آخر تحديث :Sat-21 Dec 2024-04:56PM
جامعة عدن

جامعة عدن

قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية - كلية الهندسة


النشأة والتطور

فترة التعليم المهني والفني: تعتبر مدينة عدن من أهم المواني العالمية و أكثرها شهره و تتطلب هذه الشهرة خدمة واسعة في عدة مجالات منها التجارية والاقتصادية والتقنية، وذلك يتطلب توفر الأيدي العاملة المهرة، كل ذلك فرض وجود معاهد لتدريبهم  ترتقي بهذا المستوى حيث أنشئ المعهد الفنيTechnical Institute  أبان الاستعمار البريطاني في عام 1950 في مدينة المعلا منطقة حافون من قبل المستعمر من اجل إعداد الفنيين المهرة في عدة مجالات منها:

1)  في مجال الخراطة، الحدادة، علم المواد وميكانيكا السيارات في قسم الميكانيكا،

2)  في مجال إعداد مشرفي عمال البناء ، و بناءون والنجارة والتركيبات في قسم البناء، و

3)   في مجال التسليك الكهربائي وربط أسلاك الجهد العالي وكهرباء المكائن في قسم الكهرباء.

وكانت هذه الأقسام في المعهد تقدم دورات متطورة للمرافق الحكومية والمؤسسات في تلك الفترة للموظفين للرفع من مستواهم المهني، وعلى سبيل المثال دورات لموظفي شركة المصافي  البريطانية (BP) وموظفي الميناء والبلدية  حيث كان يتطلب من الطلاب الملتحقين في المعهد الفني في تلك المرحلة النجاح بشهادة الإعدادية وإجادة اللغة الإنجليزية التي تعتبر من الشروط الرئيسية للقبول بالمعهد وكانت تمنح شهادة الثقافة العامة الفنية (G.C.E. Technical) و بعد الاستقلال ظل هذا المعهد يؤدي دوره في رفد المعامل و الورش و المصانع الوليدة بالعمال المهرة والحرفيين وكان القبول فيه بعد المرحلة الإعدادية ولمدة 3 سنوات.


  لقد نشأ قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية مع نشأة المعهد الفني كما ذكر أنفا و يعتبر قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية عامل حيوي في عملية التطور الاقتصادي لأي مؤسسة صناعية. إذ تلعب الهندسة الميكانيكية دوراً هاماً في إنتاج الطاقات الميكانيكية والحرارية. فهي معنية بتصميم وإنشاء وتشغيل وصيانة المعدات الميكانيكية والأنظمة الحرارية المتوفرة تقريباً في كل الصناعات والتي تتضمن صناعة وسائل المواصلات وصناعة التبريد والتكييف، ومحطات التوليد وتحلية المياه، الصناعات الثقيلة، والصناعات البترولية والكيميائية، وصناعة النسيج والصناعات الغذائية وصناعة مواد البناء والعديد من الصناعات الأخرى. ويرتبط المهندس الميكانيكي في مجالات عدة مثل التصميم و الإنتاج والتشغيل والصيانـة والإدارة والبحـث والتطوير. يتمتع فرع الهندسة الميكانيكية في المؤسسات الصناعية بالشمولية والمرونة والتفاعل مع الفروع الهندسية الأخرى لتلك المؤسسات والتي نادراً ما نجد واحدة منها لا تعتمد على الهندسة الميكانيكية. لدى قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية برنامج أكاديمي منتظم من المساقات الهندسية التي تقود طلبة هذا القسم وعلى مدى خمسة سنوات لنيل درجة البكلاريوس في الهندسة الميكانيكية وبأحد تخصصاته الثلاثة وهي:-

1)  الهندسة الحرارية،

2)  الميكانيكا التطبيقية،

3)  هندسة الإنتاج والهندسة الصناعية.

لقد أعدت الخطة الدراسية للقسم بحيث ترفد الطالب بالمعرفة الأساسية في مجالات الهندسة الميكانيكية والعلوم الأساسية. فمع نهاية المستوى الثالث وبداية المستوى الرابع يتم توزيع الطلاب حسب رغباتهم على التخصصات الثلاثة المذكورة أعلاه مما يتيح لهم فرصة أعمق في التوجه التخصصي في هذا المجال أو ذاك ويمكنهم من اكتساب مهارات أفضل إذ يتيح لهم ذلك فرص أوفر في مجالات سوق العمل المختلفة.

إن التطورات الحديثة في مختلف مجالات الهندسة الميكانيكية قد تم إدخالها في مختلف المساقات الدراسية والتي وضعت بحيث تلتقي مع الاحتياجات الصناعية. وتتميز الخطة الدراسية بالتركيز على استخدام الحاسوب والتكنولوجيا الحديثة مما يتيح للطالب القدرة على تقديم الحلول الهندسية لكثير من المسائل التكنولوجية. وفي السنة النهائية من السنوات الدراسية يناط بالطالب إعداد مشروع التخرج الذي بدوره يظهر القدرات الأبتكارية للطالب في معالجة واحدة  من المشكلات الهندسية الواقعية والعملية كما يتطلب برنامج الدراسة التحاق الطالب بالتدريب العملي الصناعي ولمدة شهر كامل وذلك في نهاية كل من المستوى الثالث والرابع مما يحقق للطالب الربط بين النظرية والتطبيق وكذا التعرف على خصائص وخصوصيات المؤسسات الصناعية.




من المعروف بان كلية الهندسة من الكليات التطبيقية التي تحتاج الى تمويل ودعم مستمرين في تسيير العملية التدريسية بالكلية وذلك في تخريج مهندسين مسلحين في مهنتهم بالجوانب النظرية والتطبيقية. ان استكمال الجانب النظري مرهونا باستكمال الجانب التطبيقي لذا تعتبر المختبرات والورش الجانب الحيوي الهام والمكمل للعملية التدريسية بالكلية. يتدرب فيها الطلاب وتضيف الى مداركهم وتوسع مفهومهم النظري الهندسي.

لدى القسم الهندسة الميكانيكية المختبرات التالية:-

1)  مختبر الانتقال الحراري والتبريد والتكييف،

2)  مختبر الاحتراق الداخلي،

3)  مختبر ميكانيكا و مكائن الموائع،

4)  مختبر الديناميكا والإهتزازات،

5)  مختبر مقاومة المواد،

6)  مختبر الإنتاج والقياسات الدقيقة،

7)  مختبر علم المواد.


الهيئة التدريسية

اسم عضو هيئة التدريس
الشهادة العلمية
اللقب العلمي
ايوب احمد ولي
أستاذ مساعد
رئيس القسم
سقاف احمد الكاف
جيرام سنج
سالم محمد بن قاضي
عبدالله عيظة باحشوان
مستشار رئيس جامعة حضرموت لشؤون الطلاب
حسين عوض التوي
محمد علي مقبل
عبد المنان عبد المجيد
محمد عقيل العطاس
نائب العميد لشؤون الطلاب
محمد عبدالعزيز خان
رياض عبد الرب فضيل
أستاذ مشارك
صبحي محمد خير الله
أستاذ مشارك
محمد عمر باسليم
أستاذ مشارك
مدير عام مطابع الكتاب المدرسي - عدن
شوقي عبد الرحمن الجرو
أستاذ مشارك
مدير عام مطبعة جامعة عدن
عبد الله عبد العزيز عبدالمجيد
أستاذ مشارك
سراج الدين محمد  حنيف
أستاذ مشارك
مشتاق محمد عبد القادر
أستاذ مشارك
نائب العميد لشؤون خدمة المجتمع
احمد صالح الحنيشي
أستاذ مشارك
علي عبد المجيد علي
أستاذ مشارك
نائب العميد للشؤون الأكاديمية
حسن بن حسن جبران
أستاذ مشارك
مدير عام القبول والتسجيل في كلية الهندسة
علي غالب علي
أستاذ مساعد
فهمي عبدالله عزعزي
أستاذ مساعد
فضل حسين العبادي
أستاذ مساعد
منصور صالح حيدره
أستاذ مساعد
فواز احمد غالب
احمد هادي سالم
مدير مشروع تطوير مدن الموانئ اليمنية - عدن
طارق ياسين محمد
سعاد علي عبدالرحمن
محمد أحمد الخضر محمد


المنهــج الدراســـي





العام الأول



1st Semester

2nd Semester
Course No.
Course Name
Course  No.
Course Name
English Language I
Arabic Language I.
Mathematics I
English Language II
Physics I
Mathematics II
Introduction to Computer
Physics II
Geometrical Drawing
Workshop Technology
Computer Programming
Descriptive Geometry




SECOND YEAR  العام الثاني


3rd Semester
4th Semester
Course No.
Course Name
Course No.
Course Name
Arabic Language II
Mathematics IV
Technical English
Mathematics III
Engineering Mechanics II
Engineering Mechanics I
Manufacturing Sciences
Manufacturing Processes
Materials Science
Engineering Drawing
Machine Drawing



THIRD YEAR  العام الثالث


5th Semester
6th Semester
Course No.
Course Name
Course No.
Course Name
General Culture
Islamic Culture
Numerical Computations
Strength of Materials II
Strength of Materials I
Automatic Control
Fluid Mechanics
Mechanics of Machines
Computer Aided Drafting
Heat Transfer
Principle of Electrical Engineering
Principles of Electronics and Microprocessors
Summer Training




FOURTH YEAR  العام الرابع


7th Semester


Option: Applied Mechanics
Option: Production and Industrial Engineering
Course No.
Course Name
Course No.
Course Name
Fundamentals of  Machine Design
Fundamentals of  Machine Design
Maintenance Engineering
Maintenance Engineering
Advanced Strength of Materials
Machine Tools
Theory of Machine
Metal Cutting
Mechanical Vibrations
Industrial Engineering I
Course Project I
Course Project I


Option: Thermal Engineering
Course No.
Course Name
Fundamentals of  Machine Design
Maintenance Engineering
Applied Thermodynamics
Heat & Mass Transfer
Fluid Dynamics
Course Project I



8th Semester


Option: Applied Mechanics
Option: Production and Industrial Engineering
Course No.
Course Name
Course No.
Course Name
Machine Design
Metal Forming
Dynamic of Machinery
Tool Design
Fracture Mechanics
Metrology and Quality Control
Automotive Mechanics
Industrial Engineering II
Course Project II
Course Project II
Summer Training
Summer Training



Option: Thermal Engineering
Course No.
Course Name
Energy Conversion
Fluid Machinery
Internal Combustion Engine
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Course Project II
Summer Training



FIFTH YEAR العام الخامس 


9th Semester


Option: Applied Mechanics
Option: Production and Industrial Engineering
Course No.
Course Name
Course No.
Course Name
Engineering Economics and Management
Engineering Economics and Management
Computer Aided Design
Instrumentation & Measurements
Instrumentation & Measurements
Computer Aided Manufacturing
Elective I ( Table 1 )
Elective I ( Table 2 )
Project I
Project  Part I



Option: Thermal Engineering
Course No.
Course Name
Engineering Economics and Management
Instrumentation & Measurements
Power Plant Engineering
Elective I ( Table 3 )
Project Part I



10th Semester



Option: Applied Mechanics
Option: Production and Industrial Engineering
Course No.
Course Name
Course No.
Course Name
Elective II ( Table 1 )
Elective II ( Table 2 )
Project Part II
Project Part II



Option: Thermal Engineering
Course No.
Course Name
Elective II ( Table 3 )
Project Part II



ملخص المساقات




ME 251 Manufacturing Processes:


Machining: Classification of machine tools, cutting tools; Lathe machine and operations, Capstan and turret lathe; Drilling machines and drilling operations; Milling machines and milling operations, Shaper and planner and their operations.

Metal Forming: Mechanical working process, rolling, drawing, extrusion, upsetting, Hot and Cold working; Forging operations; Non conventional metal forming process- explosive forming, electromagnetic forming, etc.

Casting: Types of pattern, pattern design considerations - materials and allowances; Core and core boxes, core sands; Types of moulding sand, testing, preparation; casting defects. Industrial safety: General safety rules and hazards.


ME 261 Engineering Drawing:


Preview projection, drawing of machine elements: Fasteners ( screw, bolts, studs and nuts), welded joints keys, pin joints; Springs: representation of different types of springs; Pulleys: representation with different arms; Bearings and Brackets ( various types ).


ME 212 Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics):


Kinematics of particles. Kinetics of particles. Trajectories. Relative velocity and relative acceleration. Plane kinetics of rigid body. Work - energy equations. Impulse momentum equation of rigid bodies.


ME 222 Manufacturing Sciences:


Measurement technique for dimensions, linear and angular. Limits, fits and tolerances. Gauges, plain and screw. Surface finish, evaluation and measurement. Moulding techniques, die casting, continuous casting. Solidification of alloys. Gating and riser design. Welding processes; Weldability of carbon and alloy steels, cast iron, aluminum alloys.


ME 224 Materials Science:


Geometry of crystals and crystal structure: The space lattices and crystal structures, crystal directions and planes. Crystal structure determination: The Bragg's law of X-ray diffraction, the powder method. Crystal imperfections: Point imperfections, the geometry of dislocations, other properties of dislocations, surface and volume imperfections.

Phase diagrams: The phase rule, single component system, binary phase diagrams, micro structure changes during cooling, the lever rule, some typical phase diagrams, other application of phase diagrams. Corrosion of materials: The principles and types of corrosions, protection against corrosion. Oxidation: mechanism of oxidation and oxidation resistance materials. Material properties & Testing: Mechanical, electrical, and magnetic properties; Tensile test, compression test, hardness test, impact test, fatigue test. Deformation: Elastic and plastic behavior, plastic deformations by slip & twin,. Creep and fracture of solids: Mechanism of creep, creep resistant materials, ductile fracture, brittle fracture, fracture toughness, methods of protection against fracture.


ME 262 Machine Drawing:


Introduction; Gears: Types, nomenclature representation of various gears on drawings; Manufacturing considerations on drawings: Surface finish and surface texture, limits, tolerances and fits; practical examples: Presentation of complete design documentation, assembly drawings of machines, detailed drawing from assembly drawings; Presentation of pneumatic and hydraulic systems on drawings; Application of computer software in engineering drawing.


ME 311 Strength of Materials – I:


Stresses and strains due to axial loads. Variation of stresses with aspect of cross - section. Temperature stresses. Statically indeterminate problems. Bi-axial stresses. Mohr's stress circle. Torsion of circular  rods and tubes. Shearing force and bending moment. Bending and shear stresses in beams. Pre. FR 261


ME 331 Fluid Mechanics:


Introduction; Fluid statics: hydrostatic force on plane and curved surfaces, manometry and buoyancy; Fluid dynamics; viscous flow; Introduction to laminar and turbulent flow; Hydrodynamics lubrication; Flow through pipes; Introduction to fluid machinery: pumps and turbines.


EE 301  Principles of Electrical Engineering:


Fundamentals of RLC circuits: series and parallel connections, Ohm's and Kirchoff's laws, DC and AC supplies. Single and three phase systems, star and delta connections. Power in single and three phase balanced loads. Power factor. Transformers: types, transformer action, EMF equation, constructional details, transformers on load, losses and efficiency. DC Machines: types, principle of operation, generated and counter EMF equations, constructional details, power and torque developed, standard characteristics and applications. AC Machines: types, principle of action, EMF induced, constructional details, speed and speed controls of induction motors, voltage regulation in synchronous machines, losses efficiency and power factor.


ME 361 Computer Aided Drafting:


Basic concept of computer graphics, 2D drawing, Lines, Circles, Curves, Orthographic and isometric projections using CAD programs, drawing of simple machine elements and assemblies.


ME 312 Strength of Materials – II:

Analysis of plane stress. Principal stresses in beams. Stresses due to combined bending and torsion. Deflection of beams. Statically indeterminate beams. Theories of failure. Buckling of columns. Stresses in thin - walled pressure vessels. Pre. ME 311


ME 314 Automatic Control:


Principles of feed back control theory. Mathematical modeling of physical systems, controllers, transfer function, block diagrams and signal flow graphs; Time domain analysis of feed back control systems, transient response, steady state errors and error constants, stability analysis; Frequency domain analysis, Nyquist criterion, bode plots, polar plots, stability analysis, role locus techniques.


ME 332 Heat Transfer:


Fundamentals of heat transfer, steady state heat conduction; Fins; Free and forced heat convection; Thermal radiation: nature of thermal radiation and heat exchange between black and gray bodies.


ECE 312 Principles of Electronics & Microprocessors:


Electronic devices: Diodes, Transistors, Thyristors, Diacs and Triacs, Characteristics and performance. Analog electronic circuits: Amplifiers, signal conditioners, circuit analysis and performance. Digital electronic circuits: Introduction to number systems. Logic functions, logic gates, combination and sequential circuits, flip flops, shift registers, counters, memories. Interface electronics: Filters, A/D & D/A converters.

Microprocessors and programmable controllers: Introduction to microprocessors, 8085, Interfacing, supporting devices (8155,8255,..), case studies, microprocessor based systems.


ME 316 Mechanics of Machines:

Kinematics terminology. Kinematics of machine elements ( clutches, breaks, belt drives). Kinematics analysis of mechanism. Kinematics synthesis of mechanism. Dynamic analysis of simple mechanisms. Cam mechanism. Theory of lubrications. Pre. ME 212


ME 413 Advanced Strength of Materials:

Stresses in thick cylinders and thick spheres. Rotating discs. Loosening of fits. Torsion of non-circular sections. Bending of curved bars. Theory of plastic bending. Plates.


ME 415Theory of Machines:

Gears, gear trains, Dynamic of machines: Gyroscopes, flywheel, and governors. Balance and unbalance concept. Static and dynamic balancing. Balancing of rotating and reciprocating machines. Balancing machines. Pre. ME 313


ME 417 Mechanical Vibrations:


Vibration. Vibrations system. Linear vibration of single degree of freedom systems. Application of single - degree of freedom systems. Linear vibrations of multi - degree of freedom systems. Numerical solution for vibration problems. Vibration of continuous systems.


ME 421 Maintenance Engineering:


Introduction; Failure: Types, causes and diagnosis; Fault analysis planning and system availability; Reliability: Reliability and failure concept; Types of maintenance: Break down, preventive and predictive maintenance; Condition monitoring; Maintenance planning; Scheduling and maintenance documentation; Fits and tolerances; Maintenance of production equipment; Maintenance of I.C engines; Steam and gas turbines; Maintenance of handling equipment.


ME 423 Machine Tools:


Design analysis of machine tool elements: Guides, bed, column spindle etc.; Kinematics of machine tools; Hydraulic and electrical system of machine tools; Mechanism of machine tools; Unconventional machining equipment; Automatic and Numerical Control (NC) machine tools


ME 425 Metal Cutting:


Orthogonal and oblique cutting, chip formation; Tool geometry; Mechanics of metal cutting; Cutting forces and its measurements; Temperatures in metal cutting; Tool wear; Tool life; Tool materials; Cutting fluids; Surface quality; Introduction to chatter; economics of metal cutting operations.


ME 431 Applied Thermodynamics:


Expansion of steam; unsteady flow processes; Applications of second law of thermodynamics; Mixture of gases; gas cycle: Diesel, petrol etc.; Vapor cycles: rankine, Carnot etc.; Psychometric and its application to air conditioning.


ME 433 Heat & Mass Transfer:


Unsteady heat conduction, combined heat conduction and convection; Multi - dimensional heat transfer; Heat transfer with phase change: Boiling and condensation; Heat exchangers; Mass transfer; Conservation laws and constitutive equations for the transfer of mass.


ME 435 Fluid Dynamics:


Dimensional analysis and similitude viscous effects, Navier - stoke’s equation, boundary layer; separation of flow; Fully developed turbulent flow; Draft of bodies and forces on air foil; Ideal fluid flow; Compressible fluid flow.


ME 441 Industrial Engineering – I:


History of industrial engineering; Scope of industrial engineering; Functions of an industrial enterprise: Production systems; Product development and design; Selection of process and equipment; Resource allocation: Assignment method and transportation method; Location and distribution; processes, jobs and facilities layout: process plans, product analysis, assembly charts, operation process charts, analysis of human- machine relationships; Design of facility layout; Design of line layout for product focused systems using line balance concepts; Design of functional layout for processed focused systems using load summary and flow charts; Project management and resource scheduling using CPM / PERT.


ME 451 Course Project – I:


To train students in solving a theoretical and/or practical problem related to a certain course under the supervision of  faculty member in the department.


ME 461 Fundamentals of Machine Design:


Design criteria. Concept of stress concentration. Selection of engineering materials. Theories of failures and their applications. Design of Riveted, Welded, and Screwed Joints. Design of Keys and Shafts. Design of Power Screws. Design of Springs. Design of Flat, V Belts and Rope Drive.


ME 412 Dynamic of Machinery:


Concepts of dynamic problems. Model extraction. Dynamic parameters of machine  parts. Equivalent systems. Dynamics of rigid machines. Computer techniques for kinematics and dynamic analysis.  Dynamic force analysis. Project types problems.


ME 414 Fracture Mechanics:


Types of fracture. Griffith's crack theory. Local stress field at cracks. Stress intensity factor. Fracture criteria. Fracture toughness. Crack tip plastic zone estimation. Crack Opening Displacement (COD) and J integral and their relation with stress intensity factor.


ME 416 Automotive Mechanics:


Automotive engines. Engine systems. Automotive electrical equipment. Automotive transmission controls. Automotive power trains. Automotive chassis. Dynamic stability of motion.


ME 422 Metal Forming:


Plastic deformation: Physical meaning, Mechanism of plastic deformation; Cold forming of polycrystalline materials, work hardening, flow curves. Stress and strain analysis in plastic deformation: Characteristics; Stresses in Cartesian coordinates; Stresses in inclined plane; Principal stresses; Stress tensor, Octahedral stresses; Equilibrium conditions; Compatibility conditions; Determination of forming force and forming work. Plastic conditions: Physical meaning, Tresca yield criteria, Von misses yield criteria.


ME 424 Tool Design:


Jigs and fixtures; single point and multi- point cutting tools; Grinding tools; Design of sheet metal working dies; punches in metal working; Tool for automatic and numerical control (NC) machines.


ME 426 Metrology and Quality Control:


Measurement principles and standards; Error analysis; Direct measuring tools; Measurement technique for dimensions and shape; Optical projectors; Comparators; Electrical and electronic gauging; Interferometry  for linear and flatness measurement, angular measurement; Screw thread measurement; measurement of gears; Inspection tools and gauging for quality control, sampling plans, control charts, process capability analysis; Surface roughness technique, Automatic measurement. Non destructive testing. Introduction to computer aided quality control (CAQC).


ME 442 Industrial Engineering – II:


Statistical quality control: Introduction; Model and distributions  in statistical quality control; Sampling; Process capability analysis; Process control - the control charts for variables, the control charts for attributes; principle of acceptance sampling; Acceptance sampling by attributes, acceptance sampling by variables; Materials and inventory management: Purchasing; Inventory concepts, Inventory models assuming certainty, inventory models recognizing risks, inventory management, Material handling and control principles. Productivity analysis.


ME 432 Energy Conversion:


Fuels: Types and combustion, reaction kinematics; Air - fuel ratio, Heat of combustion; Gas and oil burners; Boilers and boiler design; Axial and radial flow steam turbines, multi-staging, steam condensers.


ME 434 Fluid Machinery:


Energy transfer to fluids, Heat, power losses efficiency; performance curves of pumps; Non - dimensional numbers and specific speeds; similarity relations; control of pumping systems; Cavitations; Types of fans: axial and radial, fan operations and control, Blowers and compressors.


ME 436 Internal Combustion Engine:


Internal combustion engines; The four stroke engine: The spark ignition petrol engine, simple carbonation; compression ignition engine: combustion process and fuel injection; Actual cycles; Knocking; performance testing of engines; non - conventional engines; Open - cycle and close - cycle plant gas turbines, performance analysis; air pollution due to internal combustion engine.


ME 438 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning:


Application of refrigeration, methods of refrigeration compression cycles; Absorption cycles and refrigerants; Refrigeration systems and components ( compressors, condensers, evaporators and expansion devices), Role of air conditioning in the human environment; Principle of air conditioning; features of wet air: indoor and outdoor design conditioning; load calculation.


ME 452 Course Project – II:


To train students in solving a theoretical and/or practical problem related to a certain course under the supervision of  faculty member in the department.


ME 462 Machine Design:


Fatigue design of variable stresses in machine parts. Flexible machine element design for couplings, brakes, and clutches. Design of  power transmission shafting including fatigue stresses. Design of spur, helical and bevel gears. Design of warm and warm wheels. Selection of bearings.





ME 523 Computer Aided Manufacturing:


Introduction to the application of computers in manufacturing; CNC machine tools; Group technology; Computer aided process planning; Material requirement planning; Computer aided line balancing; Computer aided manufacturing applications; the automatic factory; Introduction to computer integrated manufacturing.


ME 533 Power Plant Engineering:


Types of power plant; Energy sources, thermodynamic principle of power production; Steam power plants: System and main components, modified cycles, water distillation; Gas turbine power plants: System and main components. Renewable energy power plants; Economics of power production. Environmental effects of power production.


ME 551 Project Part – I:


Project works start in the 9th semester and may include theoretical investigation and/or system design of a field problem. Approximately a fourth of the total work involved is to be done. The work done will be examined and grade awarded at the end of the semester. The department always tries to float problems related to the industry.


ME 553 Instrumentation & Measurement:


Basic concept of instrumentation; Static and dynamic performance characteristics and calibrations; Data handling and error analysis; Transducers, Oscil., stroboscope. Interferometer and recorders; Measurement and recording of various physical quantities as motion, force -torque and power, pressure, temperature, flow, level; miscellaneous measurements.


ME 555 Seminar:


A student is required to carry out investigations in specialized topics and present it at the end of the semester.


ME 561 Computer Aided Design (CAD):


The digital computer as a design aid. Interactive CAD systems. Software and use of CAD systems. Software applications for various mechanical design problems.



ME 552 Project Part – II:


The project started in the 9th semester is to be completed. And at the end of the semester the students are required to submit a project report and present the work to a committee constituted by the department








ME 1 Experimental Modal Analysis:

Vibration analysis techniques. Theoretical basis. Mobility measurement techniques. Modal parameter extraction methods. Derivation of mathematical modals. Applications: Comparison of experiment and prediction, adjustment of models, structural modification.


ME 2 Rotor Dynamics:


Characteristics of rotor elements. Simple models - Basic phenomena. Equation of motion of rotors. Transient motions - Equations and solutions. Torsion: Equation and analysis of branched system in torsion.


ME 4 Composite Materials:


High - strength and high modulus composite materials require design. Manufacturing and testing methods. Current - state of composite materials technology Fibber and matrix materials. Manufacturing principles. Mechanics of anisotropy materials. Properties of advanced composite materials. Applications.


ME 5 Fracture Mechanics in Design:


Fracture mechanics approach to mechanical design. Fatigue crack propagation. Environmentally induced cracking under monatomic and fatigue loads. Service failure and failure mechanism.


ME 6 Tribology:


Contact surfaces, Friction theories. Wear. Tribological properties of solid materials. Hydrodynamic lubrication. Elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication. Hydrostatic lubrication. Lubricants.


ME 7 Engineering Design:


Design process. Creativity. Design factors. Probabilistic approach to design. Reliability. Design optimization techniques. The computer as a design aid.


ME 8 Pressure Vessel Design:


The structural principles of thin and thick walled cylinders and spheres are related to appropriate materials selection as well as fabrication techniques. Boiler and pressure vessel code. Welding and inspection procedures. Safety specifications.


ME 9 Experimental Stress Analysis:


Photo-elasticity. Mechanical, optical and acoustic strains gauges. Electrical resistance strain gauges: strain sensitivity, semiconductor strain gauges, strain gauge circuits, recorders and strain restores. Moire's technique: Geometrical and displacement field approach to Moir� analysis, out of plane displacement and slope measurement, fringe sharpening and multiplication.


ME 10 Acoustic and Noise Control:


Terminology and definitions. Vibration isolation of mechanical systems. One - dimensional acoustic wave. Acoustic transmission phenomena. Normal and oblique. Human response to noise. Noise control. Instrumentation Pre. ME 411, ME 551.




option "1": Production Engineering:


ME 1 Machine Tool Design:


Determination of machine tool parameters: Main and auxiliary motions, parameters of the main motions, machine tool drives, hydraulic and mechanical transmission., requirements of machine tool design, development of machine tool. Design of speed and feed drive systems: Regulation of speed and feed  rates- stepped and steeples regulation, design of gear boxes, multiple speed motors in machine tools, non-uniform structural diagrams of gear boxes and their design, number of gear teeth, design of gear box shafts, design of power screws. Machine tool structure: Requirements and function, design criteria and materials of structures, stiffness of structures, design of beds, columns, labels, carriages, saddles, housings, rams and bases. Spindle and spindle bearings: Function and requirements, spindle noses, design on the basis of strength and rigidity, antifriction and sliding bearings- types and their selection. N. C. machine tools: Principle of N.C. machine tools, programming and coding of information, N.C systems - finite positioning and contouring systems.


ME 2 Theory of Plasticity:


Introduction to Cartesian tensors. Analysis of stress and strain. Phenomenology of plasticity. Yield surfaces and generalized stress. Deformation and flow theories. Theory of plastic constitutive equations. Bending and torsion of bars and tubes. Axisymmetric and spherically symmetric problems. Slip line theory and its applications to problems of extrusion, drawing and indentation. Phenomenology of dynamic plasticity. Wave propagation in plastic materials. Application to problems of high rate forming and propagation.


ME 3 Welding Technology:


Introduction: Review of welding process and welding defects; Welding of Non - ferrous and ferrous materials. Metallurgy of welding process: Heat flow and temperature field; Solidification; Gases in welding - reactions and effects; weld metals and heat affected zones; Weld cracking, corrosion and decay; Metallurgy of brazing and soldering. Stress in weldment: Types of stresses and their concepts; Residual stresses in welds; thermal stresses and their effects; Control of welding stresses; Methods for measurement and residual stresses. Distortion of weldments: Concepts and types of distortion; Residual stresses; Minimization of distortion in repair work; Effect of materials properties on weldment distortion. Design of welded joint: Types of welded joints and their characteristics; Selection of welded joints; Welding positions; Strength of weldment under steady, fatigue and combined loads; Weld thickness. Weld inspection and testing: Stages of inspection testing; Inspection before, during and after welding process; Methods of destructive and non-destructive testing of welds.


ME 4 Casting Technology:


Introduction to casting methods; Fabrication of moulds and cores for sand casting; Bond formation, properties of various molding materials, principles of solidification and structure of castings, risering  and gating; Casting technique: centrifugal casting, Shell casting, permanent - mould casting, investment casting pressure die casting and other casting processes; Casting alloys-cast iron, steel, copper, aluminum; Fine casting; Technological features of casting design.


ME 5 Industrial Robotics:


Basic concepts, classification and structure of robotics system, analysis and design aspects, configuration kinematics forward and inverse kinematics, force and torque relation, trajectory planning, dynamics, position control, feed back systems, digital control, sensors, actuators, and effects, basic robotic programming, manufacturing and other applications.




ME 6 Production of Plastics and Ceramics:


Polymer crystals and polymerization; Thermoplastic and thermosetting materials; properties of plastics; Forming and machining of plastics; Thin sheet plastics; Welding and riveting of plastics; Production methods of plastics and ceramics; Properties and design features; Types of ceramics and glass; Thermo-ceramics; Aluminia, silica and carbon.


ME 7 Metallurgy:


Overview of engineering materials; Production of ferrous metals and alloys- steel and cast iron; Construction of charging and control of furnaces; Chemical structure of ferrous alloys; Extraction and preparation of aluminum and copper; Production of aluminum and copper and their alloys; construction and control of furnaces for non - ferrous materials; Production of tin, nickel, yellow copper, aluminum bronzes; Introduction to powder metallurgy.

ME 8 Machining Science:


Chip formation, mechanism and machining mechanics overviews; Physico- machined factors affecting machining; Theoretical determination of cutting forces and temperature; Tool wear theory; Chatter analysis; Surface integrity.


ME 9 Heat Treatments:


Overview of phase diagrams; Iron- Iron carbide equilibrium diagrams; Heat treatment technological processes and furnaces; Structure and property change of steel due to heat treatments; Technological processes of chemical heat treatments; Technology of heat treatments of typical machine parts- gears, crank shaft, springs, press tools; Safety regulation in the heat treatments.




ME 1 Production Planning and Control:


Introduction to production planning; Market analysis; Values analysis concepts, Factory design, preplanning production; most economic selection of production processes; Selection of machines; Use of transportation, assignment and linear programming techniques in production planning; Job-shop scheduling, sequencing


ME 2 Flexible Manufacturing System  :


Introduction to flexible manufacturing; Evaluation of FMS; Types of FMS, FMS concepts, Modern market requirements and modern manufacturing methods; Manufacturing strategy for flexibility; FMS layouts; FMS primary and secondary equipment development. Installation of FMS; Examples of FMS applications.


ME 3 Reliability Engineering:


Introduction; Reliability measures; Static reliability models; Interference theory and reliability computations; Reliability estimation using various distributions; Sequential life testing; Bayesian reliability approach to sequential testing; reliability optimization; reliability allocation.


ME 4 Strategic Planning:


The nature of high performance industries: Stakeholders, processes, resources and organization. Carporate strategic planning; corporate mission, resource allocation, Planning new products. Strategic planning: Opportunity threat analysis, strength and weakness analysis; Game theory, Goal formulation, strategy formulation, Budget allocation, implementation, feed back and control.



ME 5 Project Management:


Analysis of a project as a system and breaking up of the project in subsystems; Network scheduling, constrains in the network, PERT/ CPM methods of analysis of the project. Resource leveling, Time - cost trade off, simulation of a PERT network for the management of the project. CPM / PERT package for project management.


ME 6 Forecasting Systems:


Introduction. Regression methods of forecasting; Moving average methods of forecasting; Exponential smoothing methods; Forecasting the probability distribution of demands, Adaptive control models for forecasting, Time - series models - Box- Jenkins models; Forecasting over lead times; The tracking signals and analysis of forecast error.


ME 7 Total Quality Management:


Introduction to TQM. Concepts in value and quality assurance. Total quality control. Control circle. Statistical methods in quality control. Process control charts. Acceptance sampling plans. Juran on planning for quality; The Juran trio-logy; The quality planning road map, strategic quality planning, management of process quality, customer focus and satisfaction: Customer expectation, customer relationship management; kaizen strategy.


ME 8 Inventory Management:


Inventory theory: Structure of inventory problems, the structure of analysis, relevant costs and their measurement, Objective of carrying inventory; Static inventory problems under uncertainty; Dynamic models under certainty, Dynamic models under risk, The theory of practice: Evaluation study - the design of the inventory study, design of decision procedures, design of operating procedures.


ME 9 Operation Research – I:


Mathematical modeling - deterministic and probabilistic situation; linear programming formulation and solutions. Duality, sensitivity and parametric analysis; Integer programming, Transportation and assignment algorithms; Dynamic programming: Principle of optimality, Applications.


ME 10 Operation Research – II:


Non-linear programming; Stochastic process and Markov chains. Steady state and transition probabilities. N - step transition, Distribution of Markov chains, regular and absorbing Markov chains; Simulation: Theory of simulation. Generation of random numbers and generation of random deviates from various distribution. Simulation of stock - market, Inventory, waiting line and production systems; Queuing theory: Behavioural analysis of M/M/1, M/G/1, GT/G/1 queue systems, Applications: Game theory: Minima, Maxima criteria, zero - sum two person game, 2*2 and m*n matrix games, solution of game problems by linear programming.







ME 1 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning – I:


Physiological principles: Thermal exchange between human body and environment; Comfort chart and comfort conditions; Cooling load calculations; Loads due to source of heat and moisture in buildings; Loads for cold storage and air conditioning systems; Applied psychometry; Advanced vapour compression system; Flash chamber and flash inter-cooling, multiple expansion valve single load system with compound compression; low temperature refrigeration;: cooling methods; simple system for dry -ice method, Joule Thomson effect method, liquefaction of air and gases, magnetic cooling; water vapour refrigeration with steam ejector; Thermoelectric refrigeration; vapour absorption systems.


ME 2 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning – II:


Refrigeration equipment: Reciprocating, rotating and centrifugal compressors, capacity decision and their performance; Air and water cooled condensers; Refrigerant and water line and their designs; Air conditioning equipment and plants: Unitary and control air conditioning plant, direct expansion and chilled water plant, fans and blowers ducts and grills; Ducts layout; Ventilation and air cleaning; installation, testing, balancing and commissioning of refrigeration and air conditioning systems;



ME 3 Turbo-machines – I:


Performance of turbo-machines; Similarity laws; Energy transfer between rotor and fluid: Euler's turbine equation; Impulse and reaction utilization for radial and flow pumps and compressors; Application of thermodynamics laws to turbo-machines; Isentropic efficiencies; Fluid dynamics: One dimensional compressible effects in flow through nozzles; Blade passages and diffusers; Elements of airfoil theory.


ME 4 Turbo-machines – II:


Radial flow pumps and compressors: Types of impellers and principle of operation; Discharge characteristics; losses and efficiencies; choice of number of blades; Design of impeller blades and volutes ; Suction and discharge ducts; Axial flow pumps and compressors; guides vans; losses and efficiencies; Design of impeller blades, blade stagger; axial flow and radial flow turbines: Performance characteristics, Matching of compressor and turbine characteristics in a turbojet engine; Instrumentation.


ME 5 Internal Combustion Engines:


I.C. engines cycles and fuels used: Combustion in SI engines; Stages of combustion, effects of engine variables on ignition lag and flame propagation. Combustion chambers; Combustion in I.C. engines; Carbonation; Installation, Commissioning and maintenance of I.C engines; Gas turbine cycles; Components of stationary and propulsive applications; Propeller, turbo propeller, turbo jet, Ram jet and Rocket engines.


ME 6 Power Plant Engineering:


Design features of power plant, Matching the power plant with load requirements; Direct energy conversion: Solar, wind, tidal, thermoelectric, nuclear energies, geothermal energy, magneto-hydrodynamic; Loading analysis: Load prediction and load curves, effect of variable load on power plant operation; load sharing; Power plant economics; Instrumentation and control: Selection of instruments; Control systems for power plant; Equipment selection and maintenance of power plant.





ME 7 Food Preservation:


Refrigeration systems used in cold and frozen food storage: Pure and mixed refrigeration; Design of cold and frozen storage; Food and quality: Calculation of freezing time, quick freezing systems, cryogenic freezers; Dehydration of food: Removal of moisture from solid in constant rate and falling rate period; Tunnel drying; Freeze drying: Calculation of freeze drying time, storage of non-perishable agricultural products: Equipment for cold and frozen storage; Industrial processes: Caning of food stuff; Dairy food preservation.


ME 8 Renewable Energy:


Energy types and forms. Available energy, Solar energy. Direct energy conversion. MHD. Thermoelectric and thermo-ionic conversion, Solar cells, Fuel cells. Wind power. Biogas, Biomass energy. Performance test of renewable energy conversion systems.


ME 9 Fuel Technology and Combustion:


Energy sources, types of fuel: Classification and properties, petroleum refining, qualities of fuels. Thermodynamics of combustion, flame propagation and stability, factors affecting flame speed. Combustion applications.


ME 10 Automobile Engineering:


Automobile engines: Types, fuels, combustion systems, cooling, performance, testing. Automobile performance: Gas dynamic forces, construction details of automobile engines, clutches, transmission etc. Air pollution from automobiles.