آخر تحديث :Fri-26 Jul 2024-12:03AM
جامعة عدن

أستاذ دكتور/ عباس أحمد عبدالرحمن باوزير

الوظيفة الحالية:

أستاذ المحاصيل - كلية ناصر للعلم الزراعية – جامعة عدن

 تاريخ الميلاد:   6/14 /1958م

الحالة الاجتماعية: متزوج ولديه ولدين وبنت

تليفون :   : 00967777162254     

Name:    Abbas Ahmed Abdulrahman Bawazir

Nationality:  Yemen.

Data of birth:  14/6/1958.

Marital status:  Married. Father of two sons and one daughter.

Employment:  University of Aden. 

Department of Agronomy & Agricultural Botany,

Nasser Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Al-Hawtah. Lahej. 

Address:  P. O. Box No 6336 – Khormaksar, Aden. Yemen.


Office 9672 502384

Telefax 9672 502155

Mobile 967 711907756

  967 777162254

E mail  abbawazir@hotmail.com


Present Academic and Administrative Position

 Full title Professor: Department of Agronomy & Agricultural

Botany. Nasser Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University

of Aden.


1988   PhD in agricultural science (High institute of agriculture, Plovdiv, Bulgaria).

General specialization:  Agriculture.

Specific specialization:  Agronomy/weeds and their control.

Ph. D research in: weeds and their control

Academic promotions

2006  Professor “full title”.

1981  Instructor and appointment in the University services.

Academic Posts

1999 to 2012  Dean of Nasser Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University

of Aden.

1996 to 1999  Head of department of Agronomy and Agricultural Botany.

1988 to 1992   Head of Agronomy department.


Academic Experience

Organizing and conducting more than 14 teaching modules for undergraduate and postgraduate (Masters and PhD) courses. Also it includes practices in the field for the following modules:  

 General crop production.

Production of cereal & legume crops.

Production of industrial crops.

Principles of agronomy.


Weeds and their control.

 Weeds and seeds production.

 Weeds and crop rotation.  

Other advanced modules for postgraduate (MSc. and PhD) students:

Weeds and their control (Advanced).

 Ecology and physiology of weeds.

Advanced production of food crops.

Weed biology and their control – Advanced.

Modern methods of integrated control of weeds.

 Herbicides- Advanced  

Research Experience

  Completion of more than (54) research and scientific study published or presented in local, regional and international scientific journals or scientific conferences that is going with research line of crop production, weed and their control, food security, flora, environment and agricultural education.

   Participation in numerous conferences, seminars and workshops, scientific at home and abroad.

   Chaired a number of preparatory committees for conferences and seminars  carried out by the college and participate in the membership of a number of other national levels.

 In 1992 one research year was spent to study Allelopathy phenomenon. The high institute of agriculture –Plovdiv, Bulgaria. 

   In 2010, a course in the field of "Best practices for the collection, conservation and utilization of genetic resources." International Center for Research on arid and semi-arid  ICARDA. (Aleppo - Syria).

  Supervisor of student research projects for Masters and PhD students.

  National Consultant for ( Preparing drafting legislation & regulations of Seed Quality Control) – 2013. For Rain Fed Agriculture and Livestock Project (RALP); Ministry OF Agriculture & Irrigation; Republic of Yemen.

   External examiner in many sessions for Master and PhD student in Aden and Sana’a Universities.


Participation in government programs; functional and scientific societies:

   Editor in chief of the Yemeni Journal of Agricultural Research (Refereed Annual Research Journal-issued by Nasser’s Faculty of Agricultural Sciences- University of Aden).

  Member of the editorial board of Arab Universities Journal of Agricultural Sciences (A  Refereed Scientific Research Journal - issued by the Arab Association of Colleges of Agriculture - Union of Arab Universities).

   Directorate chairman of the Center for Agricultural consultancy and community service.

  Member of the Board of Directors of the agricultural research and extension Authority – Ministry of agriculture and irrigation.

  Member of national committee of the Genetic resources–Ministry of agriculture and irrigation.

   Chairman of club for graduates from Nasser’s faculty of agricultural sciences – university of Aden.

  Member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Aden Award for scientific research.

   Membership of a number of boards and scientific committees in the department, faculty and university.

   Founder member for the general assembly of society of Arabic Agriculture Faculties and member of the administrative authority.

Membership in Societies:

 Arabic society for plant protection

 Weed Science Society member for the Near East

Egyptian society for weed sciences

 Association of Life Sciences of Yemen

 Yemeni society for chemistry

 Flora team - University of Aden

  Contribution in many different social, charitable and sportive activities


Published researches and studies in scientific journals

2013    Influence of nitrogen fertilizer application methods and weed management on weed growth and onion (Allium cepa L.) yield. Arab journal of plant protection– Volume 31, Issue (2), 2013 - Lebanon - the Arab society for plant protection.

2011   Influence of plant density and weed management on onions (Allium cepa L.) and associated weeds. (Yemeni journal of agricultural research – No 33 – December 2011. Nasser’s faculty of agricultural sciences – university of Aden).

2010 Allelopathic activity of some common weeds species in onion fields. Allelopathy Journal 26 (2):175-184 (2010). International Allelopathy Foundation).

2008 Weed management in onion (Allium cepa L.) planting with seeds. Yemeni journal of agricultural research. No. 25–March 2008. Nasser’s faculty of agricultural sciences – University of Aden).

2007   Weed management in transplanted tomato (Lycopersicum esculentium). (Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor. Vol. XLV - Issue III – Sept. 2007:p. 25-35: Faculty of Agriculture,  Mosthtohor - Benha University. Egypt.


2007  Weed management in transplanted tomato (Lycopersicum esculentium) planting with seed. (Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor. Vol. XLV, Issue III. September 2007:p. 1524: Faculty of Agriculture, Mosthtohor – Benha University - Egypt ).

2005   Weed control effects on dry material accumulation and elements uptake by tomato and their associated weeds. (Yemeni journal of agricultural research. No.22. Dec. 2005. Nasser’s faculty of agricultural sciences – University of Aden.

2005   A preliminary weed survey on cotton fields at Tuban Delta (Lahej – Yemen). University of Aden Journal of Natural and applied sciences – Volume 9– No 2 – August 2005.

2005  Effect of soil solarization on weeds in sesame crop in Tuban Delta, Lahej governorate, Yemen. Arab journal of plant protection – Volume 23, Issue (1), 2005.

2002    Study on some biological characteristics of Alhagi maurorum. Yemeni journal of agricultural research, No.15; June 2002; p 79-88. Nasser College of agricultural sciences. University of Aden.

2000  The impact of human activity in the degradation of coastal vegetation in Aden -Yemen. Journal of Research Taiz University - a special research the First Scientific Conference on Environment and Natural Resources -Part II. Taiz University-15-22 April 2000: p.183-192).

1999  Effect of high temperature and soil moisture on germination of Datura innoxia Mill., Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link. And Cassia italica (Mill.) Lam. Ex steud. (Arab journal of plant protection – Volume 17, Issue 1, June 1999 – pp 36-40).

1997  An evaluation for different methods of weed control on tomato nursery. (Yemeni Journal of agricultural researches –Number (3)- 1997-  Nasser’s faculty of agricultural sciences).

1995  Effect of soil covering with sawdust and thin polyethylene sheets on weeds of okra crop. (Arab journal of plant protection- volume 13- Lebanon 1995- the Arab society for plant protection).

1996  Effect of thinning dates on growth and yield of maize crop. (Journal of natural & applied sciences- volume (1)- No (1) (1996)- University of Aden)

1994  Weed survey on tomato fields in Lahej Governorate – Republic of Yemen. (Yemeni Journal of agricultural researches – volume (1)- Number (1)- 1994- p49-63- Nasser’s faculty of agricultural sciences).

1992  Study on Allelopathy of Desmostachya bipinnata. Periodical for scientific production of high institute for agricultural sciences- Plovdiv. Bulgaria. No. 2; Vol. 37. pp 131-137-1992). [In Bulgarian].

1988  Efficiency of weed herbicides Dalapon, Glyphosate and Fuzilad on Cynodon dactylon and effect of the rhizome length on response to that efficiency. Periodical for scientific production of high institute for agricultural sciences- Plovdiv- Bulgaria -1988). [In Bulgarian].

1988   Effect of plant distances and nitrogen fertilization on cotton medium staple. (Yemeni Journal of Agriculture – No1-1988 –Ministry of Agriculture & Agrarian reform and Nasser’s faculty of Agricultural sciences – University of Aden).


1984  Response of some forage mixtures to nitrogen fertilization. (Agricultural journal – No4, 1984, pp5-17. Nasser’s faculty of agricultural sciences – University of Aden).

Researches and studies which were submitted to symposiums and conferences:


2010  A preliminary study of the impact of the integrated management of weeds on crop onions “Allium cepa L.” in the southern coastal plain of Yemen. Symposium on: the production of horticultural crops in Yemen –ALHOTA 26-27 Oct. 2010, Nasser's Faculty of Agricultural Sciences - University of Aden.

2010   Allelopathic activity of some common weeds species in onion fields. (First Annual International Conference – Ebb 2010.  Environmental science and technology 1 to 3 August 2010. 

2010  Soil solarization one of the effective solutions to reduce pesticide contamination of soil under the local circumstances. First Annual  International Conference – Ebb 2010.  Environmental science and technology 1 to 3 August 2010 .

2008  Development of cereal crops in Yemen - a scientific study on the  challenges of present and future prospects. Symposium on Agriculture between ambition and self-sufficiency to food security in Yemen - ALHOTA 29 to 30 March 2008 - Nasser's Faculty of Agricultural Sciences - University of Aden.

2006   Weed control effects on dry mater accumulation and elements uptake by tomato and their associated weeds. (Ninth Arab Congress of Plant Protection, 19-23 November 2006, Damascus, Syria. Arab Society for Plant Protection & General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, Syria).

2006  Evaluate the effectiveness of weed control in cotton grown on water wells in the province of pilgrimage. (Scientific workshop on the deterioration of the cotton crop in the province of Lahej -the causes and treatments – Al-Hota March 28, 2006 - Nasser's Faculty of Agricultural Sciences - University of Aden).

2006  Development of wheat production in Yemen (in fact, constraints and prospects for development). Scientific symposium on the 5 th  Arab Bread Day. The role of scientific research in higher rates of domestic production of inputs makes bread and raises the nutritional value. Taiz 2006 -The General Authority for Agricultural Research and Yemen Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control.

2005  Evaluation of MSc programs in - Nasser’s faculty of agricultural science – University of Aden. Conference of agricultural education and development – faculty of agriculture – University of Sana'a 26-28 February 2005.

2005  Weed control in cotton cultivated under wells irrigation in Tuban delta. (The scientific symposium for reality and futuristic horizons for cotton cultivation in Yemen republic – Agricultural research and extension authority –Elkod research station. Elkod 24-25 Dec. 2005).

2005   Evaluation of control experiment in - Nasser’s faculty of agricultural science – university of Aden. (The workshop about evaluation of control experiment for examinations in university of Aden – Aden 28-29 January 2005).


2004  Experiment of the postgraduate studies in Nasser’s faculty of agricultural science – university of Aden. (The scientific symposium for evaluation of postgraduate studies in university of Aden. “postgraduate studies serve development” Aden 27- 28 April 2004).

2003  The futuristic imaginations for postgraduate studies in the Nasser’s faculty and possibilities of directed affiliation. (The workshop about evaluation of postgraduate studies in Nasser’s faculty of agricultural science –University of Aden, Al-Hawtah –6 January 2003).

2002   Weed survey in cotton fields in Tuban delta – Lahej governorate. (Science Conference 2002 – Yemen scientific research foundation – Taiz 11-13 October 2002.

2001  The statistical indicators of food production and the development horizons in Yemen republic. (The scientific meeting about Yemeni agriculture strategies on 21st century –Aden 16-17 September 2001 - Nasser’s faculty of agricultural science – university of Aden and ministry of agriculture and irrigation).

2001  Effect of soil solarization on sesame crop in Tuban delta – Lahej governorate – Yemen. (Science Conference 2001 –Yemen scientific research foundation – Sana'a 11-13 Oct. 2001.

2001  Wheat importation and its effect on national economy and common directions for production development in Yemen republic. (The third scientific symposium about effect of production inputs and technical industrialization on the bread quality –Al Mukalla – July 2001.

2000  Effect of the human activity on deterioration of coastal flora in governorate of Aden. (The first scientific conference for ecology and natural resources –University of Taiz 15-20 April 2000.

2000   Some indicators of input and outputs for BSc of Nasser’s faculty of agricultural science. (Evaluation symposium of Nasser’s faculty of agricultural science – University of Aden – 29-30 May 2000.

2000  Production of wheat in Yemen; reality and development horizons. The second scientific symposium about reality of bread industry and its development horizons in Yemen. Aden. 16 July 2000.

2000   Study of some biological characteristics for Alhagi maurorum. Science Conference 2000 – Yemen scientific research foundation – Al Mukalla 11-13 October 2000.

1999  Effect of the weeds control on accumulation of food elements and dry matter in tomato plant and their associated weeds. (Science conference 1999 – Yemeni scientific research foundation – Aden 11-13 October 1999).

1999   The plastic misapplication in Yemen (the first national conference about the dangers of destructives and another chemical materials on health of the human being and ecology –Yemen society of cancer control - Sana’a 14-16 march 1999).

1998  Soil solarization, one of the safety and available substitutes ecologically to limit from using of chemical destructives. The first scientific symposium about ecology. University of Ibb 24-25 Oct. 1998.

1998   The principal characteristics for the present academic system of the BSc degree in Nasser’s faculty of agricultural sciences and horizons of its development. Symposium of “agricultural education in Yemen between reality and ambition”. Faculties of Agriculture – Universities of Sana’a, Aden and


Ibb. Sana’a 17-19 October 1998.

1997  Water and problem of desertification in Yemen. The first scientific symposium of waters – faculty of petroleum and minerals – university of Aden – Atag – 8-10 December 1997.

1997   Using the Plant wastes as a cover for soil. The regional symposium about the safety ecological using of fertilizer and destructives -research national center– Arab republic of Egypt –Al Ismailia 9-20 march 1997.

1996  Allelopathy phenomenon, one of the forms of the chemical reaction between the growing plants in same ecological system. The scientific conference of Yemeni chemists. Aden 14-16 May 1996. ”Chemistry & Development and ecology”. Yemeni chemical society and university of Aden.

1996  The scare plants in Socotra. Who protect them? (First scientific international symposium about Socotra Island “present and future” (poster). Aden 24-28 March 1996; University of Aden  1996 Date palm in Socotra. (First scientific international symposium about Socotra island – present and future – Aden 24-28 March 1996 – university of Aden).

1994  Weeds and important of their control in cotton crop. (Scientific symposium on cotton- “production, marketing, problems” Lahej-Oct. 1994. Ministry of agriculture and water resources – Lahej office).

1992  Secondary crops cultivation using methods of different tilling as a source of extra fodder quantities. ( Second national scientific conference for youth – Costinpored – Bulgaria -22-23 October 1992 – Agricultural academy – Bulgaria ) ( In Bulgarian ).

1992  Effect of soil solarization on wilt disease and weeds of okra crop. ( The 9th symposium “ The scientific research in service of agricultural development “ – Aden – October 1992 - Nasser’s faculty of agricultural sciences university of Aden.

1992  Oil crops in Yemen – The reality and possibilities. (Symposium of food security in Yemen republic – Faculties of Agriculture – Universities Sana’a and Aden.

1987   Possibility of Cynodon dactylon control under condition of the intensive use of agricultural land. (The 14th National scientific symposium. Albyna, Bulgaria 1987. Agricultural academy – Bulgaria.


References :

A. A. Al-Sakaf   Professor, Department of Agronomy & Agricultural Botany, Nasser’s Faculty of  Agricultural Sciences, University of Aden. Yemen. Tel. 967 2 241586.

Sh. A. Shaban   Professor, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University,  Egypt. Mobile: 20 1222580004; E. mail: shaban_abdelhady@yahoo.com

J. R. Qasem  Professor, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of  Jordan. Amman, Jordan. Mobile: 962 799760211 ; E. mail: jrqasem@ju.edu.jo