النشأة والتطور
تأسس قسم الهندسة المعمارية عام 1998م وتخرجت أول دفعة من حملة البكالوريوس عام 2003م انطلاقا من الأهداف العامة لجامعة عدن وكلية الهندسة.
يهدف قسم الهندسة المعمارية إلى:-
1ـ تخريج المهندس المعماري المزود بكافة الأسس والنظريات العلمية والمهارات الهندسية والخبرات التطبيقية اللازمة لتقديم الاستشارات الفنية في مجالات التصميم والأشراف على تنفيذ مختلف أنواع المشروعات المعمارية والتخطيطية.
2ـ تخريج المهندس المعماري القادر من خلال ممارسة المهنة على تنظيم وقيادة فريق العمل الهندسي الذي يضم كافة التخصصات الهندسية للوصول بالمشروع إلى أهدافه المنشودة في خدمة المجتمع.
3ـ أجراء البحوث في المجالات التخطيطية والمعمارية التي تستهدف أيجاد الحلول التي تخدم المجتمع والمؤسسات التي تخدمهم في مجالات التخطيط والإسكان والبناء.
4- تنظيم الندوات والمحاضرات والدورات التدريبية بغرض تنمية الوعي المعماري لغير المتخصصين ورفع المستوى العلمي والمهني للمهندسين.
يتلقى الطالب عبر الخطة الدراسية إلى جانب العلوم الأساسية محاضرات في مجالات التصميم المعماري وتنفيذ المنشآت، دراسة تاريخ ونظريات الهندسة المعمارية والتخطيط والتصميم المعماري، كما تشمل الخطة الدراسية على علوم هندسة البناء مثل الإنارة والصوتيات والحرارة في المباني وتطبيقات الكمبيوتر والتركيبات والتجهيزات الفنية في المباني والتحكم البيئي وإدارة المشاريع وبعض علوم الهندسة المدنية مثل علم المساحة والتصميمات الإنشائية للمباني.
ويتوج دراسة الطالب في السنة الخامسة باعداد مشروع التخرج الذي يعتبر الأساس العملي التطبيقي لكل ما درسه من علوم
يتيح النمط الدراسي بقسم الهندسة المعمارية للطالب فور تخرجه فرصة العمل كمهندس معماري في مختلف المجالات المهنية في الوزارات والشركات والمراكز العلمية والجامعات.
الهيئة التدريسية
المنهــج الدراســـي
العام الأول
1st Semester
2nd Semester
Course No.
Course Name
Course No.
Course Name
English Language I
Arabic Language I
Mathematics I
English Language II
Physics I
Mathematics II
Introduction to Computers
Computer Programming
Geometrical Drawing
Descriptive Geometry
Basic Architectural Design I
Basic Architectural Design II
Free Hand Drawing I
Free Hand Drawing II
Mathematics (Supplementary)
Summer Training
العام الثاني
3rd Semester
4th Semester
Course No.
Course Name
Course No.
Course Name
Arabic Language II
Engineering Mechanics
Technical English
Architectural Design I
Architectural W/S and Model Making
Architectural Construction II
Free Hand Drawing III
History and Theories of Architecture I
Building Materials
Shade and Perspective
Architectural Construction I
Free Hand Drawing IV
Electrical Installations
Summer Training
5th Semester
6th Semester
Course No.
Course Name
Course No.
Course Name
General Culture
Islamic Culture
Architectural Design II
Architectural Design III
Architectural Construction III
History and Theories of Architecture III
History and Theories of Architecture II
Reinforced Concrete Structure
Environmental Engineering
Computer Aided Architectural Design
Steel and Timber Structures
Working Designs I
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Theories of Town Planning
Summer Training
7th Semester
8th Semester
Course No.
Course name
Course No.
Course name
Architectural Design IV
Architectural Design V
History and Theories of Architecture IV
Working Designs III
Working Designs II
Town Planning II
Town Planning I
Interior Design
Architecture and Environmental Science
Urban Design
Landscape Design
Construction Management
Lighting and Acoustics
CE472 |
Quantity Surveying and Estimation
Summer Training
9th Semester
10th Semester
Course No.
Course Name
Course No.
Course Name
Engineering Economics and Management
Elective II
Architectural Design VI
Project Part II
Elective I
Project Part I
The Elective course groupings are listed as below.
Elective I
Elective II
Course No.
Course Name
Course No.
Course Name
Land Use Planning
Islamic and Vernacular Architecture
History of Modern Architecture
Problems and Methods of Architectural Preservation
Selected Topics in Architecture
ملخص المساقات
AR 111 BasicArchitectural Design – I:
Elements of architecture, relationshipbetween man and surroundings (furniture, equipment, openings, … etc.) studyingthe form space, proportion touching, rhythm, circulation stability as a basicfeeling for aesthetics.
AR 121 FreeHand Drawing – I:
Introduction to horizontaland vertical lines and surfaces, levels, planes, volume and forms, lighting andshade, texture and material, drafting use of drawing tools (drawing paper,pencils, ink, colors), exercises in drawing.
AR 112 BasicArchitectural Design – II:
Functional understanding to the interior andexternal space of the building, studying and analyzing the theories of colorsand its relationship with using different material, rows and its functions,structural specification.
AR 122 FreeHand Drawing – II:
Different methods ofintroducing technical expression and its elements, furniture elements, man andanimals body, methods of expression and reaching the idea, plans and therelationship between architecture and nature, use of colors, studyingArabesque.
AR 221 Architectural W/S and Model Making:
Engineering materials:Classification of engineering materials; Mechanical, electrical, physical andthermal properties of materials; Iron - carbon diagram. Carpentry: Carpentrytools, classification and application, carpentry joints, wood working machinesand processes. Measurements: Linear measurements and their equipment (Vernier,micrometer, etc.); Angular measurement and their tools (sine bar, bevelprotractor, etc.) Rules in construction model making from different materials.
AR 223 FreeHand Drawing – III:
Theory of color: painting in water colors,tranquil nature, color values. Drawing by pencil, Chinese ink, graphic studies,drawing of marine environment and traces, free subject drawing.
AR 231 BuildingMaterials:
Building stones and aggregate, clay products(bricks, tiles, terractle), limes and cements, mortars, concrete, timber,plastics and glass, paints, Ferrous metal, steel, gypsum, miscellaneousmaterials.
AR 213 Architectural Construction – I:
Soils and foundations: general discussion,soil investigations, load baring properties of different soils, types offoundations. Introduction on building components and their basic requirements,framed structure and partitions, load bearing walls, roofs and roof coverings,arches and lintels, miscellaneous structures: shell structures, domes. Verticaltransportation: stair cases, types of stairs.
CE 201 Surveying:
Survey and geodesydefinition, principles of surveying, classifications, precision of surveymeasurement, elements of survey instruments, distance measuring, coordinates ofhorizontal points, vertical determinations of points and elevations, measurementsof horizontal and vertical angles.
AR 212 ArchitecturalDesign – I:
Training on the methods of drawing andtraditional expression with two and three dimensions, training on makingmakiets (Makiet site plan from gypsum on cartoon paper), drawing contour linesand understanding the topography of the given area for the project. Training onarchitectural surveying for the buildings, training on the way of starting thedesign project sequence in putting problems and finding solutions and thendrawing the project, for example, vegetable and fruit kiosk.
AR 214 Architectural Construction – II:
Openings: doors and windows, types andmaterials, structural joints in buildings, movement joints, expansion jointsand settlement. Building finishes: plastering, painting.
AR 242 History and Theories ofArchitecture – I:
Studying and analyzing the art andarchitecture in prehistoric centuries and Pharos, Greek, Roman century, effectof surrounding and culture on architectural character.
AR 222 Shade and Perspective:
Perspective: drawing principles ofperspective, drawing with one and two vanishing points, various cases andmethods in geometric perspective drawing, shade in perspective, reflection,perspective with three vanishing points, panoramic perspective. Shade: shadedrawing principles, shade on horizontal and vertical surfaces, shade on slopingsurfaces, shades of pyramidal forms, curved forms.
AR 224 Free Hand Drawing – IV:
Full project selected by the guide and thestudent presents all various cases and methods, composition and reflection.
EE 202 ElectricalInstallations:
Wiring system, internal installations andservices, illumination, electrical equipment and networks, control andprotection instruments
AR 311 Architectural Design – II:
Recognizing the basic functionalrelationship for the building, studying form and space as a basic component forthe architectural education, surface and volume formation, design smallresidential building (villa) in consideration to the movement and furniture layout.
AR 313 Architectural Construction – III:
Temporary supportingstructures and concrete construction, RCC construction, RCC framed buildings,pre-cast concrete construction, computer aided design.
AR 341 Historyand Theories of Architecture – II:
Analyze the style and form in Byzantine,Roman, Gothic and Islamic architecture, Influence of geological, social,cultural, climatic, religion factors, studying the characteristics and trendsof Islamic architecture and its cultural, social and economical directions inthe renewal, development and up-grading process.
CE 351 EnvironmentalEngineering:
General-sewerage system. Pumping station and rising main. Composition andcharacteristics of sewage. Treatment works. Activated sludge treatment.Oxidation pond, construction and design. Sewerage of isolated areas. Sewagedisposal works.
CE 311 Steeland Timber Structures:
Steel structures:materials used, section forms, connections in metal joints, welding, bolts,metal roofs, solid beams, space frames, metal columns. Timber structures: woodjoinery, rules in construction of joints, types of joints, trusses design.
ME 331 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning:
Physiological principles:Thermal exchange between human body and environment; Comfort chart and comfortconditions; Cooling load calculations; Loads due to source of heat and moisturein buildings; Loads for cold storage and air conditioning systems; Appliedpsychometry; Advanced vapour compression system; Flash chamber and flashintercooling, multiple expansion valve single load system with compoundcompression; low temperature refrigeration;: cooling methods; simple system fordry -ice method, Joule Thomson effect method, liquefaction of air and gases,magnetic cooling; water vapour refrigeration with steam ejector; Thermoelectricrefrigeration; vapour absorption systems.
AR 312 Architectural Design – III:
Design service buildings with architecturaldetails, emphasis on site, space organization. Design a small building (school,kindergarten, health center, post office), computer aided design in drawing andexpression in two and three dimensions.
AR 342 History andTheories of Architecture – III:
Study contents and determine architecturaltheories and trends that characterize various architectural schools:(Romanticism, idealism, functionalism, organic, Chicago school, modern art, neoplasticism,constructivism, non constructivism, expressionism, modernist andpost-modernism.
CE 312 ReinforcedConcrete Structure:
Introduction, materialsused in concrete mixtures, properties of reinforced concrete, advantages of RC,execution of RC structures, structural design and computation of concretestructures, design of sections under bending moment, rectangular sections, noncentral stress, slabs, sheer foundations.
AR 314 Computer Aided Architectural Design:
Determination and preparation of data forcomputer graphics, input – output processes, explanation of pictorial, graphand histogram programs, emphasis on graphical output for two-dimensional andthree-dimensional representation.
AR 316 Working Designs – I:
Preparation of working drawings for two –multistory commercial or service building with technical report.
AR 352 Theories of Town Planning:
Definition of town planing,design and construction of cities. The city: definition, the modern city, thegarden city, Camillo Sitte, Ebenezer Howard, examples of garden cities inEurope, Le Curbusier’s ideas on the contemporary city and La Ville Radieuse,Athens chart, CIAM, housing, recreation, work circulation. Shapes of cities:central, radial, linear, network cities, ports, climatic conditions. Basicfunctions of the city, residential area, service areas, green areas, industrialareas, roads and circulation rules and specifications.
AR 411 Architectural Design – IV:
Strengthen anddevelopment of previous concepts in designing: (residential building, club,youth house, cultural center, small commercial building), computer aided designin drawing.
AR 441 History and Theories of Architecture – IV:
Function, construction,Aesthetic, practical examples expresses historical view for architecturalideas, modern architecture, Le-Curbusier, Mis Van Dros, M, Wright, HassanFathy, clay architecture – history and characteristics, examples from Yemeniarchitecture.
AR 413 Working Designs – II:
Preparation of workingdrawings for three multistory residential, commercial or industrial buildingusing modern construction materials, notably framed reinforced concrete withtechnical report.
AR 451 TownPlanning – I:
An advanced theory and methodology on cityand regional development including a review of urban growth, spatial structure.Principles of land use and zoning in urban environments. Master plan: phasesand components.
AR 415 Architectureand Environmental Science:
Environmental data and its effects onarchitecture (man, temperature, ventilation). Orientation: sun, sun paths,direct sunbeam’s reception, heat exchange in buildings, radiation and buildingmaterials, humidity and evaporation, wind speed and its effect on humanbehavior within built space, ventilation, pollution and environmentalprotection, air pollution, water pollution.
AR 417 Landscape Design:
Green areas in Master plans, principles andstages of landscape design and planning including site analysis and differentfactors involved; (social, psychological, economical, aesthetics, climatic,vegetation, and building materials). Applications of landscape design forbuilding surroundings or a group of buildings with green areas, roads,parking, etc.
AR 419 Lighting and Acoustics:
Light and eye physiology, natural lighting,use of artificial lighting, sound and ear physiology, sound sources andcharacteristics, distribution of sound inside building, examples of variouscases.
AR 412 Architectural Design – V:
Design of medium sizebuilding (cultural and educational institutions, hospitals and health services,hotels, sport complexes), with consideration perfection of drawing by usingcomputer aided design.
AR 414 Working Designs – III:
Preparation of working drawings for culturalcenter, hotel, or sports club with water supply, drainage, sanitation andelectricity designs with technical specifications.
AR 452 Town Planning – II:
Residential neighborhood, land use andservices, roads, greenery and interrelations of space, scale, and otherelements (parking, pedestrian networks).
AR 416 Interior Design:
Elements of interior design: color,shape, texture, lighting, illumination and furniture. Effects on spaceplanning. Circulation elements, stairs, corridors, plazas, etc.
AR 454 UrbanDesign:
Principles and techniques of urban design,different aspects and implications of urban design, e.g. social, economical andtechnical, spatial organization, land use and zoning in urban environments,contemporary concept of urban design and its applications in differentsocieties.
CE 462 Construction Management:
Construction management (definition andconcepts). Construction management methodologies. Advanced computer basedconstruction management. Value management. Field organization. Contractualaspects of construction. Studies of some construction management. Outlook forconstruction management.
CE 472 Quantity Surveying and Estimation:
Methodsof measurements, Detailed estimates of civil engineering works, Specifications,Analysis of rates, Abstracting and billing, Cost accounting, Approximate rates.
AR 511 Architectural Design – VI:
Design a building with consideration tointegrated functional relationships, emphasis on structural concepts, location,equipment and topography of the site (housing complex, public library,industrial building, hotel service center, commercial complex) with workingdrawings by using computer aided design.
AR 563 Seminar:
A student is required tocarry out investigations in specialized topics and deliver a talk at the end ofthe semester.
AR 561 ProjectPart – I:
Preparation and pursue of an industrialresearch program appropriate to the student’s chosen graduation project with aprimary and analysis studies.
AR 562 Project Part – II:
Development of the primary studies, proposaland variants for the main solutions. Prepare a final full project includinglandscaping, interior space and all architecture working drawings with makietand report including technical specification of the project.
AR511 Housing:
Compatibility of otherland use with housing; Relationship of employment, central facilities,recreation and cultural facilities to housing site; Housing types and services;Recommended land standards; Physical elements in the organization of theneighborhood.
AR 541 Islamic and Vernacular Architecture:
World Vernaculararchitecture and folk buildings, local architecture and construction materials,Islamic architecture and its impact on the local architecture in the area.
AR 531 Problems and Methods ofArchitectural Preservation:
The environment, existingbuildings, function, new construction, mechanical services in existingbuildings, problems and techniques of community preservation.
AR 542 Land Use Planning:
Basic techniques forregulating the use and appearance of land. Legal frame work, socialimplications, planning approaches, communicating land use information.
AR 544 History of Modern Architecture:
Advanced investigations of historicalproblems in modern architecture.
AR 560 Selected Topics in Architecture:
Under this course topics of current interest will be covered.