آخر تحديث :Sat-21 Dec 2024-04:56PM
جامعة عدن

جامعة عدن

قسم الهندسة المدنية - كلية الهندسة


النشأة والتطور،

إن الهندسة المدنية هي إحدى التخصصات التي تعني بالبنية التحتية للمجتمعات المدنية وتطويرها بالاتجاه الذي يفي بمتطلبات النهضة الاقتصادية الاجتماعية والثقافية. فالمهندس المدني معني بتصميم وانشاء المباني بمختلف أنواعها فضلاً عن السدود والجسور والطرقات والمطارات وشبكات المياه والري والصرف الصحي.

تأسس قسم الهندسة المدنية عام 1976م (المعهد الفني العالي) وبعد تأسيس كلية التكنولوجيا تخرجت أول دفعة من الكلية في عام 1981م من حملة شهادة الإجازة الخاصة.  ويهدف القسم الى إعداد المهندس المتخصص في مجال الهندسة المدنية القادر على استخدام المعارف العلمية الهندسية في مجالاتها المختلفة وما يستجد في مجال التخصص من تطورات وتقنيات.
إن شمولية هذا التخصص ومرونته يفتح المجال واسعاً أمام خريجي هذا القسم لإيجاد فرص العمل المناسبة والتي تتماشى مع رغباته ومجالات إبداعاته في المؤسسات الحكومية وغير الحكومية.




من المعروف بان كلية الهندسة من الكليات التطبيقية التي تحتاج الى تمويل ودعم مستمرين في تسيير العملية التدريسية بالكلية وذلك في تخريج مهندسين مسلحين في مهنتهم بالجوانب النظرية والتطبيقية. ان استكمال الجانب النظري مرهونا باستكمال الجانب التطبيقي لذا تعتبر المختبرات والورش الجانب الحيوي الهام والمكمل للعملية التدريسية بالكلية. يتدرب فيها الطلاب وتضيف الى مداركهم وتوسع مفهومهم النظري الهندسي.

لدى القسم الهندسة المدنية المختبرات التالية:-

1)  مختبر الهندسة المدنية العام

2)  مختبر المساحة

3)  مختبر الهندسة البيئية


الهيئة التدريسية



اسم عضو هيئة التدريس

الشهادة العلمية

اللقب العلمي



عبدالله عمر خميس بن دحمان


أستاذ مشارك

رئيس القسم


فيصل حسن شمشير





عمر احمد باعباد


أستاذ مشارك



عبدالله عمر بن دحمان


أستاذ مشارك

مدير مركز البيئة


انيس يوسف علي


أستاذ مشارك



زكي محمد عثمان


أستاذ مشارك



زيد ثابت يوسف


أستاذ مشارك



ابوبكر محمد بارحيم


أستاذ مشارك

مدير المركز الاستشاري الهندسي


فريد محمد عبد الكريم


أستاذ مشارك



عبد السلام قائد محمد


أستاذ مساعد



فهمي عبدالله حكمة


أستاذ مساعد



زينب محمد بيربهاي


أستاذ مساعد



خالد محمد سعيد مسواط


أستاذ مساعد



خالد عبد الحليم حيدر علي


أستاذ مساعد



محمد علي ناصر الجنيد


أستاذ مساعد



سهيل عبد العزيز عبد الرزاق


أستاذ مساعد



وليد عبد الرشيد محمود


أستاذ مساعد



ثابث سالم العزب


أستاذ مساعد



علاء سعيد محمد عبدالملك


أستاذ مساعد



محمد عيدروس زين


أستاذ مساعد



نزيه عبدالله فاضل


إستاد مساعد



احمد محمود سيف

إجازة خاصة




أماني احمد ناجي





حياة عبود صالح عمر





وليد ابو بكر القطي





لبيد احمد محمد قعطبي





ماجدة سعيد عبدالخير النوبان





إبراهيم يحيى أحمد حكيم





مناف محمد سالم حسن





ريدان صالح مقطن





محمد عبدالله محمد بانافع





محمد موسى احمد عبدالله الحميقاني





اسامة اسماعيل البكيلي





بشير محمد عبده سيف





عمرو ابوبكريارحيم





المنهــج الدراســـي





العام الأول   FIRST YEAR 


1st. Semester


2nd. Semester


Course No.

Course Name

Course No.

Course Name


English Language I


Arabic Language I.


Mathematics I


English Language II


Physics I


Mathematics II


Workshop Technology


Physics II


Introduction to Computers




Geometrical Drawing


Descriptive Geometry




Computer Programming


Mathematics (Supplementary)





  العام الثاني     SECOND YEAR


3rd Semester

4th. Semester


Course No.

Course Name

Course No.

Course Name


Arabic Language II


Mathematics IV


Technical English




Mathematics III


Surveying I


Engineering Mechanics


Mechanics of Solids


Principles of Electrical Engineering.


Civil Engineering Drawing II


Civil Engineering Drawing I


Building Construction


Engineering Geology


Civil Engineering Materials


العام الثالث   THIRDYEAR


5th Semester

6th Semester


Course No.

Course Name

Course No.

Course Name


General Culture


Islamic Culture


Numerical Computation


Structural Analysis II


Surveying II


Soil Mechanics


Structural Analysis I


Reinforced concrete Design I


Concrete Tech. & Testing



CE 321

Fluid mechanics


Environmental Engineering I


Summer Training




   العام الرابع  FOURTHYEAR



7th semester


8th Semester

Course No.

Course Name

Course No.

Course Name


Structural analysis III


Reinforced Concrete Design III


Reinforced Concrete Design II


Transportation Engineering II


Foundation Engineering


Water Resources Engineering


Transportation Engineering I


Steel Design I


Environmental Engineering II


Construction Management


Engineering Hydrology


Course Project II


Course Project I


Summer Training


  العام الخامس FIFTH YEAR


9th Semester


10th Semester


Course No.

Course Name

Course No.

Course Name


Engineering Economics and Management


Elective II


Quantity Surveying & Estimation


Project Part II


Steel Design II




Elective I








Project Part I








The Elective course groupings arelisted as below.


Elective I


Elective II


Course No.

Course Name

Course No.

Course Name


Dynamics Of  Structures


Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis


Concrete Tanks


Concrete Bridges


Finite Element Method


Prestressed Concrete Design


Hydraulic Structures


Shell Design


Numerical Methods in Water Resources Engineering


Groundwater Engineering


Computer Aided Analysis and Design in Water Resources Engineering


Coastal Engineering


Irrigation & Drainage Engineering


Earth Pressure and Retaining structures


Advanced Geo-technical Engineering


Soil Stabilization


Rock Mechanics


Airport Engineering


Traffic Engineering


Advanced Highway Engineering


Ports & Harbour Engineering


Urban Transportation Planning


Environmental Control


Environmental Pollution


Industrial Waste


Waste Water Reclamation and Reuse



ملخص المساقات




CE201            Civil Engineering Drawing –I:


Introduction. Isometric and perspective,shade and shadow. Conventional representation of building materials, types offoundation. General principles in the stone masonry construction. Types ofbricks, types of walls. Classification and methods of arch constructionclassification of lintels. Location of doors, windows and their types.Classification of stairs, balustrades. Classification of roofs, floor. Structuraldetails for the building.

CE203            Engineering Geology:


Introduction. Minerology, identification of minerals,physical properties, common rock forming minerals. Petrology, Igneous rocks,sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks. Structural geology, dip and strike,folds, faults, unconformities, joints, structures due to denudation, mountainbuilding. Physical Geology, rock weathering and soils, work of wind, work ofrivers, work of sea. Hydrogeology, sources of water, hydrological cycle,geological work of groundwater, occurrence, hydrological properties of rocks,wells and springs.


CE204            Surveying – I:


Principles ofsurveying, classifications, Linear Measurements –direct and indirect methods,chain surveying, compass surveying, Traverses, Levelling and contouring,equipment and methods, computation of areas and volumes.


CE212              Mechanics of Solids:


Introduction- Definition of stress,Equations of equilibrium, General case of plane stress, Principal stress,Maximum shear stress; Mohr’s circle of stresses, Centroidal properties of planearea; Concepts of strains, Strain displacement relations, principal strains,Plane strain; Elastic constants, stress-strain relationships; Torsion ofshafts; bending and shear stresses of beam, Combined stress; Strain energymethods; stability; torsion.

CE202            Civil Engineering Drawing –II:


Introduction; History of architecture;Principles of architectural design; Orientation of buildings; Factors affectingorientation; Functional requirements of buildings; Ventilation, Functionalrequirements of ventilation; Architecture and environment, Effect of climate inarchitectural design; Small design project.

CE262            Building Construction:


Definition and purposes of building, conceptof  foundation, masonry constructions,framed structure and partitions, miscellaneous structures, cement concrete,temporary supporting structures and concrete construction, floor and flooringtypes, roof types, piles.


CE214            Civil EngineeringMaterials:


Clay products, bricks, lime, cement, mortar,aggregates, timber, ferrous metal, steel, paints, plastics and glass,miscellaneous materials.



CE301            Surveying – II:

Theodolite traversing - equipmentand methods, measurements of horizontal and vertical angles, Tachometricsurveying, Curves – different types – elements – setting procedures,Triangulation, Photogrammetric terms, Photo-interpretation and remote Sensing,others measurements, Theory of errors – Estimation of most probable values.


CE311            Structural Analysis – I:


Simple stresses and strain. Bending momentand shear forces in statically determinate beams and frames. Biaxial tensionand compression. Analysis of plane stress. Geometrical properties of planeareas. Torsion of circular shafts, bars. Theory of columns. Methods of analysisof forces in pin-jointed. Analysis of three-hinged arches. Influence lines ofdeterminate structures.


CE361 Concrete Technology and Testing:


Introduction to concrete as a structuralmaterial. Concrete mix design. Mixing, transporting and placing of concrete.Properties of fresh concrete. Compaction of concrete. Curing of concrete.Properties of hardened concrete. Shrinkage and creep of concrete. Permeabilityand durability of concrete. Special concrete and concreting processes.


CE321            Fluid Mechanics:


Introduction; Fluid properties and classification of fluids.Pressure and pressure measurements; Fluid statics and Fluids in rigid bodymotion; Equilibrium of floating bodies. Fluid flow kinematics; Energy equationand its Applications; Momentum Equation and its Applications; Dimensionalanalysis and modelling criteria.


CE312            Structural Analysis – II:


Deformation of statically determinate beams.Deflection of statically determinate trusses. Analysis of staticallyindeterminate beams and rigid frames. Analysis of statically indeterminatetrusses by the force method. The three- moment equation.


CE332            Soil Mechanics:


Introduction-Soil Definition, Formation,types; Weathering. Index properties. Derivation of basic equations,Inter-relations, Simple engineering tests, Grain size distribution, hydrometeranalysis, Consistency of cohesive soils, identification and classification ofsoils. Soil compaction. Permeability. Principle of effective stress,, Quickcondition. Seepage, Equation of continuity, Laplacian equations, Flowpotential, Flow nets, Phreatic line,. Dupuit’s solution, Schaffernak  solution, Casagrande’s solution.Consolidation, Consolidation settlement, Terzaghi Theory of consolidation,Degree of consolidation. Shear strength-Introduction, Basic concepts, Mohr’scircle, Shear testing of soil.


CE314            Reinforced Concrete Design –I:


Introduction, Design Philosophies, Designmethods, Codes of Practice. Limit state design, Ultimate limit state,Serviceability limit state, Load combinations, Design stress-strain curves formaterials. Section Design-Rectangular sections, T-sections, L-sections, Singlyand Doubly reinforced sections. Shear, Bond and Torsion- Design of shearreinforcements, Anchorage,Bonds, Laps, Joints, Torsion reinforcements. Deflection and Cracking-Deflection limits and checks, Modification factors for tension and compressionreinforcements, Cracking limits and control, Bar spacing control. Design ofslabs- types of slabs, Design methods, Design of One-Way and Two-Ways slabs - Simply supported andrestrained-, bending and shear force coefficients, Sketching and detailing ofslab reinforcements.


CE322            Hydraulics:


Flow Regimes. Laminar Flow; Frictional head loss; Velocitydistribution. Introduction To boundary layer theory. Turbulent flow in closedconduits; Friction factor. Pipe flow; Pipe networks. Open channel flow; Normal and critical flows;Steady hydraulic jump; Gradually Varied Flow; Water surface profiles.

CE352            Environmental Engineering– I:


Water cycle and source of water. Rain falland run off. Estimation of water consumption. Population studies andforecasting. Quantity of water. Fluctuation in demand of water. Quality ofwater. Disinfection. Conveyance of water. Pumps. Surface water collection work.Treatments. The water standards.



CE411            Structural Analysis – III:


The slope- deflection method. The moment-distribution method. Approximate methods of multistory- frame analysis. Kani’smethod. Plastic theory of bending.


CE413            Reinforced Concrete Design –II:


Ribbed Slabs- Design considerations, Designprocedure, Shear, deflection and crack control. Flat Slabs- Analysis andDesign, Shear, deflection and crack control. Stair Slabs- Design of transverseand longitudinal spanning stair slabs. Columns-Types, Loads, Design considerations,Short and slender columns subjected to axial loads, uniaxial moment and biaxialbending, Braced and unbraced columns. Foundations- general considerations,Design of axially and eccentrically loaded pad bases, Design of strip wallfootings.


CE415            Foundation Engineering:


Introduction to foundation engineering.Stress distribution in soil- Introduction, Boussinesq’s equation, Westergard’sequation, Newmark’s influence diagram, Vertical Stress variation, Faudem’smethod. Foundation settlement. Bearing capacity of soils. Pile foundations.Lateral earth pressure. Stability of slopes.


CE441            Transportation Engineering– I:


Introduction; HighwayPlanning-Transportation Demand, Factors affecting demand, Highwayclassification, Planning surveys; Traffic forecasting. Geometric Design.Highway Material Pavement Design. Highway Construction and Maintenance.


CE 451            EnvironmentalEngineering –II:


General- sewerage system.Pumping station and rising main. Composition and characteristics of sewage. Treatmentworks. Activated sludge treatment. Oxidation pond, construction and design.Sewerage of isolated areas. Sewage disposal works.

CE421            Engineering Hydrology:

Introduction to hydrologic cycle and its various components.Physical land surface process- Evaporation, rainfall, interception,infiltration and stream flow. Hydrologic measurements. Flood estimation by unithydrograph theory, synthetic unit hydrograph, elementary flood frequencyanalysis, reservoir sizing. Hydrologic flood routing in reservoirs andchannels, Groundwater hydraulics.


CE 471            CourseProject – I:

Students are expected to developbetter skills in one of the fields of civil engineering.



CE412            Reinforced Concrete Design– III:


Foundations- Design of combined bases forcolumns, Raft slab/ slab and beam construction. Retaining Walls- Types, EarthPressure, Design procedure. Framed Buildings- Types and structural action,Loading on beams, Arrangement and critical loading, Shear and moment envelopes,Moment redistribution in beams, Curtailment of bars, Design of differentmembers in building frame.


CE442            Transportation Engineering –II:


Trraffic Engineering; Airport Engineering;Docks and Harbours, Docks, Breakwaves;, Material handling equipment.


CE 422            WaterResources Engineering:


Input Studies, Soil-Water-plantrelationship and assessment of irrigation requirement. Irrigation system, canaldesign, regime concept of stable channel design, tractive force, method ofstable channel design, reservoir studies, storage works and diversion works,canal regulation works, transition subcritical flow, cross drainage works,design of falls and modules, design principles of gravity dam sections,spillway types, energy dissipators.


CE 414            SteelDesign – I:


Structural steels, tensionmembers, structural fasteners, welding, compression members, beams(laterallysupported), continuous beam design.


CE462            Construction Management:


Construction management (definition andconcepts). Construction management methodologies. Advanced computer based constructionmanagement. Value management. Field organization. Contractual aspects ofconstruction. Studies of some construction management. Outlook for constructionmanagement.

CE 472            CourseProject – II:


Students are expected to developbetter skills in one of the fields of civil engineering.


CE301            Surveying – II:

Theodolite traversing - equipmentand methods, measurements of horizontal and vertical angles, Tachometricsurveying, Curves – different types – elements – setting procedures,Triangulation, Photogrammetric terms, Photo-interpretation and remote Sensing,others measurements, Theory of errors – Estimation of most probable values.


CE311            Structural Analysis – I:


Simple stresses and strain. Bending momentand shear forces in statically determinate beams and frames. Biaxial tensionand compression. Analysis of plane stress. Geometrical properties of planeareas. Torsion of circular shafts, bars. Theory of columns. Methods of analysisof forces in pin-jointed. Analysis of three-hinged arches. Influence lines ofdeterminate structures.


CE361 Concrete Technology and Testing:


Introduction to concrete as a structuralmaterial. Concrete mix design. Mixing, transporting and placing of concrete.Properties of fresh concrete. Compaction of concrete. Curing of concrete.Properties of hardened concrete. Shrinkage and creep of concrete. Permeabilityand durability of concrete. Special concrete and concreting processes.


CE321            Fluid Mechanics:


Introduction; Fluid properties and classification of fluids.Pressure and pressure measurements; Fluid statics and Fluids in rigid bodymotion; Equilibrium of floating bodies. Fluid flow kinematics; Energy equationand its Applications; Momentum Equation and its Applications; Dimensionalanalysis and modelling criteria.


CE312            Structural Analysis – II:


Deformation of statically determinate beams.Deflection of statically determinate trusses. Analysis of staticallyindeterminate beams and rigid frames. Analysis of statically indeterminatetrusses by the force method. The three- moment equation.


CE332            Soil Mechanics:


Introduction-Soil Definition, Formation,types; Weathering. Index properties. Derivation of basic equations,Inter-relations, Simple engineering tests, Grain size distribution, hydrometeranalysis, Consistency of cohesive soils, identification and classification ofsoils. Soil compaction. Permeability. Principle of effective stress,, Quickcondition. Seepage, Equation of continuity, Laplacian equations, Flowpotential, Flow nets, Phreatic line,. Dupuit’s solution, Schaffernak  solution, Casagrande’s solution.Consolidation, Consolidation settlement, Terzaghi Theory of consolidation,Degree of consolidation. Shear strength-Introduction, Basic concepts, Mohr’scircle, Shear testing of soil.


CE314            Reinforced Concrete Design –I:


Introduction, Design Philosophies, Designmethods, Codes of Practice. Limit state design, Ultimate limit state,Serviceability limit state, Load combinations, Design stress-strain curves formaterials. Section Design-Rectangular sections, T-sections, L-sections, Singlyand Doubly reinforced sections. Shear, Bond and Torsion- Design of shearreinforcements, Anchorage,Bonds, Laps, Joints, Torsion reinforcements. Deflection and Cracking-Deflection limits and checks, Modification factors for tension and compressionreinforcements, Cracking limits and control, Bar spacing control. Design ofslabs- types of slabs, Design methods, Design of One-Way and Two-Ways slabs - Simply supported andrestrained-, bending and shear force coefficients, Sketching and detailing ofslab reinforcements.


CE322            Hydraulics:


Flow Regimes. Laminar Flow; Frictional head loss; Velocitydistribution. Introduction To boundary layer theory. Turbulent flow in closedconduits; Friction factor. Pipe flow; Pipe networks. Open channel flow; Normal and critical flows;Steady hydraulic jump; Gradually Varied Flow; Water surface profiles.

CE352            Environmental Engineering– I:


Water cycle and source of water. Rain falland run off. Estimation of water consumption. Population studies andforecasting. Quantity of water. Fluctuation in demand of water. Quality ofwater. Disinfection. Conveyance of water. Pumps. Surface water collection work.Treatments. The water standards.



CE411            Structural Analysis – III:


The slope- deflection method. The moment-distribution method. Approximate methods of multistory- frame analysis. Kani’smethod. Plastic theory of bending.


CE413            Reinforced Concrete Design –II:


Ribbed Slabs- Design considerations, Designprocedure, Shear, deflection and crack control. Flat Slabs- Analysis andDesign, Shear, deflection and crack control. Stair Slabs- Design of transverseand longitudinal spanning stair slabs. Columns-Types, Loads, Design considerations,Short and slender columns subjected to axial loads, uniaxial moment and biaxialbending, Braced and unbraced columns. Foundations- general considerations,Design of axially and eccentrically loaded pad bases, Design of strip wallfootings.


CE415            Foundation Engineering:


Introduction to foundation engineering.Stress distribution in soil- Introduction, Boussinesq’s equation, Westergard’sequation, Newmark’s influence diagram, Vertical Stress variation, Faudem’smethod. Foundation settlement. Bearing capacity of soils. Pile foundations.Lateral earth pressure. Stability of slopes.


CE441            Transportation Engineering– I:


Introduction; HighwayPlanning-Transportation Demand, Factors affecting demand, Highwayclassification, Planning surveys; Traffic forecasting. Geometric Design.Highway Material Pavement Design. Highway Construction and Maintenance.


CE 451            EnvironmentalEngineering –II:


General- sewerage system.Pumping station and rising main. Composition and characteristics of sewage. Treatmentworks. Activated sludge treatment. Oxidation pond, construction and design.Sewerage of isolated areas. Sewage disposal works.

CE421            Engineering Hydrology:

Introduction to hydrologic cycle and its various components.Physical land surface process- Evaporation, rainfall, interception,infiltration and stream flow. Hydrologic measurements. Flood estimation by unithydrograph theory, synthetic unit hydrograph, elementary flood frequencyanalysis, reservoir sizing. Hydrologic flood routing in reservoirs andchannels, Groundwater hydraulics.


CE 471            CourseProject – I:

Students are expected to developbetter skills in one of the fields of civil engineering.



CE412            Reinforced Concrete Design– III:


Foundations- Design of combined bases forcolumns, Raft slab/ slab and beam construction. Retaining Walls- Types, EarthPressure, Design procedure. Framed Buildings- Types and structural action,Loading on beams, Arrangement and critical loading, Shear and moment envelopes,Moment redistribution in beams, Curtailment of bars, Design of differentmembers in building frame.


CE442            Transportation Engineering –II:


Trraffic Engineering; Airport Engineering;Docks and Harbours, Docks, Breakwaves;, Material handling equipment.


CE 422            WaterResources Engineering:


Input Studies, Soil-Water-plantrelationship and assessment of irrigation requirement. Irrigation system, canaldesign, regime concept of stable channel design, tractive force, method ofstable channel design, reservoir studies, storage works and diversion works,canal regulation works, transition subcritical flow, cross drainage works,design of falls and modules, design principles of gravity dam sections,spillway types, energy dissipators.


CE 414            SteelDesign – I:


Structural steels, tensionmembers, structural fasteners, welding, compression members, beams(laterallysupported), continuous beam design.


CE462            Construction Management:


Construction management (definition andconcepts). Construction management methodologies. Advanced computer based constructionmanagement. Value management. Field organization. Contractual aspects ofconstruction. Studies of some construction management. Outlook for constructionmanagement.

CE 472            CourseProject – II:


Students are expected to developbetter skills in one of the fields of civil engineering.



CE 561 Quantity Surveying and Estimation:


Methods of measurements,Detailed estimates of civil engineering works, Specifications, Analysis ofrates, Abstracting and billing, Cost accounting, Approximate rates.




CE 511            SteelDesign – II:


Design of Plate Girders;Gantry girders; Design of prestresed steel tanks; Circular tanks includingtheir staging,; Design of steel stack; Plastic analysis of steel structures.


CE 573            Seminar:


Students arerequired to carry out investigations in specific topic and present it before aspecilized committe.


CE 571            Project Part – I:


The objective of the projecttheme is the intensification of engineering knowledge, skills and proficiencyin solving a problem in the area of civil engineering. Students areexpected  gain subject-specificjob-related experience. Project works are examined by an authorised committee.


CE 572            ProjectPart – II:


The objectiveof the project theme is the intensification of engineering knowledge, skills andproficiency in solving a problem in the area of civil engineering. Students areexpected  gain subject-specificjob-related experience. Project works are examined by an authorised committee.


Elective I

CE 513            Dynamicsof structures:


Undamped and damped singledegree-of-freedom system, Response of one-degree-of-freedom system to harmonicand to general dynamic loading, Generalized coordinates and Rayleigh’s method,response spectra.

CE 515            ConcreteTanks :


Design criteria for liquidretaining structures. Design of rectangular, circular and intze tank with theirstaging and foundation.


CE 517            FiniteElement Method:


Introduction to finite elementmethod; Finite element formulations- Virtual work and Galerkin’s formulations;Shape and interpolation functions; 1-D finite elements; 2-D finiteelements-Structural finite elements, Continuum finite elements, Numericalintegration, Solution schemes for linear algebraic equations.


CE 521            HydraulicStructures:


Water front structures- Dams,Spillways, Weirs, Regulators. Energy dissipators. Hydraulics of bridges andculverts, Coastal and harbour structures, Seawalls, Jettys,Bulk heads,Structural components of hydropower projects.


CE 523 Numerical Methods in Water Resources Engineering:


Governing field equations;Computational aspects of numerical schemes; Series solution; Finite differenceand finite element methods; Basic Treatment of numerical schemes, Use ofcomputer Packages, Graphics; Simple case studies.


CE 525            ComputerAided Analysis and Design in Water Resources Engineering:


Computing techniques, Use ofcomputers; Review of computer languages; Computer graphics; computer aideddesign and analysis of water resources problems; Data base; Use of CAD tosimple case studies.


CE 527 Irrigation and Drainage Engineering:


Irrigation methods; Irrigationstructures; Surface and Subsurface irrigation methods, Irrigation scheduling ofcrops; Crop duty and water requirements; River training works; Canal headworks; Cross drainage works; Canal design, design of small bridges/ culverts.Necessity for drainage; Surface and subsurface drainage systems; Design ofdrainage systems; Design characteristics of storm water drains; design of tidalchannels.


CE 531 Advanced Geo-technical Engineering:


Soil structure and claymineralogy; Groundwater flow and seepage; Settlement analysis; Flexible earthretaining structures; Arching in soils; Seismic problems; Ground improvementstechniques.

CE 533            Rockmechanics:


Classification of rocks androck masses; Stress in rock masses; Stresses in opening around rocks; cracksand discontinuities in rocks; Rock falls; Griffith's theory; Rock qualitydesignation.




CE 541            TrafficEngineering:


Road user characteristics;Vehicle characteristics; Traffic stream parameters- models; Traffic studies;Parameters estimation through models; Traffic control management; Trafficsafety and street lighting.



CE 543            Portsand Harbour Engineering:


Selection of site; Designelements; Harbour works; Docks; Port facilities; Navigational aids and trafficcontrol.


CE 553            EnvironmentalControl:


Waste water characteristicsand disposal; Stream sanitation, waste water treatment; Primary and secondarytreatment extended aeration; Aerobic, anaerobic and facultative ponds; Sludgedigestion; Septic tanks; Tertiary treatment; Refractory compounds.


CE 555            IndustrialWaste:


Quality and quantity of watersupplies to and waste from industries; Methods of treatment and disposal ofindustrial wastes most common in an area.


Elective II

CE 512 Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis:


Fundamentals of StiffnessMethods. Basic concepts of stiffness methods, Action and displacements,equivalent joint loads, Properties of stiffness matrices, Transformation ofcoordinates, Assembly of global matrices. Direct Stiffness method for 2-D and3-D elements. Fundamentals of flexibility methods. Comparison of flexibilityand stiffness methods, Computer programs for truss, continuous beam, and framestructure using stiffness matrix method.

CE 514            ConcreteBridges:


Selection of type of bridge;Bridge loading; Analysis and design of T-beam bridge; Slab culverts; Box girderbridges.


CE 516 Pre-stressed Concrete Design:


Concept of pre-stressing;Methods of Pre-stressing; Advantages and disadvantages; Losses in Pre-stressing;Homogeneous Beam and Loading Balancing concept; Design of Pre-stressed concretebeam in flexure and shear; for limit state of collapse and serviceability.

CE 518            ShellDesign:


Theory of elastic thin shells;Membrane theory of cylindrical shells; Shells of revolution; Design of shells;Analysis and design of folded plates.


CE 522            GroundwaterEngineering:

Geological formations ofaquifers; Aquifer types; Aquifer parameters; Groundwater exploration and welldevelopment in different regions; Well hydraulics; Pumping tests; Discharge andrecharge wells.


CE 524 Coastal Engineering:


Basic concepts of wavetheories; small/finite waves amplitudes. Wave kinematics; Wave deformations;Tidal/coastal water characteristics; Wave forecasting; Wave structures; Coastalprocess; Littoral drift on shore/ off shore; Diffusion in coastal waters;


CE 532            EarthPressure and Retaining Structures:


Theory of earth-retainingpressures; Rigid retaining walls; Flexible retaining structures; Coffer dams;Instrumentation using pie-zometers; Pressure cells; Inclinometers.


CE 534 Soil Stabilization:


Scope of stabilization,Mechanical, Lime, Cement and Bitumen stabilization; Stabilization withchemicals; Electrical Osmosis; Electromechanical and thermal stabilization;Grouting; Reinforced earth; Use of geo-textiles; Foundation de-watering.


CE 544            AdvancedHighway Engineering:


Highway Materials- Evaluationof sub-grade soil and road aggregates; Various tests; Types of bituminousbinder and properties; Adhesion and rheology; Design of bituminous mixes.Properties of Soil- Aggregates mixtures; Proportioning and behavior; Soilstabilized mixes. Structural Design of Pavements- Design factors; Equivalentsingle wheel load; Repetition of loads; Pavement structure-soil interaction;Strength of pavement component materials. Flexible Pavements- Empirical andsemi-empirical methods; Layer system analysis and design. Rigid pavements- Loadand temperature stresses; Analysis and design. Pavement and Strengthening-Various techniques of design of overlays; Pavement evaluation. Strengthening ofpavements.


CE 542            AirportEngineering:


Airport planning; Geometricdesign of runways and taxies; Turn-way capacity and design; Runway pavementdesign; Airport drainage; Airport terminals; Air traffic control.


CE 546            UrbanTransportation Planning:


Objectives; Planning process;Study area delineation; Transportation studies; Travel demand estimation; Tripgeneration; Trip distribution; Modal split; Trip assignment; Plan preparationand evaluation before and after studies.


CE 552            EnvironmentalPollution:


Water pollution; Causes;Effects and control. Standards; Air pollution-

causes, effects, kinetics;Measurements and standards; Principal control measures, Case studies; Landpollution; Other types of pollution with case studies.


CE 554            WasteWater Reclamation and Reuse:


Significance of waste water reuse; Characteristics ofsecondary effluents, industrial, agricultural, recreational and domestic use;Advanced waste water treatment; Selection and combination of unit processes toobtain the desired water quality