آخر تحديث :Mon-15 Jul 2024-12:35AM
جامعة عدن

استاذ د. احمد سعيد بن سرور

موقع جامعة عدن

كلية الهندسة


البيانات الأساسية:


الاسم: أحمد سعيد بن سرور


الوظيفة الحالية: مدير عام الدراسات العليا


تاريخ ومكان الميلاد: 1952م (حضرموت)


الحالة الاجتماعية: متزوج


المــؤهـــل: دكتوراه (1991م) من جامعة: الله أبـاد (الهنــد)


الدرجة العلمية: أستاذ


التخصص العام: هندسة كهربائية


التخصص الدقيق: نظم قوى كهربائية




تليفون منزل / موبايل:  770387621


عنوان البريد الالكتروني:



Nationality: Yemeni

Place of Birth: Hadramout (Yemen)

Date of Birth: March  16, 1951

Permanent Address: Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering

                                  Maalla-Aden, P.O. Box 5243 Yemen

Marital Status: Married with Five Children

Religion: Muslim

Language: Arabic (Read, Write and Speak)

                  English (Read, Write and Speak)

                  German (Read, and Speak)

Academic Qualifications

(1)   B.SC. (Electrical) Faculty of Engineering, University of TripoliLibya, 1975.

(2) M. Sc. (Electrical) Technical University, Dresden – German, 1983.   

(3) Ph. D. (Electrical) M.N.R. Engineering College, Allahabad UniversityIndia, 1990.      

The Ph. D. Thesis entitled: (Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of Multiphase           Power Transmission Systems).

Present Designation

  Professor of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering – University of Aden.

Administrative Experience

● Head of Registration Department, Faculty of Engineering – University of Aden            from 1983 to 1986.

● Head of Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering – University of Aden from 1991 to 1995.

● Vice Dean, Student Affairs, Faculty of Engineering – University of Aden from 1995 to 1996.

  Dean, Faculty of Engineering - University of Aden from 1996 to 1999.

  General Director of Higher Studies, University of Aden from 1999 upwards.


Teaching Experience

  34 Years from the date of graduation including research.


Subject Taught

At U.G. Levels in Electrical Engineering

Principles of Electrical Engineering (Electrical Technology)

Electrical Measurements

Network Analysis and Synthesis

Electrical Power Systems       

Electrical Power Plants

Computer Methods in Power Systems

Power System Operation and Control

At P.S. Levels in Electrical Engineering

Power System Dynamics and Stability

Surges and Wave Propagations on Transmission Lines

Protection of Power Systems

EHV Transmission Systems  

Prime Interest in Research

  Multiphase Power Transmission Systems.

  Losses in Distribution Systems.  


List of Research Publications

● "Six-phase Power Transmission : Evaluation of Line Parameters". Symp. EHV-UHV AC, HVDC Transmission Systems, Bangalore (India) May 1987.

● "Six-phase Power Transmission: Analysis and Solution of Line Transients". National System Conference, New Delhi (India) 1987.

● "Evaluation of Twelve-phase (Multiphase) Transmission Line Parameters". Elect. Power Systems Research Journal 15 (1988) - USA.

● "An Analysis of Ground Faults in Multiphase Transmission Systems". National Power System Conference, Bangalore (India) 1988.

● "An Investigation into Analysis of Series Faults in Multiphase Transmission Systems". Elect. Power Systems Research Journal 19 (1990) - USA.

● "Modelling and Analysis of Multiphase (12-phase) Line Transients". Elect. Power Systems Research Journal 20 (1991) - USA.

● "An Investigation Into Loadability Characteristic of EHV High Phase Order Transmission Line". IEEE Trans.269-1 PWRS (1991) - USA.

● "Multiphase Power Transmission Research: A Survey". Elect. Power Systems Research Journal 24 (1992) - USA.

● "Six-phase Transmission Line with the Existing (Hiswa – Abyan) 3-phase Line". International Conference Sana'a (Yemen) 1992.

● "Six-phase Transmission Systems: Some Aspects of Modelling and Line Parameters". Libyan Arab International Conference. Tripoli (Libya) 1996.

● "Analytical Study of a Compensated 400KV Transmission Line". University of Aden, Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, Vol.1, No.2, 1996.

● "Losses in Electrical Distribution Systems: A Case Study". International Conference. Amman (Jordan) 1997.

● "A General Treatment of Ground Faults in Multiphase Transmission Systems". 4th Jordanian International Electrical and Electronics Engineering Conference (JEA/IEE and IEEE) 16-18 April 2001 AmmanJordan.

● "Electrical Distribution Systems: Measures for Loss Reduction". 1st Engineering Conference 16-18 Dec. 2002, Faculty of Engineering – University of Aden (Yemen). 

● "Overview of 400KV Transmission of Line Design Process". University of Aden, Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, Vol.8, No.1, 2004 - Yemen.  

● "Multiphase Transmission Systems: Feasibility Study of Converting 3-phase Lines to 6-phase Lines". Journal of Engineering  Sciences, Assuit University (Egpet Vol.33, No.1, Jan. 2005.          

● "Transmission of Electric Power by Six-phase Transmission Line". University of Aden, Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, Vol.11, No.3, Dec.2007- Yemen. 

● "A First Course In Electrical Engineering". A Book A.H.Wheeler and Com. Limited Publishing (India) 1993.