النشأة والتطور
تأسس قسم الهندسة الإلكترونية والاتصالات عام 2000 م وسوف تتخرج أول دفعة من حملة شهادة البكالوريوس هذا العام 2004 م. إن التطور السريع في مجال الإلكترونيات والاتصالات جعل منه حقلا واسعا ومتنوعا كما فتح أبواب كبيرة ومختلفة للمهن المتقدمة والبحث العلمي، وقد ظهر جليا أهمية وأهداف الهندسة الإلكترونية والاتصالات في المجتمعات المتطورة نظرا للدور المتزايد الاتساع الذي تقوم به .
و من هذا المنطلق فإن البرنامج والخطة الدراسية لقسم الهندسة الإلكترونية والاتصالات يهدف إلى أعداد كفاءات هندسية متخصصة قادرة على تطوير تقنيات الهندسة الإلكترونية والاتصالات في مجالاتها المختلفة لخدمة متطلبات التنمية ورفد السوق المحلية بكوادر مؤهلة.
من المعروف بان كلية الهندسة من الكليات التطبيقية التي تحتاج الى تمويل ودعم مستمرين في تسيير العملية التدريسية بالكلية وذلك في تخريج مهندسين مسلحين في مهنتهم بالجوانب النظرية والتطبيقية. ان استكمال الجانب النظري مرهونا باستكمال الجانب التطبيقي لذا تعتبر المختبرات والورش الجانب الحيوي الهام والمكمل للعملية التدريسية بالكلية. يتدرب فيها الطلاب وتضيف الى مداركهم وتوسع مفهومهم النظري الهندسي.
لدى القسم الهندسة الإلكترونية والاتصالات المختبرات التالية:-
1) مختبر القياسات والاجهزة الالكترونية
2) مختبر الالكترونيات الرقمية
ويستخدم القسم مختبر القياسات الكهربائية التابع لقسم الهندسة الكهربائية.
والقسم يعد لافتتاح مختبرين جديدين هم:
3) مختبر الاتصالات وتلاتصالات الرقمية
4) مختبر المايكرويف والألياف الضوئية
الهيئة التدريسية
المنهــج الدراســـي
العام الأول
1st Semester
2nd Semester
Course No.
Course Name
Course No.
Course Name
English Language I
Arabic Language I
Mathematics I
English Language II
Physics I
Mathematics II
Physics II
Introduction to Computers
Workshop Technology
Geometrical Drawing
Computer Programming
* |
Mathematics (Supplementary) |
Electronic Engineering Materials
العام الثاني
3rd Semester |
4th Semester |
Course No. |
Course Name |
Course No. |
Course Name |
UR201 |
Arabic Language II |
FR222 |
Mathematics IV |
FR201 |
Technical English |
FR262 |
Thermodynamics |
FR221 |
Mathematics III |
FR260 |
Engineering Mechanics |
EE203 |
Circuit Theory I |
EE212 |
Electro-mechanical Energy Conversion |
ECE211 |
Electronic Devices |
EE202 |
Circuit Theory II |
CSE231 |
Logic Design |
ECE212 |
Electronic Circuits |
CSE221 |
Data Structures and Programming |
FR222 |
Mathematics IV |
العام الثالث
5th Semester |
6th Semester |
Course No. |
Course Name |
Course No. |
Course Name |
UR311 |
General Culture |
UR312 |
Islamic Culture |
FR321 |
Numerical Computations |
ECE322 |
Communication Systems I |
ECE301 |
Electromagnetic Field Theory |
EE342 |
Control System |
EE331 |
Power Electronics |
ECE312 |
Electronic Instrumentation |
CSE331 |
Microprocessor |
ECE314 |
Digital System Design |
ECE303 |
Signals and Systems |
ECE316 |
Integrated Electronics |
ECE311 |
Digital Electronics |
ECE302 |
Electromagnetic Waves |
* |
Summer Training |
العام الرابع
7th Semester |
8th Semester |
Course No. |
Course Name |
Course No. |
Course Name |
ECE421 |
Communication Systems II |
ECE412 |
Electronic Communication Circuits |
ECE401 |
Digital Signal Processing |
ECE422 |
Digital Communication |
ECE411 |
Opto-Electronics |
ECE424 |
Microwave Communication |
ECE423 |
Telecommunication Transmission & Switching |
ECE426 |
Optical Communications |
CSE431 |
Computer Architecture and Organization |
ECE428 |
Antennas |
ECE431 |
Course Project I |
ECE432 |
Course Project II |
* |
Summer Training |
العام الخامس
9th Semester |
10th Semester |
Course No. |
Course Name |
Course No. |
Course Name |
FR561 |
Engineering Economics & Management |
ECE522 |
Digital Video and Audio |
ECE521 |
Information Theory and Coding |
Elective II |
ECE523 |
Computer Networks |
ECE534 |
Seminar |
Elective I |
ECE531 |
Project Part I |
TheElective course groupings are listed as below.
Elective I |
Elective II |
Course No. |
Course Name |
Course No. |
Course Name |
ECE511 |
VLSI Circuits |
ECE524 |
Satellite Communication systems |
ECE513 |
Industrial Electronics |
ECE502 |
Digital Image Processing |
ECE515 |
CAD of Digital Systems |
ECE526 |
Mobile communications |
ECE501 |
Neural Networks |
ECE528 |
Multimedia Techniques |
ECE510 |
Selected Topics in Electronics |
ECE520 |
Selected topics in Communications |
ملخص المساقات
ECE 102 Electronic Engineering Materials:
Structure of matter: Atomic bonding, energy levels and bonds, crystal structure. Conductors, Semiconductors and insulators: Properties of conducting and insulating materials, semiconductor materials. Opto-electrical properties. Magnetic materials: Para- and Ferromagnetism, ferrite's and their applications. Dielectric materials: Dielectric properties of solids, Ionic conductivity, dielectric loss, break down. Introduction to fiber optical materials.
EE 203 Circuit Theory:
Circuit elements, Independent and dependent sources, Tellegen's theorem, Superposition principle, Reciprocity theorem, Compensation theorem, star delta transformation, Thevenin's and Norton's theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem. Loop currents and loop equations, Node voltages and node equations, KCL & KVL. Unit impulse, step and ramp functions. Initial conditions, solution of network problems, using Laplace transforms, Transient and steady state response of networks for different excitations, concept of complex frequency. Introduction to network driving point and transfer functions. Two port network parameters, h, y, and z. Basic AC circuits, Resonance in AC circuits. locus diagrams.
ECE 211 Electronic Devices:
Introduction to physics of semiconductors; Bipolar Devices: pn junction theory, p-n junction diode, bipolar junction transistor, thyristors. Unipolar Devices: Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET), Metal Insulator Semiconductor (MIS) diode, Charge Coupled Devices (CDD), Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET (MOSFET). Photonic Devices: Light Emitting Diode (LED), semiconductor lasers, and photo-detectors.
CSE 231 Logic Design:
Number systems, Boolean expressions, minimization methods. Gates. Truth tables. Combinational circuits. Karnaugh map, Quinn Macklusky reduction method. Arithmetical units, multiplexers, demultiplexers, Decoders, encoders. Sequential circuits, Flip-flops, delay timer, waveform generation methods. Shift registers, counters.
CSE 221 Data Structures and Programming:
Structured programming concept and methodology - modular programs, information hiding. Data abstraction; sets, stacks, queues. Pointers, linked lists, tree Manipulation. Typed / untyped file manipulations. Sorting and searching. Recursivity.
EE 212 Electro-mechanical Energy Conversion:
Magnetic circuits. Transformers. DC, induction and synchronous motors and generators.
EE 202 Circuit Theory - II:
Driving point and transfer functions; characterization of multi-port networks by driving point and transfer impedance & addmittances. Characterization of two port networks by different parameters. Positive real functions and their properties, test for positive real functions, driving point functions as positive real functions, synthesis of one/two port network.
ECE 212 Electronic Circuits:
Diode circuits, small signal bipolar and FET amplifiers, transistor biasing and bias stabilization. Feedback amplifiers, frequency response of amplifiers. Introduction to differential and operational amplifiers. Tuned amplifiers, power amplifiers; Oscillators.
ECE 301 Electromagnetic Field Theory:
Review of Vector analysis, Electric, and magnetic fields, Gauss’s and Stoke’s theorems; Faraday’s law and time varying field; Maxwell’s equations and the plane electromagnetic wave theory; Propagation and reflection of waves; Transmission line theory; Transmission line charts and impedance matching.
EE 331 Power Electronics:
General structure of power electronics systems, Power semiconductor devices (Basic structure, static and dynamic behavior, SOAR, driving circuits, snubber circuits, series and parallel operation). Single and three phase controlled and uncontrolled rectifiers. Line commutated inverters. Dual converters. Single phase and three phase ac voltage controllers. Transformer tap changers. Cycloconverters.
CSE 331 Microprocessors:
Microprocessor organization (8-16 bit): Central processing unit, internal structures, instruction set, addressing modes, assembly language, address decoding, parallel and serial interfaces, programmable timers, interrupt handling, direct memory access (DMA). Applications.
ECE 303 Signals and Systems:
Classification of signals and systems, system modeling in terms of differential and difference equations. Fourier series; Fourier transform; Laplace transform and their applications to system analysis; Convolution and superposition integrals and their applications; Z-transforms and their application to the analysis and characterization of discrete time systems; Random signals and probability; Correlation functions; Spectral density; Response of linear system to random inputs.
ECE 311 Digital Electronics:
Diode and transistor as switches; switching and speed limitations; RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, I2L and MOS logic gates; Semiconductor memories, Comparators and Schmitt triggers; analog switches; A/D and D/A converters; Sample and Hold circuits; Monostable and Astable multivibrators and timing circuits.
ECE 322 Communication Systems:
Review of Fourier series and transforms. Hilbert transforms. Bandpass signal and system representation. AM, DSBSC, SSB, VSB signal representation, generation and demodulation; Concepts of mixing; Coherent and non-coherent detection; FDM. PM, FM and their interrelationship; Signal representation; Narrow band and wide band FM; Generation and demodulation of FM. PAM, PDM, PPM. A broad overview of PCM, DM and ADM: Review of sampling, quantization, analog to digital conversion. Noise representation. Overview of performance of analog modulation schemes in the presence of noise.
EE 342 Control System:
Classification of control systems, Mathematical models of systems: differential equations and time domain, transfer functions, block diagram and signal flow graphs. Time response analysis, controllability and stability, Bode plots, root locus techniques. Sample-data control systems. State variable techniques.
ECE 312 Electronic Instrumentation:
Instrumentation system generalities: Instrumentation set-up, statistical analysis, and probability of errors. Electronic measuring instruments: Electronic voltmeters and multimeters. CRO: Construction and measurements (time, frequency, phase angle). Transducers: Classification, selecting criteria, applications, construction and use of significant transducers. Digital instruments: Counters and timers, DVM's and DMM's. Instrumentation amplifiers. Data acquisition and conversion. Microprocessor applications.
ECE 314 Digital Systems Design:
Review of combinational and sequential logic; Finite state machines; Hardware description based on hardware description language (HDL); HDL based design of synchronous systems; Introduction to data path and control path synthesis; Asynchronous state machine design; Clocking techniques; Consideration of technology, testability and fault tolerance in design.
ECE 316 Integrated Electronics:
Circuits and specifications of Op Amps.; Linear applications including amplifiers, controlled sources, impedance convertors, filters, oscillators; Non linear applications of Op.Amps.; Timers, PLL, waveform generator and their applications; Voltage regulators.
ECE 302 Electromagnetic Waves:
TEM, TE and TM waves; Guided waves; Rectangular and circular wave guides and resonant cavities; Flow of power and power loss; Propagation of radio waves; Ground and sky waves propagation.
ECE 421 Communication Systems – II:
Radio spectrum; Radio rules and regulations; AM and FM Radio broadcasting transmitters and receivers; Communication transmitter and receiver; Television systems; Camera and scanning; T.V bandwidth; Sync. generation; color T.V transmitters and receivers.
ECE 401 Digital Signal Processing:
Sampling and data reconstruction process; Z-transforms; Discrete linear systems; Frequency domain design of FIR/IIR digital filters; Quantization effects in digital filters; Discrete Fourier Transforms and FFT algorithms; High speed convolution and its applications to digital filters.
ECE 411 Opto-Electronics:
Basic parameters of optical radiation. Luminescence of semiconductors, Light Emitting diodes, parameters and characteristics. Photo detectors parameters and characteristics, photodiodes. Current amplifying photo detectors, photo resistors. Physical process in Lasers, Laser structure, semiconductor Laser types, Laser modulators, Holographic data systems. P-N junction silicon solar cells, thin films solar cells. Introduction to optical fiber wave guides.
ECE 423 Telecommunication Transmission & Switching:
Elements of teletraffic- M/M/1, M/M/S queues, Erlang’s formulas, generic switch and Engest formula; Space-division switching; Time-division network; Analog TDM switching, digital TDM switching, multistage switching networks; Hybrid time and space switching networks; Examples of switch architecture; Telephone call processing; Telephone services-PABX; Common channel signaling; ISDN; Transmission in subscribers loop; Trunk transmission; Satellite switching and multiple access.
CSE 431 Computer Architecture and Organization:
Computer types, computer internal structure and organization, Instruction types, peripherals, interface card types; memory types, segmentation; communication controllers.
ECE 431 Course Project – I:
To train students in carrying out electronic circuit and systems design and development exercises under the supervision of a faculty member in the department.
ECE 412 Electronic Communication Circuits:
Parallel resonant circuits; Impedance transformation; Tuned amplifiers; Large signal operation of amplifiers; Near sinusoidal oscillators; Superhetrodyne receivers; Mixers; AM, FM modulation and detection circuits; Phase locked loops; Carrier recovery circuits; Matched filters; Cross- correlators.
ECE 422 Digital Communication:
Review of probability and random processes; Conditional probability and Baye’s law; Transformation of random variables; Sampling theorems; Quantization; Companding; Gram-Schemidt orthogonalization, vector space formulation of modulation; Noise analysis; General modulator and demodulator structure, OOK, FSK, PSK, BPSK, MPSK and other modulation schemes; Union bond; Baseband pulse shaping ISI, adaptive equalization, echo cancellation; Linear codes; Block codes.
ECE 424 Microwave Communication:
Line-of sight microwave system; Path loss calculations; Microwave transmitters and receivers; Repeater stations; Diversity reception; Microwave tubes: Klystron, Magnetrom and travelling wave tubes. Introduction to microwave solid state devices. Wave guide circuits and techniques. Introduction to radar systems; Radar equation; CW; Monopulse radar.
ECE 426 Optical Communication:
Introduction to optical communications; Review of optical sources,fibres and detectors; Optical signalling schemes – IM, PL, PCCM/PL digital PPM, PFM, PRM; Various receiver configurations; Noise sources; Integrated and transimpedance amplifier; Optical line coding; Performance evaluation of optical receivers for various modulation and demodulation schemes.
ECE 428 Antennas:
Introduction to various types of antennas; Fundamentals of electromagnetic radiation; Radiation from thin wires and small loops; Different types of linear arrays; Pattern multiplication; Long wire antennas; Aperture antennas, waveguide horn, slot and microstrip antennas; Multiple antennas.
ECE 432 Course Project – II:
To train students in carrying out design and development projects in the area of communications under the supervision of a faculty member in the department.
ECE 521 Information Theory and Coding:
Continuous and discrete source and channel models; Measure of information; Channel capacity; Noisy channel coding theorem; Linear block codes; Convolution codes; Algebraic codes and decoding methods.
ECE 523 Computer Networks:
Review of data communication techniques; Data transmission; Line coding; Error control coding; Data switching; Circuit switching; Message and packet switching; Network model- ISO- OSI model; Elements of queuing; Data link control; X-25 data link layer; Random access techniques; Routing and congestion control; Local area networks (LAN) topologies and protocols; High speed LAN’s; Transport layers; Session and presentation layer, data compression and data security.
ECE 531 Project Part – I:
Project work starts in the 9th semester and may include theoretical investigations or systems design and development activity of hardware and/or software nature. Approximately a fourth of the total work involved is to be done. The work done will be examined and grade awarded at the end of the semester.
ECE 522 Digital Video and Audio:
Digital video: Human visual system (HVS), Concepts and standards, Broad cast requirements and standards.
Fundamental of pixel-based techniques:Block diagram of real time image and video coder / decoder. Video compression standards for digital TV, digital HDTV and multimedia: MPEG-2, JPEG and other intraframe techniques, MPEG, motion prediction, interpolation and other interframe techniques. Quality of services issues:Redundancy, intra/inter coding, data loss and error correction.
Digital audio: Human auditory and its influence on digital audio processing: Bandwidth and dynamic range masking. Digital audio technologies: compounding, sampling, error correction and interpolation. Audio compression methods and standards ;Dolby-AC3 standard and other standards.
ECE 534 Seminar:
A student is required to carry out investigations in specialized topics and deliver a talk at the end of the semester.
ECE 532 Project Part – II:
The project started in the 9th semester is to be completed and at the end of the semester the student is required to submit a project report and present the work to a committee constituted by the department.
ECE 511 VLSI Circuits:
Evolution of VLSI; Design system concepts; Evolution of integrated circuits design approaches; Physical design tools; Review of solid state device concepts; Device structure; Device modeling and circuit simulation; MOS circuit design, test methodologies for VLSI; VLSI process development.
ECE 513 Industrial Electronics:
Power electronic components- Thyristors, Triac’s, GTO’s, MOSFET and bipolar devices and their switching properties; Introduction to thyristorised phase controlled rectifiers and dual converter; A.C. controllers and timers, dimmers, heating; Switched mode power supply and UPS systems; Introduction to A.C controllers, inverters, choppers and cycloconverters.
ECE 515 CAD of Digital Systems:
Structured digital circuits and systems: PLAs, logic gate arrays, MOS clocking schemes, Dynamic MOS storage circuits, memory organization, ROMs, SRAM, DRAM, PLA based finite-state machines, data and control path synthesis, systolic arrays. VLSI design automation and verification: HDL, Register-Transfer-Level simulation, logic and switch simulation, placement and routing, CAD tools.
ECE 501 Neural Networks:
Biological considerations, perception and cognitive systems. Artificial neurons and neural network fundamentals. Neural network models. Learning process. Implementation to signal processing, classification and optimization.
ECE 510 Selected Topics in Electronics:
Under this course topics of current interest will be covered.
ECE 524 Satellite Communication Systems:
General overview and technical characterization of satellite communication systems; Earth station equipment; Satellite link design-power budget; EIRP; G/T ratio of receiver; CNR of satellite system; Multiple access techniques- TDMA, FDMA, CDMA and modifications like SS-TDMA, SS-FDMA; Synchronization techniques; Communication transponder; Direct reception systems; Some examples of satellites- ARABSAT … etc.
ECE 502 Digital Image Processing:
Digital image, basic features. Digital image presentation and analysis; linear discrete image transforms. Image Enhancement and pre-processing. Image segmentation. Mathematical morphology; Introduction to image data compression.
ECE 526 Mobile Communications:
Cellular systems: early systems, cell structures, path loss, multipath propagation, inter-cell interference, frequency re-use, spectral efficiency, cell capacity to handle calls-Erlangs, call demand and required number of channels, cell splitting and sectorization, network topology.
Channel utilisation schemes: modulation and multiplexing,comparision of FDMA, TDMA and CDMA multiple access shemes, and spread spectrum modulation.
Cellular radio interfaces: AMPS, GSM and IS54 TDMA systems, IS95 CDMA spread -spectrum system.
Satellite based systems: comparison with terrestrial, different schemes.
ECE 528 Multimedia Techniques:
Definition of multimedia, abstract and digital media, Multimedia environment; operating systems, data bases, network characteristics, Multimedia authoring tools; text, graphics, audio, analog and digital video, animation manipulations – storage, concurrency and delays, Multimedia platforms; development platforms, delivery platforms, Multimedia document management. Multimedia information distribution, Computer network architecture and protocols for multimedia applications, Case studies.
ECE 520 Selected Topics in Communications:
Under this course topics of current interest will be covered.