development”, Aden, Yemen, 12–14- December, 2009.
-    The “2nd Scientific Conference: Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Epidemic of the Era”, Mukalla, Yemen, 2–4- February, 2010.
-    The “3rd Haematology – Oncology Conference”, Aden, Yemen, 16–18 February 2010.
-    The “5th International APOCP Conference for Cancer Control”, Istanbul, Turkey, 2 –7 April 2001.
-    The “TWOWS 4th General Assembly and International Conference: Women Scientist in a Changing World”. Beijing, China, 27 – 30 June 2010.
-    Symposium “World Health Day 2011: Antimicrobial Resistance: No Action Today; No Cure Tomorrow". Aden, 8 April 2011.
-    "The 33rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Cancer Registries (IACR) Cancer: Countries in Transition", Balaclava, Mauritius, 11 – 13 October 2011.
-    "Symposium on Pandemic Influenza and Emergencies: Ethics Planning" Sharm El-Shikh, Egypt, 4-5 December 2011.
-    The "2nd EMPHENT 5th TEPHENT Regional Scientific Conference", Sharm El-Shikh, Egypt, 6-9 December 2011.
-    Workshop on "Preparation of Program Learning Outcomes Framework for Medical Laboratory Sciences Program", Aden, 18 – 19 March 2012.
-    Symposium “World Health Day 2012: Healthy Ageing: No Action Today; Good Health Adds Life to Years". Aden, 7 April 2012.
-    Workshop on "Course Specification of Medical Laboratory Sciences Program", Aden, 30 June – 2 July 2012.
-    Educational Institute on "Responsible Research with Infectious Diseases: Ensuring Safe Science in the 21st Century", Aqaba, Jordan, 8 -13 September 2012.
-    The 4th Conference of HUCOM "Medical Education in Yemen: Prospects and Challenges". Mukalla, 15 – 17 December 2012.
-    Symposium on "Science and Health", Aden, 22- 24 December 2012.
-    The “5th Communication Skills Workshop”, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden, 19 -21 January 2013.
-    The Annual Scientific Meeting of the “American Association for the Advancement in Sciences (AAAS)”, Boston, USA, 12-18 February 2013.
-    “Orientation Workshop on the Nutrition Study Program” Sana’a,"" 10- 11 March 2013.
-    Symposium “World Health Day 2013: Control Your Blood Pressure . . .
Control Your Life". Aden, 15 April 2013.
-    The “International Conference on Women in Science and Technology in the Arab Countries”, Kuwait, 21-23 April 2013.
-    "Curriculum Revision and Updating" Workshop, Aden, 25-29 May 2013.
-    "Zoonotic Disease in Yemen Higher Education" Workshop, Sana’a, * October 2013.
-    The "Yemeni Academic Conference on Nutrition Program", Sana'a, 8 – 12 December 2013.
-    “Workshop on the Training of Academic Program Development Experts”, Sana’a, 8-13 March, 2014.
-    "Consultative Meeting to Establish the Internal Quality System of the Faculty of Medicine". Aden, 18 February, 2014.
-    “Workshop on the Approval of the Plan of Reviewing the Academic Program of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences”, Aden, 26 March, 2014.
-    Symposium “World Health Day 2014: Vector Borne Diseases (VBD): Small Bite, Big Threat " and “World Malaria Day 2014: Invest in the Future: Defeat Malaria”. Aden, 22 April 2014.
-    “Workshop on reviewing and preparation of the vision, mission and values of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden University”, Aden, 21 July, 2014.
-    “Workshop on the Development of a Certificate Program in Bioethics for Yemeni Clinicians, Researchers, and Policy Makers”, in Collaboration with Georgetown University. Amman, 3-5 August 2014.
-    “Workshop on the Pharmacy Program and Courses Specification”. Aden, 1 – 5 November, 2014.
-    “Workshop on the Medicine Program and Course Specification”. Aden, 15 – 20 November, 2014.
-    “Workshop on the Disinfection and Sterilization”. Sana’a, 15 December, 2014.
-    “The Yemeni International Conference on Infectious Diseases”, Sana’a, 16 – 18 December, 2014.
-    “Workshop on the Approval of the Faculty Vision, Mission, Aims, Values, and Medicine Program Mission, Aims and Outcomes”. Aden, 21 January, 2015.
-    “Workshop with Stakeholders for on the Approval of the Faculty Vision, Mission, Aims, Values, and Medicine Program Mission, Aims and Outcomes”. Aden, 1 February, 2015.
-    “The annual Obs-Gyn Conference: Woman and Health”, Aden, 12-22 March 2016.
-     “Scientific Meeting on Public Health Aspects of Diabetes Mellitus. Beat Diabetes: Scale up prevention, strengthen care, and enhance surveillance”. Aden, 11 April, 2016.
-    “Workshop on the Strategies for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases Particularly Diabetes Mellitus”. Aden, 12 April, 2016.
-    “Scientific Meeting on World Hepatitis Day: Know hepatitis - Act now, Aden, 28 July, 2016.
-    “Workshop on Research Ethics”, Aden, 22-24 August, 2016.
-     “Workshop on Incorporation of HIV/AIDS in Health Curricula”, Aden, 27-29 August, 2016.
-    “Workshop on Family Medicine: Reality and Future Prospects”, Aden, 26 January, 2017.
-    “6th Hematology-Oncology Annual Conference”, Aden, 5-6 February, 2017
-    “6th Obs-Gyn Annual Conference”, Aden, 21-22 March, 2017.
-    “1st Annual Conference on Internal Medicine”, Aden, 22-23 April, 2017.
-    “Annual Meeting on the World Health Day: Depression; Let’s talk” Aden, 27 April, 2017.
-    Symposium on “World Hepatitis Day”. Aden, 30 August, 2017.
-    “Workshop on Curriculum Development and Students’ Assessment”. Aden, 29 - 31 October, 2017.
-    “The 7th Hematology – Oncology Conference”. Aden, 3-4 February, 2018.
-    “Bioethics Forum: Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, Aden, 26 February, 2018.
-    “Research Ethics Workshop”. Aden, 27-29 March, 2018.
-    “The 7th Obs – Gyn Conference”. Aden, 3-4 April, 2018.
-    “The 2nd Internal Medicine Conference”. Aden, 25-26 April, 2018.
-    “Workshop to Approve the Standards for the National Tool to Classify the Yemeni Universities”. Aden, 1 - 2 June, 2018.
-    The 8th Hematology-Oncology Conference”, Aden, 7 February, 2019.
-    “The 1st Conference of Aden Cardiologists Association”, Aden, 27-28 March, 2019.
-    “The 8th Obs-Gyn Conference of Aden University”, Aden, 1-2 April, 2019.
-    Workshop on “Malaria Program Strategic Plan 2020-2024”, Aden, 2019.
-    Workshop of “NTD Strategic Plan 2021-2025”, Aden, 2020.

Scientific Publications
1.    Al-Sakkaf K, Basaleem H, Bawazir A. Vaccine Hesitancy and Acceptability of COVID-19 Vaccines among Students in Medical Specialties. Int J of Trop Dis & Health 2022; 43(3): 55-68

2.    Bin Ghouth A, Al-Shoteri S, Mahmoud N, Musani A, Baoom N, Al-Waleedi A, Buliva E, Kareem E, Naiene J, Crestani R, Mikiko S, Barakat A, Al-Ariqi L, Al-Sakkaf K, Shaief A, Thabet N, Murshed A, Samouel O. SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence in Aden, Yemen a Population-Based Study. Int J Inf Dis. 2022; Feb (115): 239-244

3.    Babakri M, Al-Sakkaf K, Basaleem H. Lower urinary tract symptoms among male medical students and its relationship with khat chewing habit: A cross‐sectional study. Low Urin Tract Sym. 2021; Oct 13 (4): 463 - 467
4.    Al-Sakkaf K, Bahattab A, Basaleem H. (2020). Cholera knowledge, socioeconomic and WaSH characteristics in Aden - Yemen, 2017: a community-based comparative survey. J Prev Med Hyg 2020; 61: 392- 400
5.    Basaleem H, Al-Sakkaf K, Bawazir A. Integrated Management of Childhood Health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. In Laher I; (ed). Handbook of Healthcare in the Arab World. Switzerland: Springer; 2019
6.    Basaleem H, Al-Sakkaf K. Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices among Under Two Years Children in Three Rural Southern Yemeni Governorates: A Community Based Pre–Post Educational Intervention Study. International Education and Research J 2019; 5(5):24-9
7.    Basaleem H, Al-Sakkaf K. Are Married and Unmarried Yemeni People Differ in their Perception of Family Concept and its Function? International Journal of Public Health Research 2018; 8(1):939-949
8.    Ba-Saddik A, Basaleem H, Al-Sakkaf K. Depressive Symptoms and Associated Factors among Medical Students, in University of Aden, Yemen. Yemeni Journal of Medical and Health Research 2018; 7 (1&2): 23-36.
9.    Basaleem H, Ba'amer A, Al-Sakkaf K, Bin Briek A, Saeed A. Maternal and Neonatal Health Care Knowledge Among Yemeni Community Midwives: A Community Based Cross Sectional Study. Research Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2017; 10 (2): 1-10
10.    Bin Al-Zou A, Bin Thabit M, Al-Sakkaf KA, Basaleem H. Skin Cancer: Clinico-Pathological Study of 204 Patients in Southern Governorates of Yemen. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2016; 17 (7): 3195-3199
11.    Al-Sakkaf K, Basaleem H. Breast Cancer Knowledge, Perception and Breast Self- Examination Practices among Yemeni Women: an Application of the Health Belief Model.  Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2016, 17 (3), 1463-1467
12.    Alshakka M, Basaleem H, Al-Sakkaf K, Mokhtar M, Alshagga M, Al-Dubai S, Jha N, Abdoraboo A, Shanke PR. Knowledge and Perception towards Pharmacovigilance among Healthcare Professionals in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Aden, Yemen. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine.2016, 2(1):20-27
13.     Al-Sakkaf K, Basaleem H. Breast cancer knowledge, perception and screening practices among Yemeni women: an application of the health belief model Asian Pac J Clin Onco 2014, 10(3):111-112
14.    Basaleem H., Al-Sakkaf K. National breast cancer control strategy in Yemen. Asian Pac J Clin Onco 2014, 10 187-187
15.    Al-Iryani B,  Basaleem H,  Al-Sakkaf K,  van den Borne GB. Process evaluation of school-based peer education for HIV prevention among Yemeni adolescents. SAHARA J; 2013; 10(1): 55–64
16.    Bawazir AA, Bin Hawail TS, Al-Sakkaf KAZ, Basaleem HO, Muhraz AF, Al-Shehri AM. Distribution and utilization of curative primary health care services in Lahej, Yemen. Public Health 2013 08: 127

17.    Al-Iryani B, Basaleem H, Al-Sakkaf K, Crutzen R, Kok G, van den Borne B. Evaluation of a school-based HIV prevention intervention among Yemeni adolescents. BMC Public Health 2011;11(1):279

18.    Al-Sakkaf K, Basaleem H, Khadijah Shamsuddin K. Mothers’ knowledge and Perception about Childhood Immunization in Aden, Yemen, 2008.  Journal of Tropical Nephro Urology 2011; 10 (6): 10-14

19.    Basaleem H, Al-Sakkaf K, Shamsuddin K. Immunization coverage and its determinants among children 12-23 months of age in Aden, Yemen. Saudi Med J 2010; 31 (11):1221–6

20.    Al-Iryani B, Al-Sakkaf K, Basaleem H, Kok G, van den Borne B. Process evaluation of a three-year community-based peer education intervention for HIV prevention among Yemeni young people. Int Q Community Health Educ  2010;31(2):133-154
21.    Basaleem H, Al-Sakkaf K, Shamsuddin K, Shah S. Knowledge, Attitude & Practice Intention in Family Planning & Population Related Issues among Medical Students in the National University of Malaysia. J of Gender and Development 2010; 4: 59 – 77

22.    Basaleem H, Bawazir AA, Moor M, Al-Sakkaf K. Five Years Cancer Incidence in Aden Cancer Registry, Yemen (2002-2006). Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev 2010; 11: 507-511

23.    Yousef K, Basaleem H, Al-Sakkaf K. Daytime Urinary Incontinence among Kindergarten Children in Aden Governorate, 2003. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transplant 2010;21(6):1092-9

24.    Basaleem H, Bawazir AA, Al-Sakkaf K. Female reproductive cancers in Yemeni patients. TWOWS Proceedings 2006; 1 363-40

25.    Basaleem H, Bawazir AA, Al-Sakkaf K. Head and neck cancer: Is it a problem among Yemeni patients? J Natural Applied Sciences 2005; 9 (1):23-7

26.    Basaleem H, Al-Sakkaf K. Awareness of the Physicians about Medical Nutrition Therapy. Arab J Food Nutrition 2004; 5(11)206-47

27.    Basaleem H, Alwan S, Abdo A, Al-Sakkaf K. Assessment of the nutritional status of end-stage renal disease patients on maintenance hemodialysis (Aden-Yemen). Saudi J Kidney Dis Transplant 2004; 15(4):455-62

28.    Basaleem H, Al-Sakkaf K. Colorectal cancer among Yemeni patients: characteristics and trends. Saudi Med J 2004; 25(8):1002-5

29.    Basaleem H, Al-Sakkaf K. Cancer of the urinary system. Journal of Tropical Nephrourology 2004; 1(1): 13 – 18

30.    Basaleem H, Al-Sakkaf K. Knowledge and attitudes of the students of the Higher Institute of Health Sciences (Aden, Yemen) towards obesity. Arab J Food Nutrition 2003; 4(4)210-21

Training courses
-    Training course on the "Management of an Educational Development Center", University of Jordan, Amman, 20th May-20th June 1997.
-    Training course on the "Administration of Health Institutes" Management and Development Arab Center, Cairo, Egypt, 27th July - 9 Augustth 1997.
-    Training course “IARC International course on Cancer Epidemiology: principles and methods”. International Agency for Research on Cancer, WHO, Izmir Cancer Registry, Izmir, Turkey, 15-26 April 2002.
-    Training course “IARC International course on Advances in Cancer Epidemiology”. International Agency for Research on Cancer, WHO, Lyon, France, 18-22 May 2003.
-    The “Training Courses in Cancer Registry using CanReg-4”, Sana’a, 28-30 September 2004.
-    The 2008 National Cancer Institute (NCI) Summer Curriculum “Principles and Practice of Cancer Prevention and Control Course”, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, 7th July – 1st August”.  
-    The “Training Course on Cancer Registry Program”, Pattaya, Thailand, 10 – 13 February, 2009.
-    "CanReg 5 Training Workshop" ", Balaclava, Mauritius, 10 October 2011
-    “Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI). Biomedical Research – Basic Researcher Curriculum. Amman, 3 – 5 August, 2014.
-    SMART management training. UNICEF and ACF, Aden, 2021

Special activities:
-    During the period of two years (1997-1998), participated in the "Development of project's continuing education program" for the health workers in Dhamar, as well as the "Survey on the evaluation of these training courses" in collaboration with Dhamar primary health care project and the Netherlands governments. 
-    Participated in a number of humanitarian projects with local and international organizations mainly the United Nation Higher Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
-    Facilitator in the organized courses in “Research Methodology” for tutors in Dr. Amin Nasher Higher Institutes for Health Sciences, Aden 2002 in collaboration with WHO-Yemen.
-    Facilitator in the workshop on “Field Training” for tutors in Aden Health Institute, 10-12 June 2002.
-    Coordinator of “Community Medicine Board Degree” Yemeni Council for Medical Specialization, Aden branch for several years
-    Technical Assistant in the European Union Health Projects (Health Development Council or HDS) in Lahej Governorate.
-    Consultant (Researcher) with SOUL organization for development, with which I participated with some studies with UNICEF and World Bank.
-    Consultant (Researcher) with FMF, with which I participated with some studies with UNICEF and World Bank.
-    Consultant (Researcher) and participated in some studies with UNICEF, WHO, IOM and UNHCR.
-    Academic Curricula Developer participating in the development of the curriculum of the High Institutes (Sana’a and Aden), Bachelor degrees of Medical Laboratory Sciences (Aden University) and Nutrition Study Program for Bachelor, Specialized Diploma and Postgraduate degree for the Yemeni Universities and High Health Institutes.
-    Part timer as Epidemiologist in Aden Cancer Center.
-    Member of the International Epidemiological Association (IEA).
-    Member of the administrative committee of the Yemeni Society for Cancer Control.
-    Member of Founders of the National Cancer Control Foundation (NCCF).
-    Member of the Yemeni Society of Public Health.
-    Member of Friends of Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD).
-    Member of the Health and Development Organization.