آخر تحديث :الثلاثاء-16 أبريل 2024-01:13ص
جامعة عدن

جامعة عدن

اتفاقيات التعاون مع الجامعات الماليزية

اتفاقية التعاون مع الجامعات الماليزية

الجامعة الإسلامية الدولية - ماليزيا


أسم الجامعة

عام توقيع الاتفاقية

مدة الاتفاقية

مجال التعاون



الجامعة الإسلامية الدولية - ماليزيا



خمسة أعوام، قابلة للتجديد  بعد اتفاق مكتوب وذلك قبل ثلاثة أشهر على الأقل من تاريخ انتهاء فترة سريانها ويجوز إدخال أي تعديلات في أحكام هذه الاتفاقية باتفاق مسبق .

1)     تعمل الجامعتان على تنشيط التعاون العلمي الثقافي المشترك في المجالات التالية :

1- تبادل الأساتذة الزوار ولفترة قصيرة أو بنظام التعاقد السنوي.

2- يتم انتداب أساتذة من جامعة عدن للتدريس في الجامعة الإسلامية الدولية- ماليزيا لمدة قصيرة أو سنة أو أكثر وحسب احتياجات الجامعة الإسلامية الدولية - ماليزيا، وتحدد الجامعة الإسلامية الدولية- ماليزيا اختصاصات الأساتذة الذين تحتاجهم من كل عام.

3- تتبادل الجامعتان المعلومات والخبرات في مختلف المجالات الإدارية والعلمية ومن خلال الزيارات القصيرة وتنظيم الدورات التدريبية القصيرة .

2)     تقدم الجامعة الإسلامية الدولية- ماليزيا منحاً دراسية عليا في مساق الماجستير والدكتوراه لطلاب الدراسات العليا الذين ترشحهم جامعة عدن .

3)     تتبادل الجامعتان الكتب والمجلات والمنشورات الصادرة عن كل طرف.

4)     تتبادل الجامعتان دعوة المتخصصين للمشاركة في الندوات والمؤتمرات العلمية التي تنظمها كل جامعة.

5)     يتعاون الطرفان في مجال إعداد البحوث والدراسات العلمية المشتركة وتحديداً في الموضوعات ذات الاهتمام والفائدة للجامعتين والبلدين .

1)     اتفاقية تعاون.

2)  أبرمت الاتفاقية باللغة العربية والانجليزية.

3)  لازالت سارية المفعول.

4)  يدفع الطرف المرسل تذاكر السفر ويتحمل الطرف المستقبل تكاليف الإقامة الكاملة على أن لا تزيد عن أسبوعين باستثناء الأساتذة الزوار.

جامعة العوم الاسلامية الماليزية (USIM)

University Sains Malaysia


Field of cooperation



Name of the university 


Memorandum of understanding 

Any notice or communication between the parties shall be delivered to the address, sent to the facsimile number or email as stated in the preamble of this MoU.


Purpose of this MoU

1- USM and STU-AU will Endeavour to assist and support each other in the collaboration for the projects that mutually benefit both parties among others

A )   joint investigation effort into various research and studies and human capacity bulding

B)   to conduct studies in Woman development and capacity building studies.

C) the exchange of scientists and thus encourage the sharing of scientific knowledge and experience and technical advances.

D) join exchange of information in research and training programs in the areas of mutual interest .

E) participation in scientific meeting, conferences, workshops and seminars

F) any other projects that shall be mutually identified and agreed by both parties


2- this MoU shall form the basis of consensus for the parties to examine the feasibility of the collaboration.

3- the parties shall meet at least once at year to discuss areas of cooperation and develop work plans that describe more specifically the activities to be carried out under the cooperative program. 

4- the recommendations and work plans developed in these meeting shall be submitted to the senior management

5- the STC-AU and USM may name any member of its staff to discuss the details of cooperation between the two parties and to ensure the effective implementation of this MoU.

6-  A Party shall extend to the other Party the facilities and privileges necessary for the successful implementation of the work plans developed within the framework of this MoU. 


Confidentiality ,publication, and intellectual property 


1)    Neither Party shall at any time disclose to any other third party .

2)     No Party shall publish or otherwise make public the contents of this MoU and any confidential information made available to each other without the prior written consent of the other party

3)     Subject to  consultation and agreement in individual cases, the parties agree to publish the result of their cooperative research in the public interest.

4)     All inventions, improvements, original works and /or discovers, which are conceived or made during collaborative projects by one or more employees of either party will remain the property of the party

This MoU is valid and shall remain in effect for five (5) years from the date of this MoU.



University of Sains Malaysia  


University Teknikal Mara Sdn. Bhd.


Field of cooperation



Name of the university 


Memorandum of understanding 

Any notice to be given hereunder by either party to other may be sent by facsimile transmission, other electronic means and confirm in writing or by first class recorded delivery paid post addressed to the other party



Objectives :

The parties agree that the objective of this MoU are as follows:-

To develop academic and educational cooperation and to promote mutual understanding between the universities.

1.     The parties shall endeavor to undertake  the following :

1.1  curriculum Design and Development of programmes :

1.2  Exchange of students for the purposes of value-added study and training;

1.3  Training and exchange of staff for the purposes of research and training

1.4  Exchange of technical know-how ,advisory and consultancy services.

2.     Now it is agreed by the parties as follows:

2.1  the parties shall undertake to prepare detailed arrangements for the implementation and development of specific activities of the program within the framework of this MoU through meetings.


2.2  The parties shall consult each other upon request of either party regarding any matter relating to or arising out of this MoU and shall at all time endeavor jointly in a spirit of cooperation and mutual trust to resolve any difficulties or misunderstanding which may arise.

2.3  This MoU  shall take effect from the date of the execution of this and shall be valid for a period of three years unless otherwise terminated in accordance with clause 2.4 of this MoU .

2.4   The parties shall at all times keep confidential and shall not disclose to any third party.

2.5   Nothing to this MoU shall prevent the parties from contacting with any third party on similar basis with regards to subject matter of this MoU.

2.6   Neither party is an agent, representative or partner of the other party.

This MoU  shall take effect from the date of the execution of this and shall be valid for a period of three years unless otherwise terminated in accordance with clause 2.4 of this MoU .


11th /December/



Teknikal Mara Sdn. Bhd

