النشأة والتطور
يعتبر قسم العلوم الأساسية من الأقسام الهامة المساعدة في كلية الهندسة في ظل غياب كلية العلوم في جامعة عدن، فقد تأسس القسم مع إنشاء المعهد الفني العالي عام1976م الذي كان بمثابة نواة لكلية الهندسة. وتأتى أهمية هذا القسم كضرورة من اجل تغطية متطلبات الجامعة ومتطلبات الكلية من العلوم الأساسية حتى يتمكن الطلاب من استيعاب ومواكبة مساقاتهم التخصصية التي تستند على العلوم الأساسية كالرياضيات والتحليل العددي والفيزياء والكيمياء الخ.علاوة إلى ذلك فان القسم يقوم بالأشراف وتوجيه الأساتذة المنتدبين من الكليات ذات العلاقة في تدريس مساقات متطلبات الجامعة مثل اللغة العربية واللغة الإنجليزية والثقافة الإسلامية لطلاب كلية الهندسة .
من المعروف بان كلية الهندسة من الكليات التطبيقية التي تحتاج الى تمويل ودعم مستمرين في تسيير العملية التدريسية بالكلية وذلك في تخريج مهندسين مسلحين في مهنتهم بالجوانب النظرية والتطبيقية. ان استكمال الجانب النظري مرهونا باستكمال الجانب التطبيقي لذا تعتبر المختبرات والورش الجانب الحيوي الهام والمكمل للعملية التدريسية بالكلية. يتدرب فيها الطلاب وتضيف الى مداركهم وتوسع مفهومهم النظري الهندسي.
لدى القسم العلوم الأساسية المختبرات التالية:-
1) مختبر الفيزياء
2) مختبر الكيمياء
الهيئة التدريسية
المنهــج الدراســـي
Thestudent is required to spend minimum period of eight weeks during summervacations as a part of B.Sc. degree requirement in a factory, public/privateengineering establishments or an industrial enterprise. Upon the completion ofeach period a technical report is to be submitted.
Theuniversity requires that all students take the following courses
(18 Credits).
Studentsare required to take the following faculty requirement in the range of (49-55Credit Hours) as prescribed by the concerned department.
University Requirements |
Faculty Requirements |
Course No. |
Course Name |
Course No. |
Course Name |
UR102 |
Arabic Language I |
FR121 |
Mathematics I |
UR101 |
English Language I |
FR131 |
Physics I |
UR201 |
Arabic Language II |
FR140 |
Chemistry |
UR104 |
English Language II |
FR151 |
Introduction to Computers |
UR311 |
General Culture |
FR152 |
Computer Programming |
UR312 |
Islamic Culture |
FR153 |
Geometrical Drawing |
FR154 |
Descriptive Geometry |
FR122 |
Mathematics II |
FR132 |
Physics II |
FR150 |
Workshop Technology |
FR201 |
Technical English |
FR221 |
Mathematics III |
FR222 |
Mathematics IV |
FR262 |
Thermodynamics |
FR260 |
Engineering Mechanics |
FR321 |
Numerical Computations |
FR561 |
Engineering Economics and Management |
ملخص المساقات
الثقـافـة الإسـلاميـة UR 312 Islamic Culture
يعالج هذا المساق مفهوم الثقافة الإسلامية ومصادرها وخصائصها إضافة إلى دراسة مصادر وخصائص العقيدة الإسلامية وأركان الإيمان والنظام الاقتصادي والاجتماعي في الإسلام والقيم الكبرى لبناء المجتمع الإسلامي والحضارة الإسلامية.
اللغة العربية 1 و 2 UR 102, UR201 Arabic Language I, II
يعالج هذا المساق الدراسي توسيع ذخيرة الطالب اللفظية والتعبيرية، فضلا عن تنمية ذائقته الفنية، وذلك بجعله يتوفر على دراسة نصوص منتخبة – وعلى أساس اصطفائي- مما جادت به قرائح الشعراء والكتاب، والمفكرين، والبلغاء، وذوي الرأي البين ، تكون معرضا حافلا للأساليب البيانية، والطرائق التعبيرية المختلفة للسان العرب، مما يثير الشوق الى الاستزادة ويبصره بما في فصيح العربية من فراهة وافتتان، وطواعية للابانة والتصوير. كما يدرس المساق –كذلك- تبصير الطالب / الدارس بأن لسان العرب هي أداة تفكير، وإنها تعتبر من أرقى لغات العالم وأغناها (في مفرداتها وتراكيبها) وأسماها لكونها لغة القرآن الكريم (وعاء الإسلام وللتراث) تتصف بملامح شخصيته، وتعبر عن مجموع انتماءاته الثقافية والحضارية، وإنها السبيل الوحيد ( إذ لا سبيل سواها) لوصل حاضر الأمة بماضيها التليد.
الثقـافــة العامـة UR 311 General Culture
يعالج المساق الدراسي القضايا الفكرية والثقافية للحضارة الإنسانية عامة وللحضارة العربية الإسلامية بوجه خاص، والتحولات الاجتماعية والتطورات العلمية والتقنية في العالم المعاصر بشكل عام. ويدرس بصورة خاصة، الحضارة العربية الإسلامية لمحات في تاريخ العرب الحديث والمعاصر، الحركة الوطنية اليمنية، المشكلات السكانية المعاصرة وقضايا البيئة، المفاهيم الاقتصادية العالمية، العولمة والنظام العالمي الجديد والعرب والتحديات الراهنة.
اللـغـة الإنجلـيزيـة 1 UR 101 English Language I
يعني المساق الدراسي بتدريب الطالب وتطوير مهاراته الأساسية في اللغة إنجليزية، القراءة، الكتابة، الاستماع، والكلام، فهم الجمل البسيطة، الجمل المركبة والمعقدة، قراءة وكتابة واستيعاب جمل ونصوص قصيرة بصورة صحيحة، إضافة إلى اكتساب معارف أساسية في قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية.
اللـغـة الإنجلـيزيـة 2 UR 104 English Language II
يعني المساق الدراسي بمواصلة تدريب الطالب وتطوي مهاراته الأساسية في اللغة الإنجليزية من خلال دراسته لنصوص مختارة باللغة الإنجليزية ذات صلة مباشرة بدراسته التخصصية، إضافة إلى تدريس مواضيع أو وحدات دراسية من احد المساقات الدراسية لتخصصه بما يحقق للطالب الإلمام بأهم المصطلحات العلمية وتنمية قدرته على التعبير الشفوي والكتابي عن أفكاره وتصوراته في مجال تخصصه باللغة الإنجليزية.
FR 121 Mathematics – I:
Algebra: Determinants – Its properties, Cramer’s rule; Matrices, solution of system of linear equations; Infinite series, convergence and divergence of infinite series.
Vector Algebra: Basic concepts, dot product, cross product, triple product. Complex numbers, De- Moivre’s theorem.
Three dimensional geometry, equation of planes and lines.
FR 131 Physics – I:
(For CE and ME Departments)
Linear motion, laws of motion, circular motion, simple harmonic motion, energy and work, conservation of energy, forces in fluids, gravitational field, electric field, capacitors, magnetic fields.
(For EE, CSE and ECE Departments)
Electric fields, electric potential and Gauss’s theorem, charges in motion, Lorentz force, motion of charged particles in uniform electric and magnetic fields, magnetic field due to currents, Ampere’s law, Biot-Savert’s law, magnetic field in a solenoid. Oscillations, resonance, phase. ultrasonics. longitudinal, transverse waves. electromagnetic wave spectrum and properties, speed of matter and electromagnetic waves.
(For AR Department)
Energy and work, conservation of energy, gravitational field, electric field, capacitors, review of thermodynamic, geometrical optics, lenses, oscillations and waves, wave theory of light, application of sound waves.
FR 140 Chemistry:
Atomic structures and chemical bonding; thermodynamics; oxidation and reduction reaction, reactions in electrochemistry; corrosion of metals; glasses
FR 151 Introduction to Computers:
Nature of computers, types and evolution. Internal organization and functions, I/O units, storage devices and CPU. Data representation and coding. An overview of computer software functions, operating systems, application softwares. Programming languages, algorithms. Fundamental programming concepts with applications.
FR 152 Computer Programming:
Fundamentals of structured programming. Data types, declarations, standard functions. Control structures, subprograms. Arrays, records, strings, creation and accessing of files. Applications for solving simple scientific and engineering problems.
FR 153 Geometrical Drawing:
(For EE, CSE and ECE Departments)
Introduction and general instruction regarding lettering; instruments and line work. Free hand sketching. Plane geometric constructions. Projection systems-perspective orthographic, axonometric, isometric and oblique projections. First angle, third angle projections. Orthographic and pictorial view. Projections of various objects and auxiliary planes.
(For CE, ME and AR Departments)
Introduction, principles of geometrical constructions, straight line, angles, circle, tangency lines and arcs, triangles, polygons, construction of geometrical shapes, conical curves, non-conical curves, descriptive geometry, method of projecting point and straight line into three dimensional space, plane, relative positions of two planes and relative positions of straight line and a plane.
FR 154 Descriptive Geometry:
General methods used in descriptive geometry, polyhedrons (their projections), curved lines (description, types), curved surfaces, intersection of curved surfaces with a plane and a straight line, mutual intersection of curved surfaces, helical lines and surfaces. Projection drawing, methods of graphic representation, oblique projections, perspective projections.
FR 122 Mathematics – II:
Differential Calculus: Higher derivatives & Leibnitz theorem, Expansion of functions, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series, Indeterminate forms. Partial derivatives, curvature and evolutes.
Integral Calculus: Multiple integrals; double & triple integrals.
Differential equations: Ordinary differential equations, various methods of solving first order differential equations and its applications – solution of higher order differential equations and its applications.
FR 132 Physics – II:
(For CE and ME Departments)
Review of thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, geometrical optics, lenses, oscillations and waves, wave theory of light, application of sound waves. Electron motion in fields, semiconductors.
(For EE, CSE and ECE Departments)
Early ideas on atomic structure, wave particle duality, Quantum mechanics, Schrodinger wave equation, statistical mechanics, Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics. Solid state, bonding of atoms, crystalline state, crystal defects, lattice vibrations and phonons, energy bands in solids, metals and insulators.
FR 150 Workshop Technology:
Engineering materials: Classification of engineering materials; Mechanical, electrical, physical and thermal properties of materials; Iron - carbon diagram. Welding: Classification of welding process, oxyacetylene welding - equipment and field of application, arc welding - principle and application, inert gas welding, submerged arc welding, resistance welding (Spot, seam, projection, etc.); Welding defects; Soldering and brazing. Extractive metallurgy: Extraction of pig iron, extraction of steel (cupola furnace, oxygen furnaces, electric furnaces, etc.); Carpentry: Carpentry tools, classification and application, carpentry joints, wood working machines and processes. Measurements: Linear measurements and their equipment (Vernier, micrometer, etc.); Angular measurement and their tools (sine bar, bevel protractor, etc.)
FR 201 Technical English:
Communication as an art and science. Oral versus written communication. Aspects of vocabulary and word choice. Common problems with grammatical structure. Comprehending. Technical documentation. Report writing. Selection and structuring the content. Stylistic considerations in technical writing. Graphic representation of data. Presentation and interpretation. Clarity and precision in writing. Standard formats for writing. Technical documents. Making oral presentations. Design, preparation and use of audio visuals.
FR 221 Mathematics – III:
Laplace Transforms: Laplace transforms of standard functions, inverse transforms, convolutes, solution of differential equations, Laplace transform of periodic functions.
Partial Differential Equations: Formation, solution of linear equation of first order, homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients, solution of Laplace equation.
Probability: Basic concepts of probability theory, random variables, and discrete and continuous distribution. Bay's theorem, moments and moments generating functions, joint probability distribution, and correlation
FR 222 Mathematics – IV:
Complex variables: Functions of complex variables, differentiation, analytical functions, harmonic functions, complex integration, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, Taylor’s series, Laurent’s theorem, residue theorem, contour integration of real functions.
Fourier Series: Fourier expansions of various functions in given intervals, Euler’s formulae, odd and even functions, Half range series, typical waveforms, and harmonic analysis.
Vector Calculus: Vector differentiation, scalar and vector point functions, Del applied to point functions, gradient, divergence and curl, vector integration; Green’s theorem in a plane, Stokes’s theorem and divergence theorem, orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, spherical and cylindrical polar coordinates.
Special Functions: Gamma and Beta functions, solution of differential equations in series, solution of Bessel’s function, recurrence formula for
Jn (x), solution of Legender’s equation.
Statistics: Functions of random variables, calculus of probability, regression analyses. Random sampling, random numbers, estimation of parameters, confidence intervals.
FR 262 Thermodynamics:
Introduction; Basic concepts; thermodynamic behavior of pure substance; Steam tables and charts, First law of thermodynamics and its application to flow and non-flow processes. Second law of thermodynamics: statement, Carnot cycle and entropy. Heat transfer fundamentals: mode of heat transfer, basic laws, heat transfer through plane and cylindrical and composite walls.
FR 260 Engineering Mechanics:
(For EE, CSE ECE and AR Departments)
Force system, moment, couple, equivalent force coupled system, equations of equilibrium. Friction and applications, center of mass, kinematics and dynamics of particle. Introduction to the kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies. Work-Energy, impulse momentum.
(For ME Department)
Force systems. Resultant. Moment. Couple. Equilibrium conditions. Structures. Virtual work. Friction. Centroids and moment of inertia.
(For CE Department)
Introduction – vectors – force and force systems, addition, resultant, force components, two dimensional force system. Moment and couple forces, resultant – three dimensional force system – equilibrium, distributed forces, centers of mass and centroid, supported body, statical determinancy. Beams: types, reactions, shear force and bending moment, general loading. Principle of virtual work – flexible cables – friction.
FR 321 Numerical Computations:
Errors and approximations in numerical calculations. Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations. Solution of linear system of equations (direct and iterative methods). Solution of non-linear system of equations. Solution techniques for Eigen value problems. Interpolation. Numerical differentiation. Numerical integration. Approximations. Ordinary differential equations. Numerical solution of partial differential equations. (Computer implementation of the methods).
FR 561 Engineering Economics and Management:
Basic principles of engineering economy: Decision making and management, origins of engineering economy, relationship between engineering and management, non-monetary factors and multiple objects, engineering economy – methodology and applications, money time relationship and their applications, theory of demand and supply, theory of production, theory of costs, developing cash flows, marketing management, marketing concepts and tools, strategic planning, marketing information system and marketing records, marketing environment, consumer behavior, forecasting market demands, managing products through their product life cycle, strategies for global market place, pricing strategies.
Supplementary Course in Mathematics:
This course is intended for First Year students in the first semester. It is a non-credit compulsory course and the students are required to attend all the lectures and tutorials and must pass in the examination at the end of the semester.
Course Description:
Co-ordinate geometry: Conical sections, Parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola, Translation of axes, Rotation of axes.
Derivatives and its applications: Types of functions, Limits, Continuity, Derivatives, Successive differentiation, Asymptotes.
Integration: Definite integrals, Indefinite integrals, Logarithmic and power functions. Applications of integrals, Calculation of area, Calculation of volume, Length of arcs, Surface area, Center of mass, Moment of inertia.