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Dental Radiology " Techniques& Normal Landmarks" --Dr.Al-Ass Abdulmajed Alawi & Dr.Muhgat Ahmmed Ali:دار جامعة عدن للطباعة والنشر تصدر كتاب بعنوان:

الإثنين - 27 أكتوبر 2014 - 11:04 ص بتوقيت عدن
 Dental Radiology " Techniques& Normal Landmarks" --Dr.Al-Ass Abdulmajed Alawi & Dr.Muhgat Ahmmed Ali:دار جامعة عدن للطباعة والنشر تصدر كتاب بعنوان:

أصدرت دار جامعة عدن للطباعة والنشر كتاب جديد ضمن

سلسلة الكتاب الجامعي لعام 2013


 Dental Radiology 

"Techniques& Normal Landmarks" 

Dr.Al-Ass Abdulmajed Alawi & Dr.Muhgat Ahmmed Ali


غلاف الكتاب

وقد جاء في مقدمته

Radiographic examinations are one of the primary diagnostic tools used in dentistry to determine disease states and formulate appropriate treatment. Radiographs often confirm what is observed clinically and many times reveal findings not apparent from the clinical examination alone.

Dental radiographs should be prescribed according to selection criteria guidelines and taken only for diagnostic and treatment purposes. Selection criteria guidelines are based on evidence of disease patterns and take into consideration the patient’s medical and dental history, clinical signs and symptoms of disease, risk factors, age and dentition, and new or recall patient status.

While the physics and geometric principles are the same for medical and dental radiography, film sizes, film holders, exposure techniques and film placement techniques have been adapted specifically to imaging the oral cavity.

The first dental radiograph was taken in January 1896 by Otto Walkhoff, D.D.S., M.D., in Brunswick, Germany, just days after Wilhelm Roentgen published his findings on x-rays. Dr. Walkhoff placed a small photographic plate in his mouth and subjected himself to 25 minutes of x-ray exposure.

Since this early experimentation, dental radiography has progressed to become an integral part of modern dental treatment. Radiographic imaging of the oral cavity and related structures is practiced daily in dental offices and dental schools around the world. In this role, technologists provide both service to patients and instruction to future dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants in the technique and art of dental imaging.

Radiology was recognized in 2001 as a specialty within dentistry and, just as with medical radiology, involves interpretation of diagnostic imaging exams and the use of radiation in the diagnosis of disease. The role of Radiography in Dentistry as in medicine, radiography plays an integral role in diagnosing and, in some cases, treating dental disease. The most common reasons for taking dental radiographs are to detect and assess dental caries and periodontal disease. Radiographs often can detect caries before it is evidenced clinically or symptomatically. Thus, it is common practice for dentists to use a combination of radiographs and clinical examination for caries detection.

Radiographic assessment of the height of the alveolar bone between the teeth allows the dentist to detect periodontal disease and track its progression. Dental radiographs also often are taken to check for periapical lesions present with diseased or traumatized teeth. Periapical lesions are most readily confirmed radiographically.

Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------
General Part --------------------------------------------------------
Radiation Safety in Dental Radiography -----------------------
Dental radiographic film ------------------------------------------- 
Radiographic processing -------------------------------------------- 
Infection Control ---------------------------------------------------
Dental x-ray image Characteristics ------------------------------- 
Qualities of excellent radiograph ----------------------------------
Shadow-Casting Principles ----------------------------------------
Periapical radiography ----------------------------------------------
Periapical Paralleling technique -----------------------------------
Bisecting Angle Technique ----------------------------------------
Bitewing radiography ---------------------------------------------
The Full Mouth Series --------------------------------------------
Mounting Films ----------------------------------------------------
Occlusal technique -------------------------------------------------
Localization technique --------------------------------------------
Digital intra oral radiography ------------------------------------
Faulty radiographs -------------------------------------------------
Panoramic radiography -------------------------------------------
Extraoral radiographs ---------------------------------------------
Anatomic radiographic normal landmarks ---------------------
Normal Panoramic Anatomy -------------------------------------