آخر تحديث :الأحد-06 أكتوبر 2024-10:49ص
جامعة عدن

Prof. Dr. Abdul nasser A.S. AL-GIFRI


Name:  Prof. Dr. Abdul nasser  A.S. AL-GIFRI

 Place and Date of Birth : Abyan, 7 May l957

Nationality:  Yemeni

Present Designation: Professor. of Plant Taxonomy

Institute:  University of Aden, Dept. of Biology,  Khormaksar, PO Box 6014, Khormaksar, Aden, Yemen.


Qualification, Place & Date:


  B.Sc. (Biology & Chemistry)
 University of Aden, Yemen
  July 1981
Ph.D. (SystematicBotany & Plant Protection) with Goldmark.
University of Silesia, Poland 
International Diploma (Herbarium Technique)
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK
 July 1995



Awards & Fellowships:


Shield of Zayed Complex for Herbal Research & Traditional Medicine
Shield of Arabian Plant Specialist Group. APSG
Darwin Initiative research grant, UK 
Steering Committee Member of Arabian Plant Specialist Group (APSG), Saudi Arabia
since 1996
Member of Species Survival Committee (SSC) of IUCN, Geneva
since 1996
The 20 anniversary award of University of Aden, Yemen
Darwin Initiative research grant, UK 
Chairman Flora and Vegetation of Yemen Team, Yemen
since 1993
Gold mark of distinction, University of Silesia, Poland
Member Egyptian Botanical Association, Egypt
since 1992
Member Polish Botanical Association, Poland
since 1989


Professional Experience:

Professor, university of Alkharj, KSA
Professor, university of Aden, Yemen
Feb 06- Date
Research Coordinator & head of ethnobotany Dept. at ZCHRTM, Abu Dhabi, UAE
1998- 2005
Post Doctorate, Royal Botanical Garden, Edinbourgh, UK
1997- 1998
Lecturer University of Silesia, Poland
Instructor University of Aden, Yemen
Head of Dept. of Biology University of Aden, Yemen
Dean of Scientific Research and Postgraduate studies, Yemen
Dean of Collage of Education, University of Aden, Yemen
Associate Researcher University of Uppsala, Sweden
Associate Researcher University of Frie Berlin, Germany
Associate Researcher Royal Botanic Garden, UK
Associate Professor University of Aden, Yemen
Assistant Professor University of Aden, Yemen
Assistant Lecturer University of Aden, Yemen




Special Interests & Research:

    The Flora of Arabia

  The Arabian Ethnobotany

  The Medicinal Flora of Arabia


  38  research papers

  Named and Described 11 new plant species


 29 years, the undergraduate & graduate  Sept. 1981- date

Other Achievements:


Involved in supervision of postgraduate students, Sanna University
 Since 2006
External examiner for Post grodute students at Karachi University, Pakistan
Since 2003
Supervise graduate and postgraduate students, University of Aden
 since 1992
Involved in supervision of postgraduate students, Uppsala University, Sweden
 since 1992
Involved in supervision of postgraduate students, Bayerth University, Germany
since 1996


Scientific Co-operation:

  1.Germany ( H. Kurschner, & Nobert Kilan,  Frie University of Berlin, U. Deil  of University of Fribugh, B. Mies of Universty of Dusseldorf & K. Muller- Hohenstein of University of Bayreith)

  2.  Sweden  Mats Thulin, University of Uppsala

  3.  Saudi Arabia A. Al Farhan and Alhameed, F., University of King Saud

  4.  Egypt ( Dr. K. Batanouny, University of Cairo & M. Zahran of University of Mansoura) 

  5.  UK ( A.G. Miller of Royal Botanic Garden of Edinburgh, M. Slageren  & T. Cope of Royal Botanic Gardens of Kew)


Languages known:

Computer knowledge:

  Good enough.




Mats Thulin, Dept. of Systematic Botany, University of Uppsala,  Vilavagen 6,  S-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden.

Fax: 46 18 50 87 02. E-mail: Mats.Thulin@Systbot.uu.se


A.  G. Miller, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20 A Inverleith Row,  Edinburgh 

EH3 5LR, Scotland UK

Fax: 44 131 552 0382. E-mail: t.Miller@rbge.org.uk


  S. A. Gabali, Vice Rector of University of Aden,

Khormaksar, Aden, Yemen

Fax: 967 2 234426. E-Mail: ADENUNIVERSITY@YEMEN.NET.YE

Published Papers


1.  H.A. Mohsen, A. N.AL-Gifri and M.A. Hussein  Ethnobotanical study of wild plants at Al-Hawtah district, Lahj governorate, Yemen. J. of Natural & Applied Sciences Vol. 14, 2 : 265-279 ( 2010)


2.  A. A. Mohammed, A. N.AL-Gifri and M.A. Hussein  : Ethnobotanical study of wild plants at Al-Shamiteen district, Taiz governorate, Yemen. J. of Natural & Applied Sciences Vol. 14, 2 : 281-291 ( 2010)


3.  N. M. Fartoot, M. Y.AL-Subai, M.A. Hussein  and A. N.AL-Gifri: Additions to Aden Mountainous Flora . Ass.Univ.bull.Environ.Res. Vol. 13:2 : 15-24 ( 2010)


4.  M. Y.AL-Subai, A. N.AL-Gifri and A. Kashnon: Distribution of Acacia spp. along the road from Yarim to Aden, Republic of Yemen. J. of Natural & Applied Sciences Vol. 14, 1 : 1-7 ( 2010)


5.  M.A. Hussein, W.A. Saeed & A.N. Al-Gifri: Vegetative composition of wadi Mararah, Hawf, Almaharah, Yemen. J. of Natural & Applied Sciences Vol. 13, 2 : 309-321 ( 2009)


6.  H. M. Ibrahim, F. A. Alhadi, A. A. Khafagi & Al-Gifri,A.N.:  Notes on the Flora of Yemen. No. 1:Morphological and Anatomical Studies on Cuscuta planiflora Tenore. (Cuscutaceae) Collected from Jabal An-Nabi Shu’ayb, Sana�, Yemen, with the Reference of its Phytogeographical  Distribution. J. of Natural & Applied Sciences Vol. 13, 3 : 357-364 ( 2009)


7.  Al-Gifri, A. N.: The Yemeni origin of some Botanical Scientific names.  J. of Natural & Applied Sciences Vol. 10, 2 : 229-236 ( 2006a)


8.  Al-Gifri, A. N.: Contribution to the vegetation of Hadramout, Yemen. J. of Natural & Applied Sciences Vol. 10, 2 : 291-297( 2006b)


9.  Al-Gifri, A. N. et al.: The Encyclopaedia of the Medicinal plants of UAE. Zayed complex for herbal research & traditional medicine, Abu Dhabi, UAE 250p ( 2005) ( Book)


10.  Lavranous, J., McCoy, T. & A.N. Al-Gifri: Aloe irafensis A beautiful new distichous species from Yemen. Cactus & Succulent Journal (U.S.). Vol. 76, 3: 134-138 (2004)


11.  Al-Gifri, A. N. & & S.A. Gabali: Coastal Sabakhat in Yemen.- In  . Barth &  Boer.(ed.), Sabakhat  Ecosystems: 141-146 (2002) Kluwer Academic Publishers ( Book)


12.  Al-Gifri, A.N. et al: Anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties of  Caralluma arabica. J. Ethnopharm. 76:155-158 (2001a)


13.  Thulin, M. & AI-Gifri, A. N.:Two new species of Acacia (Leguminosae - Mimosoideae) from Yemen, Nordic J. Bot. 20:691-696 ( 2001b)


14.  Thulin, M., A. N. Al-Gifri, S. A. Gabali & M. A. Hussein: Addation to Yemen Flora. In I.Friis & O. Ryding (ed.), Biodiversity Research in the Horn of Africa Region. 54: 137-153 (2001c) . Proc .Eritria & Ethiopia Conf. Copenhagen. The Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters.


15.  Al-Gifri, A.N & S.A. Gabali: The present status of floristic knowledge in the Republic of Yemen. Proc.APSG Workshop, 78-85 (1999a)


16.  Favell, P., Miller, B. & Al-Gifri, A.N : Notes on two Aloes from Yemen, including the description of new species, Aloe ahmarensis. Cactus & Succulent Journal (U.S.). Vol. 71, 5: 257-261 (1999b).


17.  Schultz, M., Mies, B.  & Al-Gifri, A.N.: New localities of some Paulia species (Lichinaceae, lichenized Ascomycotina) from Socotra (Indian Ocean). – Bryologist 102: 61-66.( 1999c)


18.  Lavranous, J. J. & A. N. Al-Gifri: A new, spiny Euphorbia and an amplified description of a perennial woody species, both from the Hadramout, Yemen. Cactus & Succulent Journal (U.S.). Vol. 71, 3: 135-142 (1999d). 


19.  Deil, U. & A. N. Al-Gifri : Montane and Wadi Vegetaion.- In  .  Ghazanfar, S.A & Fisher, M.(ed.), Vegetation of Arabian Peninsula 6: 125-174 (1998a) Kluwer Academic Publishers ( Book)


20.  K�rschner, H., Al-Gifri, A.N., Al-Subai, M.Y. & Rowaishad, A.K: Vegetational patterns within coastal salines in southern Yemen. – Feddes Rep. 109: 147-159. (. 1998b)


21.  Al-Gifri, A. N. & W. A. Qani: The vegetation of Shabwa (Yemen) and its role in the water equilibrium in the area. Proc. first waters Symposium in Shabwa. Faculty of Oil and Mineral. December 11-13, 1997 (in Arabic)


22.  AI-Gifri, A. N. & H. Kurschner: First records of bryophytes from Hadramout and Abyan, Yemen.  Nova Hedwigia  62:137-148 (1996a)


23.  Thulin, M. & A. N. AI-Gifri: The Frankincense Trees ( Boswellia spp.) on Socotra.  First International Scientific Symposium on Socotra Island, Aden 24-28 March (1996b)


24.  AI-Gifri, A. N., H. Kurschner & B. Mies: New records, additions and New species, Sematophyllum socotrense Buck (Sematophyllaceae , Musci) to  the bryophyte flora of Socotra (Yemen), studies in Arabian bryophytes 19. Nova Hedwigia 61:467- 480 (1995a)


25.  Thulin, M. & AI-Gifri, A. N.: Euphorbia applanata sp. nov.

  (Euphorbiaceae ) from Yemen, with a note on E. quaitensis, Nordic J. Bot

  15:193-195 (1995b)


26.  AI-Gifri, A. N. & AI-Subai, M. Y.: Vegetation between Abyan - Modia (Yemen), Feddes  Report. 105 (3-4) 226-234 (1994a)


27.  Thulin, M. & AI-Gifri, A. N.: Cucumus canoxyi (Cucurbitaceae), a New species from  Southern Yemen, Nordic J. Bot. 14:315-317 (1994b)


28.  AI-Gifri, A. N. & Hussien, M. A.: Plant communities along the road from Aden to Shiekh Salem, Abyan (Yemen). Feddes Report. 104(3-4): 267-270 (1993a)


29.  Dubai, A. S., Al-Gifri, A. N. & El- Monyeri, M: Studies in the Flora of Yemen 3: on the flora of Wadi Dahr. Candollea 48 101-109 (1993b)


30.  Al-Gifri, A. N: Studies in the Flora of Yemen 1: New record of Legumes for Flora of Aden. Candollea 47 215-217 (1992a)


31.  Al-Gifri, A. N: Studies in the Flora of Yemen 2: New record for Flora of Aden. Candollea 47: 613-619 (1992b)


32.  AI-Gifri, A.N., Abdul Gani, A-H. & Salem, M. F.: Weeds of Delta Abyan (Yemen).  A perlimenary study: Symposium of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Aden, 25-27  (1 992c)


33.  Gabali,S.  A, & A. N. AI-Gifri: A survey of the vegetation of Hadramout, Yemen.  Frag. Flor. Geobotanica, 36:127-134 (1991a)


34.  AI-Gifri, A. N.: Salt tolerant plants in Aden (Yemen). Frag. Flor. Geobotanica. 36:289-292  (1 991 b)


35.  AI-Gifri, A. N.: Common weeds in Aden (Yemen).  Acta Bio.  Silesiana,19 (36):26-33 (1991c)


36.  El-Monayeri, M., A. A. Alhubaishi, A. S. Dubaie & A. N. AI-Gifri: Habitata and vegetation of Wadi Dahr Ill - The wadi bed ecosystems.  Bul.  Fac.  Sci.  Assiut Uni. 20:25-42  (1991d)


37.  AI-Gifri, A, N. & S. A.Gabali: Notes on the distribution of shrubs and trees in Aden  (Republic of Yemen).  Fragm.  Flor.  Geobot. 35:89-95 (l99l e)


38.  Gabali, S. A. & AI-Gifri, A. N.: Flora of South Yemen - Angiosperm.  A provisional checklist.  Feddes Repertor. 101:373-383 (1 990)