آخر تحديث :السبت-21 ديسمبر 2024-10:42م
جامعة عدن

جامعة عدن

قسم الهندسة الكهربائية - كلية الهندسة


النشأة والتطور

تأسس قسم الهندسة الكهربائية عام 1976م (المعهد الفني العالي) وبعد تأسيس كلية التكنولوجيا تخرجت أول دفعة من القسم في عام 1980م من حملة شهادة الإجازة الخاصة. يهدف قسم الهندسة الكهربائية إلى إعداد المهندس المتخصص في مجالات الهندسة الكهربائية وإكسابه مهارات مهنية في هندسة نظم القوى والآلات الكهربائية ونظم التحكم الصناعية.




من المعروف بان كلية الهندسة من الكليات التطبيقية التي تحتاج الى تمويل ودعم مستمرين في تسيير العملية التدريسية بالكلية وذلك في تخريج مهندسين مسلحين في مهنتهم بالجوانب النظرية والتطبيقية. ان استكمال الجانب النظري مرهونا باستكمال الجانب التطبيقي لذا تعتبر المختبرات والورش الجانب الحيوي الهام والمكمل للعملية التدريسية بالكلية. يتدرب فيها الطلاب وتضيف الى مداركهم وتوسع مفهومهم النظري الهندسي.

لدى القسم الهندسة الكهربية المختبرات التالية:-

1)  مختبر

2)  مختبر

3)  مختبر

4)  مختبر


الهيئة التدريسية

  أسم عضو هيئة التدريس
الشهادة العلمية

اللقب العلمي


عبد السلام عبدالله هزاع
أستاذ مساعد
رئيس القسم
عبد العزيز سالم باحيدرة
عبد الولي علي هادي
احمد سعيد بن سرور
مدير عام الدراسات العليا
احمد محمد صالح
أستاذ مشارك
محمد زيد عبد الكريم
أستاذ مساعد
طه محمود ردمان
أستاذ مساعد
نجيب احمد نعمان
أستاذ مساعد
عيدروس زين عدس
أستاذ مساعد
عبد الحكيم سعيد نعمان
أستاذ مساعد
منير عبد القادر الجيلاني
أستاذ مساعد
محمد السيد احمد
أستاذ مساعد
أسامه محمد طرموم
أستاذ مساعد
حنان حسن محمد البيحاني
حسين علي حسين حسن
محمد محمد السودي


المنهــج الدراســـي





العام الأول



1St Semester
2nd Semester
Course No.
Courses Name
Course No.
Courses Name
English Language I
Arabic language I
Mathematics I
English Language II
Physics I
Mathematics II
Physics II
Introduction to Computers
Workshop Technology
Geometrical Drawing
Computer Programming
Mathematics (Supplementary)
Principles of Electrical Engineering



SECOND YEAR  العام الثاني



3rd Semester
4th Semester
Course No.
Course Name
Course No.
Course Name


Arabic language II
Mathematics  IV
Technical English
Mathematics III
Circuit Theory II
Engineering Mechanics
Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments
Circuit Theory  I
Electromagnetic Field Theory
Electrical Engineering Materials
Electronics I
Utilization of Electrical Energy


Course Project I








THIRD YEAR  العام الثالث



5th Semester
6th Semester
Course No.
Course Name
Course No.
Course Name


General Culture


Islamic Culture
Numerical Computations
Electrical Machines II
Electrical Machines I


Power System II
Power System I
Power Electronics I
Electronics II
Control System I
Signals and Systems
Digital Electronics
Summer Training



FOURTH YEAR  العام الرابع


7th Semester
8th Semester
Course No.
Course Name
Course No.
Course Name
Electrical Power  Plants
Electric Drives and Control
Power Electronics II
Computer Aided Power System Analysis
Control system II
Electrical Machines III
Electronic Instrumentation


Principle of Communication Systems
Elective I
Course Project II
Summer Training





FIFTH YEAR  العام الخامس




9th Semester
10th Semester
Course No.
Course Name
Course No.
Course Name
Engineering Economics & Management
Protection and Switchgear
Project Part II
Course Project III
Elective III
Project Part I
Elective II



The Elective course groupings are listed as below


Elective I
Elective II
Course No.
Course Name
Course No.
Course Name
Harmonics In Electrical Systems
Electrical Machine Design
Computer Aided Design and Analysis in Power Electronics
Transients in Electrical Machines
Power System Operation and Control
Surges and Wave Propagation on Transmission Lines
High Voltage Engineering
Transients and Dynamic Stability of Power Systems



Elective III
Course No.
Course Name
Microprocessor Control of Electric Drives
Solid State Control of Electric Drives
Selected Topics in Electric Drives & Control
Static Relays
Power System Economics and Planning
Selected Topics in Power System



ملخص المساقات



EE 102 Principles of Electrical Engineering:


Review of basic laws of electrical engineering. DC circuits. Series and parallel combination of circuit parameters. Source transformation. Star-Delta transformation. Network theorems and applications. Electromagnetism and Magnetic circuits. Electrostatic. Alternating voltage and current. Single-phase and 3-phase balanced circuits. Resonance. Introduction to transformers.


EE 201  Circuit Theory – I:


Network analysis. Network graphs. Nodal and mesh methods. Network theorems. Two port networks. Poles and zeros. Unbalanced three phase circuits. Filters.


EE 202  Circuit Theory – II:


Transient and steady state sinusoidal response. Application of differential equations and Laplace transformation for transient analysis. Elements of network synthesis. Positive real concept. Synthesis of general driving point functions. One port synthesis of two elements kind networks. Synthesis of two elements kind two port networks. Elements of approximation theory.


EE 203  Electrical Engineering Materials:


Structure of matter: Atomic bonding, Energy levels and bands, Crystal structure. Conductors, Semiconductors and Insulators: Properties of conducting and insulating materials, semiconductor materials. Opto-electrical properties. Magnetic material: Para and Ferromagnetism, Ferriates and their applications. Dielectric materials: Dielectric properties of solids, Ionic conductivity, Dielectric loss, break down. Introduction to fiber Optical materials.


EE 205  Utilization of Electrical Energy:


Domestic Wiring: Arrangements of final sub-circuits. Current-carrying and voltage drop limits of cables. Wiring systems: conduit, trunking, ducting, special systems. Protection of wiring systems. Illumination: Nature of light, Definitions, laws of illumination, requirements of good lighting schemes, level of illumination, factors affecting illumination schemes, design of lighting schemes. Production of light. Types of lamps. Electric heating: Advantages, methods. Types of furnaces. Requirements of good heating material. Causes of failure of heating elements. Temperature control of resistance furnaces. Design of heating element. Electric arc furnaces. High frequency heating. Induction heating. Dielectric heating.


EE 251Course Project – I:

To train students in carrying out wiring system design and load calculations of consumers under the supervision of faculty member in the department.


EE 204 Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments:


Principle of measurements, Types of torque’s acting on measuring instruments. Types of instruments, Moving coil, Moving iron, Electrodynamics, Electrostatic, Rectifier type, Thermal and induction type instruments. Frequency meters. P.F meters. Power and watt-meters. Energy and energy- meters. Calibrations, Extensions. AC- potentiometers, and bridges.


EC E202 Electromagnetic Field Theory:


Review of Vector analysis, Electric, and Magnetic Fields; Gauss’s and Stoke’s theorems; Faraday’s law and time varying field; Maxwell’s equations and the plane electromagnetic wave theory; Propagation and reflection of waves; Transmission line theory; Transmission line charts and impedance matching.



ECE 212 Electronics – I:


Introduction to physics of semiconductors; Bipolar Devices: P-N junction theory, P-N junction diode, bipolar junction transistor, thyristors. Unipolar Devices: Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET), Metal Insulator Semiconductor (MIS) diode, Charge Coupled Devices (CDD), Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET (MOSFET). Photonic Devices: Light Emitting Diode (LED), semiconductor lasers, and photo-detectors.


EE 311 Electrical Machines – I:


DC machines: Theory and Construction: EMF, Torque, magnetic circuit, armature winding, armature reaction, commutation, improving of commutation, methods of excitation, load characteristics of dc motors and generators, parallel operation of dc generators, starting and speed control of dc motors, testing and applications of dc machines. Transformers: Theory and construction, ratings, EMF, types, windings, voltage ratio. Equivalent circuits, losses, tests and applications of single-phase transformers. Three phase transformers: Magnetic circuit, EMF, winding connection, parallel operation, protection, cooling. Autotransformer.


EE 312  Electrical Machines – II:


Three phase machines: Theory and structure, winding, EMF, MMF. Three phase Synchronous machines: Salient pole and cylindrical-rotor types, space phasor and time phasor diagrams. Three phase synchronous generator: armature reaction, voltage diagrams, Potier diagrams, characteristics, regulation, parallel operation. Single phase synchronous generator. Synchronous motor: starting, V-curve. Condenser. Three phase induction machine: types, EMF, current, torque, equivalent circuit, characteristics, phasor diagram, circle diagram, losses, starting, speed control. Induction generator. Induction regulator. Single phase induction motors.


EE 321  Power System – I:


Transmission line constants (single, double and bundled three phase circuits). Current and voltage relations and representations of transmission lines (short, medium and long line). Surge impedance and surge impedance loading of transmission lines. Equivalent T and p networks of a long line. Circuit diagrams and synchronous phase modifiers. Corona (its formation and effects). Interference of power lines with communication circuits. Overhead line insulators (materials, types, insulator failure, potential distribution, string efficiency and methods of improvement). Line supports (materials, types, sag and stress calculations). Underground cables (conductors, types, insulating materials, insulation resistance, stress in insulation, capacitance and thermal characteristics). Power distribution systems (radial and ring main systems, types of distributors and methods of calculation.





EE 322  Power System – II:


System modeling and per unit calculations. Formation of bus admittance and bus impedance matrices for simple network and their modifications. Fault analysis (symm. faults, symm. components, sequence impedances and sequence network, un-symm. faults). Elementary load flow (power flow through simple system of 2- node / 2-bus system, bus classification, development of load flow equations, data for load flow solution, general idea about iterative methods). Power system stability (classification, system stability concept, PAC, methods of improving s-s stability, Swing equation, equal area criterion, critical clearing angle and time, principal types of transient disturbances.


ECE 311 Electronics – II:


Diode circuits, small signal bipolar and FET amplifiers, transistor biasing and bias stabilization. Feedback amplifiers, frequency response of amplifiers. Introduction to differential and operational amplifiers. Tuned amplifiers, power amplifiers; Oscillators.


ECE 303 Signals and Systems:


Classification of signals and systems, system modeling in terms of differential and difference equations. Fourier series; Fourier transform; Laplace transform and their applications to system analysis; Convolution and superposition integrals and their applications; Z-transforms and their application to the analysis and characterization of discrete time systems; Random signals and probability; Correlation functions; Spectral density; Response of linear system to random inputs.


EE 334  Power Electronics:


General structure of  power electronics systems, Power semiconductor devices (Basic structure, static and dynamic behavior, SOAR, driving circuits, snubber circuits, series and parallel operation). Single and three phase controlled and uncontrolled rectifiers. Line commutated inverters. Dual converters. Single phase and three phase ac voltage controllers. Transformer tap changers. Cycloconverters.


EE 342  Control System – I:


Classification of control systems (Differential equations and time domain analysis). Performance of control system. Transfer function, Block diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs. Bode plots. Steady state errors. Nichols chart. Root locus techniques.


ECE 312 Digital Electronics:


Diode and transistor as switches; switching and speed limitations; RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, I2L and MOS logic gates; Semiconductor memories, Comparators and Schmitt triggers; analog switches; A/D and D/A converters; Sample and Hold circuits; Monostable and Astable multivibrators and timing circuits.


EE 421  Electrical Power Plants:


Types of Power Stations: Thermal, Diesel, Gas Turbine ( Main Parts, Fuels, Feed water, Efficiency, choice and characteristics ). Introduction to Hydro- Electric and Nuclear Power Stations. Selection and Operation: Selection of type, Size and number of generator units, load registration factors, Load curves and operating schedule, Base and Pleak Plants. Electrical Equipment in Power Station: Generators and Power Transformers (Types, Ratings, Ventilation and Cooling Systems, Selection, Parallel operation). Interconnection of Power Stations. Circuit Breakers, Isolators, Earthing Switches and No-Load Disconnectors ( Types, Ratings and Use). Station Batteries (Main Parameters and Data, Charging units and Modes of operating). Sub-Stations: Types, Electrical Works, Busbars (Types, Arrangements and Diagrams). Signaling and Control Boards: Types of Signaling, Metering instruments, control devices and circuits. Earthing of Power Systems: Methods, Grounding Practice and Grounding of Sub-stations.


EE 431  Power Electronics – II:


Overview of IGBT, JFET, FCTH and MOS-controlled Thyristors. Choppers (types, control, strategies, step up and multiphase choppers). Analysis of type A choppers. Thyristor commutation in chopper circuits. Single and three phase bridge inverters, voltage control in inverters. PWM inverters. Harmonics reduction of  the output voltage.


EE 441  Control System – II:


State variable techniques, Control ability and stability. Algebraic criteria, Bode plots, Root locus, Nyquist diagrams. System design requirements. Phase lag, phase lag-lead controllers, Introduction to discrete transfer functions, Reduction of block diagrams.


CSE 431 Microprocessors:


Microprocessor organization (8-16 bit): Central processing unit, internal structures, instruction set, addressing modes, assembly language, address decoding, parallel and serial interfaces, programmable timers, interrupt handling, direct memory access (DMA). Applications.



ECE 421 Principles of Communication Systems:


Communication system types (microwave, satellite, cellular). AM, DSB, SSB, FDM, TDM. Generation and detection of AM, FM, PM signals. Data transmission.


EE 451 Course Project – II:

To gain more information regarding mechanical parts of power plants and develop simple projects under the supervision of a faculty member in the department.


EE 412  Electric Drives and Control:


Mechanics of electric drives: Characteristics of electrical motors, DC motors, Synchronous motor and Asynchronous motors. Speed control of electric motors. Applications of electric motors. Selection of motor power capacity. Classifications of control of electric drives. Simple control diagrams: Stability, Speed variations, Reversing and braking for D.C and A.C drives. Typical examples of servomechanism.


EE 414  Electrical Machine – III:


Single phase- and three phase commutator machines: Theory and construction, types, characteristics and applications. Linear motors. Reluctance motors: theory, construction, types and applications. Introduction to generalized theory of electrical machines.





EE 422  Computer Aided Power System Analysis:


Incidence and network matrices (graphs, incidence matrices, primitive network, formation of network matrices by singular and by non-singular transfornation). Computer modeling of transmission networks (Three-phase bus-impedance matrix for balanced and unbalanced network elements, modification of Z-bus for changes in the network). Computer based load flow calculations (Gauss-Seidel iterative technique, Newton Raphson method). Computer applications for short circuit calculations. Solution of Swing equation.


ECE 412 Electronic Instrumentation:


Instrumentation system generalities: Instrumentation set-up, statistical analysis, and probability of errors. Electronic measuring instruments: Electronic voltmeters and multimeters. CRO: Construction and measurements (time, frequency, phase angle). Transducers: Classification, selecting criteria, applications, construction and use of significant transducers. Digital instruments: Counters and timers, DVM's and DMM's. Instrumentation amplifiers. Data acquisition and conversion. Microprocessor applications.


EE 521  Protection and Switchgear:

Introduction to faults and abnormal operating conditions in power systems, explanation of protective terms, Relays: Directional-ratio-Differential and pilot relays. Protective schemes: Generator, busbar, transformer and transmission line protective schemes. Ewitchgears: Fault clearing and interruption of currents, arcs. Circuit breakers: types, air, oil filled, air blast, SF6 and vacuum type circuit breakers. Selection and rating of circuit breakers.



EE 416  Harmonics in Electrical Systems:

Mathematical aspect and methods of analysis, physical significance, sources, types and effects of harmonics. Harmonics in electrical machines: origin, types, effects and remedies. Harmonics generated by power electronic converters and their effects on the utility system. Methods of measuring harmonics. Passive and active filtering.

EE418 Computer Aided Design & Analysis in Power Electronics:

Role of computer simulation in the analysis and design of power electronics systems. Types of analyses. Circuit oriented simulators and equation solvers.

Solution techniques for time domain analysis (linear and nonlinear differential equations, trapezoidal method of integration). General purpose circuit oriented simulators (Spice, EMTP). Widely used equation solvers (MATLAB).


EE 424  Power System Operation and Control:

Optimal operation and control of generators on a busbar. Combined operation of power stations (various types of power stations, Base and peak plants, load allocation). Interconnected stations (phase angle control, load sharing power limit of interconnectors, parallel operation of interconnectors). Voltage regulation (control of generator voltage, use of tap-changing and of booster transformers, phase angle control). Reactive power control (static var generators, synchronous machine, tap changing transformer). Load frequency control (single area and two area, transfer function). Turbine speed governing system. Optimal control of power factor and KW. System security (system monitoring, contingency and corrective action analysis, pattern’s security function).


EE 426  High Voltage Engineering:

Generation and measurement of high voltage, Electrostatic field and field stress control. Electrical breakdown in gases, solids and liquids. High voltage test techniques (Testing of insulators, bushings, lightning arresters etc ). Over voltages and Insulation coordination.




EE 515  Electrical Machine Design:

Introduction including the concept of design, design factors, materials of design, limitations in design, standard specification and methods. Magnetic circuit including laws, magnetization curves, approximation factors, M.M.F. calculation for ac and dc machines. Design of transformer, single phase and three phase types, output equation, design of magnetic circuit (core and shell types), design of windings and tank. Design methods and examples. Design of any selected type of ac and dc machines. Output equation, design of magnetic circuit (stationary and rotating parts), design of windings, design limitations, design methods and examples.


EE 517  Transients in Electrical Machines:

Review of linear transformation. Structural transformation. Reference Frames. Transformation between Reference Frames. Generalized machine: Definition, Structure, Basic equations. DC machine: Equations, Transients. Synchronous machines: Park Transformation, Stability at Steady state, Transients. Induction machine: Equations, Choice of Reference Frame, Transients.


EE 523  Surges and Wave Propagation on Transmission Lines:

Overvoltage due to Lightning (Direct and Indirect strokes). Protection against Lightning of Power Stations and Substations, Transmission Lines and Electrical Apparatus). Use of Earth wire, Spark Gaps, Surge Absorber and Surge Diverter. Overvoltage Surges due to switching. Reduction of Switching Over-voltages. Production of Travelling Waves and Velocity of Propagation.  Reflection at a Resistive Load. Reflection from Terminal Inductance, Terminal Capacitance. Bewleys Lattice Diagram. Reflection and Transmission at junction of Two Dissimilar Lines. Power and Energie Associated with a Travelling Wave. Coordination of System Insulation: Definitions of Abnormal Stresses. Determination of Line Insulation. BIL and Insulation Levels of Substation Equipment.

EE 525  Transients and Dynamic Stability of Power System:

Switching transients, lightning travelling waves. Effect of transient voltage on electrical equipment. Sudden short circuit of transformers, generators. Stability of synchronous machines. Application of park transformations. Steady state, dynamic and transient studies. Methods of improving power system stability.





EE 512  Microprocessor Control of Electric Drives:


Overview of modern control. Role of microprocessors in control.  Microprocessor application in control of chopper DC motor drive, inverter induction drive, DC commutatorless machine.


EE 514  Solid State Control of Electric Drives:

Single phase half-wave and full-wave DC motor drives. Three phase DC motor drives, chopper fed DC motor drives. Speed control of induction motor by variable frequency supply and by variation of stator voltage. Commutator-less DC motor. AC motor performance supplied by non-sinusoidal waveforms.

EE 516  Selected Topics in Electric Drives and Control:

The course will cover topics of current interest.


EE 522  Static Relays:

Introduction to static relays, comparators solid state power supply circuit, Directional-over-current, differential-and distance relays. Non-conventional types of comparators, introduction to microprocessor applications to protection.

EE 524  Power System Economics and Planning:

Cost of generation (fixed and operating costs). Economic aspects (factors affecting the cost of generation, tariffs). Constraints in economic operation of power systems. Economic loading of generators and interconnected stations. Optimum economic operation of power systems with transmission losses. Economics of system design (choice between Ac and dc for transmission, between cables and overhead lines, Kelvin’s law). Load dispatching and forecasting. Generation planning (Criteria of methods of generating units, forced outage capacities and capacity reserve evaluation). Transmission and distribution planning (criteria and methods for planning, AC and DC load flow models).

EE 526  Selected Topics in Power System:

The course covers topics of current interest.


EE 551  Course Project – III:


To gain more information regarding performance parts or designs of electrical machines and develops simple projects under the supervision of a faculty member in the department.


 EE 552 Seminar:

A student is required to carryout investigations in specialized topics and presents it at the end of the semester.



EE 553 Project Part - I:


Project works starts in the 9th semester and may include theoretical investigations or system design and development activity of electrical power system or electric drives and control nature. Approximately a fourth of the total work involved is to be done. The work done will be examined and grade awarded at the end of the semester.


EE 554 Project Part - II:


The project started in the 9th semester is to be completed and at the end of the semester the student is required to submit a project report and present the work to a committee constituted by the department.