آخر تحديث :السبت-31 أغسطس 2024-10:10م
جامعة عدن

أستاذ مساعد. جميلة محمودعفارة

Gamila Mahmood Affara 

A. Personal Details

   Sex:  Female

  Academic Title:  Lecturer Specialisation:  English

 Marital Status: Married

 Date of Birth:  23 . 9 . 1968

 Place of Birth:  Republicof YemenAden

 Permanent Address :  House No.23 , Alahmadi District- Remi, Almansoora, Aden, Yemen.

Telephone No. 270854

B. Qualification

 a)  Secondary School Certificate

     AdenYemen   1984 – 1988

  b)  B. Ed.   In English

    Universityof Aden, Faculty of Science, Arts and Education

    Aden,Yemen  1990-1994

 c)  M.A  in Applied Linguistics

    Universityof Aden, Faculty of Education, English Department

   Aden,Yemen  1999 – 2006

    Title of Dissertation:  An Investigation of the Language Needs and a Suggested    Course Framework for the Diploma Students of Computer Programming at the Computer Centre, AdenUniversity.

C . Academic and Administrative Responsibilities

 1- Place of Work:  Faculty of Education, Aden

    Post: Lecturer, Department of English

    Period: 1995 – Present

2- Place of Work:  National Bank of Yemen

    Post: Clerk

    Period: 1989 – 1990

D. Other  Skills

    Participation in ELT courses in Canterbury, U.K.