آخر تحديث :Sat-21 Dec 2024-10:42PM
جامعة عدن

معيد مارسيل محمود احمد يعقوب خان


الاسم: مارسيل محمود احمد يعقوب خان


الوظيفة الحالية: عضو هيئة تدريس مساعدة


تاريخ ومكان الميلاد: 5. اكتوبر 1981م (عــدن)


الحالة الاجتماعية: متزوج


المـؤهـــل: بكلاريوس (2006م) من جامعة: عــدن (اليمـن)


الدرجة العلمية: معيــد


التخصص العام: هندسة معمارية


التخصص الدقيق: هندسة معمارية


العنوان: شعب العيدروس – كريتر عدن


تليفون منزل / موبايل:  777808528


عنوان البريد الالكتروني: architect_khan786@yahoo.com



Name of Institute


Year of Passing


Faculty of Engineering, University of Aden, Yemen

BSc. Architectural Engineering

Grade: Very Good

2005 – 2006


Al-Faiz Technology Centre, Aden, Yemen

Auto-CAD Computer Program

Grade: Excellent



Lutfee Jaffer Aman Secondary School, Aden, Yemen

Scientific Secondary

Grade: Very Good

1999 – 2000


Honor Certificates:



Name of Institute


Year of Passing


Faculty of Engineering, University of Aden, Aden, Yemen

Certificate of Association in the Second Engineering Conference for a Scientific Research Paper 

30 - 31 March. 2009


Lutfee Aman Secondary School, Aden, Yemen

Certificate of Good Breeding and Behavior with Excellent Degree

1999 – 2000


Lutfee Aman Secondary School, Aden, Yemen

First and Special Proud Certificate, as the Best Student of the Year in the School

1998 – 1999

Graduation Project:

  • General Hospital "Capacity of 500 Beds" In Aden, Yemen

Grade: Excellent

Membership of Professional Associations:

  • Member of the Yemeni Engineers Syndicate - Aden


  • Capability of Using Computer Programs and General Software; Specially the Auto-CAD
  • Capability of  Managing any Team Works

Countries of Work Experience: Yemen


Speaking             Writing                 Reading

  • Arabic:                  Excellent              Excellent              Excellent
  • English:                Very Good           Excellent              Excellent
  • Urdu:                     Excellent              Excellent              Excellent
  • Hindi:                   Good                    Poor                       Poor

Scientific and Academic Associations:

28th Feb. – 1st. March 2010

  • Associated in Scientific Work Shop about the Construction Management between Scientific Researches and Practical Applying, in Aden University under supervision of German Professor Hanz Youakhim Bargishted, Dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering Bauhaus University – Weimar 

30th – 31st March 2009

  • Associated in Second Engineering Conference – University of Aden with a Research Paper about the designing considerations of Elementary and Secondary Schools and the Environmental Solutions, Psychological aspects and the comparing between the Governmental and Private Schools   

Other Trainings:

9th August 2005 to 9th September 2005

  • Al-Bena'a Consultancy Services

23rd July 2005 to 28th August 2005

  • Office of Social Fund for Development

17th July 2004 to15th August 2004

  • Architectural Engg. Dept.- Faculty of Engg. -  University of Aden

Architectural Analysis of Schools, task include to drawing the plans of the schools and taking the pictures of the elevations and preparing complete architectural and planning information of each school  

30th June 2003 to 15th July 2003

  • Office of Public Works

Training in the Construction project of Al – Shrooq Kindergarten in Al-Mansoora District, and Rehabilitation of Ibn – Khaldoon School in Al-Tawahi District    

Experience in the Field of Architecture:

1st. April 2009 – 31st Dec. 2009

  • Work as a Design Team Leader with Al – Wadi Corporation for trading and exploitation – Aden, for designing a Multi- Purpose Hall of portal frame structure for 500 seats and two storey Building for Services, Built-Up Area is about 1700m2; Task include but not limited to design and drawing the project by using computer and coordinating the engineers in the design team, cost of project is 35 Million USD

10th July 2006 – Till Date

  • Designing and Supervising of the Personal Architectural Projects

26th April 2007 to 15th January 2009

  • Junior Architect with HS and Associates - Aden

1st September 2007 to 15th January 2009

  • Preparing the Tender Documents, Technical and Financial Proposals with HS and Associates - Aden

1st February 2006 to 17th June 2006

  • Architectural Engineer and Designer with Al-Bena'a Consultancy Services - Aden

Academic Experience:

1st March 2009 – Till Date

Junior LecturerCivil Engineering Department – Faculty of Engineering – University of Aden

Act as a Junior Lecturer in the subject of CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWING (II) the Practical Part of the subject, task include the Principles of Architectural Design; Orientation of buildings; Factors affecting orientation; Functional requirements of buildings; Ventilation, Functional requirements of ventilation; Architecture and Environment, Effect of climate in architectural design; all of these elements are given as a Design of Small Residential Villa of Two Floors Constructed by Load Bearing Walls Structure and Frame Structure

5th Oct. 2008 – 19th Feb. 2009    

Junior LecturerElectronics & Communications Engineering Department – Faculty of Engineering – University of Aden

Act as a Junior Lecturer in the subject of GEOMETRICAL DRAWING (I) the Practical Part of the subject. Task including the teaching of General Instruction regarding lettering; instruments and Line Work, Free Hand Sketching; Plane Geometric Constructions, Projection systems-perspective orthographic, axonometric, isometric and oblique projections, First angle, third angle projections, Orthographic and Pictorial View, Projections of various objects and auxiliary plan

16th September 2006 – Till Date

Junior LecturerArchitectural Engineering Department – Faculty of Engineering – University of Aden

Act as a Junior Lecturer for the Tutorial Part of the bellow mentioned subjects:


Soils and Foundations: general discussion, soil investigations, load-baring properties of different soils, Types of Foundations. Introduction on Building Components and their Basic Requirements, Framed Structure and Partitions, Load Bearing Walls, Roofs and Roof Coverings, Arches and Lintels, miscellaneous structures: shell structures, domes. Vertical Transportation: Staircases, Types of Stairs


Elements of Architecture, relationship between man and surroundings (Furniture, Equipment, Openings … etc.) studying the Form Space, Proportion Touching, Rhythm, Circulation Stability as a Basic Feeling for Aesthetics.


Studying of an Environmental data and its effects on architecture (Man, Temperature and Ventilation) Orientation: Sun, Sun Paths, direct sunbeam’s reception, Heat Exchange in buildings, radiation and building materials, Humidity and evaporation, Wind Speed and its effect on human behavior within built space, Ventilation, Pollution and Environmental Protection, Air Pollution, water pollution. All of the above-mentioned elements are given as the topics practiced on the students' own home. 

16th September 2006 – Till Date

Junior Lecturer and Projects' SupervisorArchitectural Engineering Department – Faculty of Engineering – University of Aden

Act as a Junior Supervisor for the Tutorial and Practical Part of the bellow mentioned subjects, also the task include the Supervising and Consulting of the bellow mentioned Projects:


Functional Understanding to the Interior and External Space of the building, studying and analyzing the Theories of Colours and its relationship with using different material, rows and its functions, structural specification.

Project (I) FUEL STATION (Location Area is 1500 m2) (2006-2007)



Project (IV) MINI-MARKET (Location Area 1500m2 and Built-Up Area 255m2) (2008-2009)

Project (V) CAFETERIA (Location in Faculty of Engg. With area about 960m2 and Built-Up Area 552m2) (2009-2010

·         ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN (I) – Second year

Training on the methods of drawing and traditional expression with two and three dimensions, training on making models (model site plan from gypsum on cartoon paper), Drawing Contour Lines and Understanding the Topography of the given area for the project. Training on Architectural Surveying for the Buildings, training on the way of starting the design project sequence in putting problems and finding solutions and then drawing the project:

Project (I) RESTAURANT (Built-up Area 200 m2) (2006-2007)

Project (II) CHALETS' COMPLEX (Location Area is 5000 m2) (2006-2007)

Project (III) RESTAURANT (Built-up Area 400m2) (2008-2009)

Project (IV) HOME (Built-up Area 110 m2) (2009-2010)

Project (V) INTERNET CAFÉ (Built-up Area 322 m2) (2009-2010)

Project (VI) CHALET (Built-up Area 110m2) (2010-2011)

Project (VII) GATE FOR CHALETS' COMPLEX (Built-up Area 40m2) (2010-2011)


·         ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN (III) – Third Year

Design Service Buildings with Architectural Details, emphasis on site, Space Organization. Design small buildings such as:

Project (I) FIRE STATION (Serve Whole Aden Governorates) (2007-2008)

Project (II) SECONDARY SCHOOL (600 Pupils) (2007-2008) & (2010-2011)

Project (III) ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (600 Pupils) (2008-2009)

Project (IV) POST OFFICE (Serve 4000 Inhabitants) (2009-2010)

Using of computer aided design in drawing and expression in two and three dimensions.


·         ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN (IV) – Third Year

Strengthen and development of previous concepts in designing the below mentioned projects:

Project (I) MULTI-STORY PARKING (500 Cars) (2006-2007)

Project (II) OFFICE BUILDING (Tower for 500 Employees) (2006-2007)

Project (III) CENTRAL HOSPITAL (200 Beds) (2007-2008)

Project (IV) GENERAL HOSPITAL (400 Beds) (2008-2009)

Project (V) ADEN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' MEDICAL CENTRE (35 Thousand Students) (2009-2010)

Project (VI) ADEN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' CULTURAL CENTRE (35 Thousand Students) (2009-2010)

Project (VII) ADEN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' HOUSING (35 Thousand Students) (2009-2010)

Using of computer aided design in drawing and expression in two and three dimensions.

·         WORKING DESIGN (I) – Third Year

Preparation of working drawings for the Project of VILLA (R.C.C. Structure) Four Years Directly

·         ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN (V) – Fourth year

Design of medium size building of GENERAL HOSPITAL (2006-2007) project (400 BEDS) with consideration perfection of drawing by using computer aided design.


·         WORKING DESIGN (II) – Fourth Year

Preparation of working drawings for the Project of an OFFICE BUILDING TOWER (Combined Structure)

·         WORKING DESIGN(III) – Fourth Year

Preparation of working drawings for the Project of THEATRE (Steel Structure)

·         TOWN PLANNING (I) – Fourth year

An advanced theory and methodology on city and regional development including a review of urban growth, spatial structure. Principles of Land Use and Zoning in Urban Environments, Master Plan: phases and components

Project of CITY CENTRE (2006-2007)

·         URBAN DESIGN – Fourth Year

Principles and Techniques of Urban Design, different aspects and implications of urban design, e.g. Social, Economical and Technical, Spatial Organization, Land-Use and Zoning in Urban Environments, contemporary concept of urban design and its applications in different societies.

Urban Rehabilitation of These Locations:

·         Municipality Market of Crater Aden, Yemen 

·         Municipality Office Building Zone, Aden, Yemen

·         Labour Island, Aden, Yemen

In the Academic year (2007-2008)

Academic Training Supervisions:

2006 – Till Date  

·         Coordinator of  Scientific Summer Training, Faculty of Engineering – University of Aden    

·         Member of Supervising Team of Summer Training for All Students in the Faculty of Engineering – University of Aden

4th July 2009 – 4th Aug. 2009

Supervisor for the group of 9 Students of third year in Architectural Engineering Department, task include to Research about the Health Services and Hospitals in Aden governorate and drawing the Plans and Elevations of each building, with using of computer aided design in drawing and expression in two and three dimensions.

Researches and Studies:






January 2010


معالم مدينة عدن بين الأصالة والحداثة

Research is Published in the Symposium (عدن بوابة اليمن الحضارية) – University of Aden in the 18th Jan. 2011


د. محمد حمود الكبسي

م. مارسيل محمود خان


November 2009



Technology of Colors and Light in Architecture of Hot Humid Region

Research Published in the Journal of Yemen Engineer volume 9 (Nov. 2009)


Arch. Marseel Khan and

Arch. Abeer Shamsher

March 2009



أهمية التصميم المعماري والبيئي للمدارس وتأثيره على نفسية التلاميذ

(دراسة حالة مدارس التعليم الأساسي والثانوي الحكومية والأهلية في محافظة عدن)

Research Submitted and Published in Second Engineering Conference – University of Aden 30 - 31 March 2009


د. محمد حمود الكبسي

م. مارسيل محمود خان


October 2008



Technology of Colors and Light in Architecture of Hot Humid Region

Research Prepared and submitted for Second Engineering Conference – University of Aden 30-31 March 2009. (It is not published because the paper is too long "30 Page")


Arch. Marseel Khan and

Arch. Abeer Shamsher




Post office Serve 4000 Inhabitants

Architectural Program study prepared for the students of third year Bachelor degree, in Architectural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Aden


Dr. Saleh Mubarak, Arch. Marseel Khan and Arch.  Lamia Moh'd 

March 2009


General Hospital 400 Beds

Architectural Program study prepared for the students of third year Bachelor degree, in Architectural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Aden


Dr. Saleh Mubarak, Arch. Marseel Khan and Arch.  Lamia Moh'd 

October 2008



Elementary School 600 Pupils

Architectural Program study prepared for the students of third year Bachelor degree, in Architectural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Aden


Dr. Saleh Mubarak, Arch. Sa'ad Hameed and Arch. Marseel Khan

March 2008


Central Hospital 200 Beds

Architectural Program study prepared for the students of third year Bachelor degree, in Architectural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Aden


Dr. Saleh Mubarak, Arch. Sa'ad Hameed and Arch. Marseel Khan

Nov. 2007


Secondary School 600 Pupils

Architectural Program study prepared for the students of third year Bachelor degree, in Architectural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Aden


Dr. Saleh Mubarak, Arch. Sa'ad Hameed and Arch. Marseel Khan

Sept. 2007


Fire Station Serve Whole Aden Governorates

Architectural Program study prepared for the students of third year Bachelor degree, in Architectural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Aden


Dr. Saleh Mubarak, Arch. Sa'ad Hameed and Arch. Marseel Khan

Sept. 2006


General Hospital 400 Beds

Architectural Program study prepared for the students of forth year Bachelor degree, in Architectural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Aden


Dr. Saleh Mubarak, Arch. Sa'ad Hameed and Arch. Marseel Khan



General Hospital 500 Beds

Research and Study of Graduation Thesis to get the Bachelor degree of Architectural Engineering, Architectural Engg. Dept. -  Faculty of Engineering, University of Aden


Marseel Khan

April 2006


Health Services in Aden Governorate / Land-Use

Study of Elective (II) in final year to get the Bachelor degree of Architectural Engineering, Architectural Engg. Dept. -  Faculty of Engineering, University of Aden 


Amani Hasson, Afra'a Ali, Waseem Ali and Marseel Khan

Feb. 2006


Operation Theatre Department in General Hospital

Research and Study of Graduation Seminar to get the Bachelor degree of Architectural Engineering, Architectural Engg. Dept. -  Faculty of Engineering, University of Aden 


Marseel Khan

Feb. 2006


Slum Area in Residential Complexes of Aden Governorates

Study of Housing; prepared about four residential units in Aden, task also include the site surveying, drawing the plans of the residential apartments of each complex and taking the pictures of the slums in the housing all of these tasks was to get the Bachelor degree of Architectural Engineering, Architectural Engg. Dept. -  Faculty of Engineering, University of Aden 


Amani Hasson, Afra'a Ali, Waseem Ali and Marseel Khan

May 2004


Urban Design for Centre of Crater Aden

Study to get the Bachelor degree of Architectural Engineering in forth year, task include the site visit, drawing the location components; specially Aden Municipality Market, then designing the location with complete rehabilitations in the surroundings 


Amani Hasson, Waseem Ali, Marseel Khan and others

Academic Administrative Experience:

23rd Nov. 2008 – Till Date

Act as an Assistant of the Head of the Teaching Affairs in the Faculty of Engineering, task include the Coordinating and Supervising of the teaching process and Attendance of Professors, Lecturers, Teachers, Junior Lectures and Technicians


I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe myself; my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any willful misstatement described herein my lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.